Bible Logic: Masculine & Feminine
Moral reasoning of all kinds is based on implicit or explicit metaphors of masculine and feminine, often the family. The Bible is the most coherent version of that.
God is a father because God is leading, a masculine quality.
God is not male or patriarchy, but everything.
The followers of as the church or community of believers are called the Bride, as the feminine is receiving and following.
Jesus is the Bridegroom, the masculine, under the masculine hierarchy lead by God.
All people are feminine as the followers and receivers from Jesus and God as the Bride of Christ.
Masculine and feminine are about context and relationship.
The Word is masculine reason.
The Holy Spirit is the feminine helper, closer, and more feeling oriented.
The masculine represents moral principle outside oneself that requires self-discipline to know through study and prayer practices.
The feminine can be thought of as receiving, listening, and feeling the Holy Spirit.
Masculine and feminine depend on each other within oneself and in interaction between people, like a two-way conversation.
Christians have a problem with new age but they don’t understand the underlying metaphors of masculine and feminine that drive its moral reasoning.
Similarly, many think the root of the problem on the left is “cultural Marxism” but the root of the problem is really the extreme, dark feminine.
The feminine includes feeling to ascertain what is true and internalize it.
This can be tricky as too much feeling alone shifts to self centeredness and whimsicalness.
This leads to moral relativism and self affirmation. This is typical in new age and left culture.
For example, women getting in touch with the “goddess within every woman.”
Or everyone being a sovereign God unto themselves, the self is God.
These are problems of feminization.
On the other hand, too much masculine alone is being in your head dogmatically with just ideas like being a robot without exuding empathy and love for others. It can turn into just being right and not helping individuals.
Masculine leading can become a problem in conversation between relative equals when the person with the word of God speaks like they are the Lord, with the vertical authority of God. Individuals have more of a horizontal relationship that requires other social rules that involve sensitivity, presence, and embodiment or walking the talk.
Leading like the Lord can indicate a hyper masculine problem of being dogmatic, overbearing, and pushy. We all know the type. This can lead back to individual bias of wanting to be right regardless of how someone is responding.
“It’s a relationship, not a religion,” as they say in deliverance ministry.
They even cast out a demon of religion that distorts the practice of Christianity.
Thus, we can understand confusion and pathology as an imbalance of masculine or feminine going to the extreme, sometimes both extremes at the same time. I call these hyper masculine and hyper feminine.
More Notes
Masculine and Feminine in Balance and Extremes
The feminine is considered more relational, while the masculine is more autonomy.
You need both as the right distance for individual respect and contribution but close enough to understand and share. The right distance creates exchange.
Balanced masculine and feminine is a knowledge hierarchy vertically and horizontally driven by sharing and communication of knowledge. Everyone may be equal in respect, but not with truth or authority.
Too much masculine is separation of individuals that has to be organized too formally through a command hierarchy.
Christianity generally used the language of the strict father of obedience to God. This is very hard for people coming from a left, feminized and feminist background emphasizing equality and individual freedom.
Too much feminine can take the form of the overbearing mother that merges identities, and thus ends up with a similar result as the strict father hierarchy.
Too much feminine is individuals lost in feeling and not responding to others but being the biggest victim, etc., and other narcissistic forms of manipulation.
The Dark Feminine as Frontline of Evil
These opposite sides of the hyper feminine unite under a politics of the overbearing mother that protects the hurt children in their rebellion against the father as patriarchy. The cause of suffering is the father that interrupts the perfect bond with the mother that provides nothing but love under which no onehas to grow up and take responsibility for themselves since they are already perfect snowflakes with pristine sensitivities.
The problem is always men or whatever way intersectionalist victimology slices it. This is the basis of identity politics that claims moral authority through victimization and has no moral content. It is pure power struggle. That is why the feminine cannot lead in moral reasoning and God is a father. The masculine is something outside oneself, reality, and reason to ascertain something beyond one’s feelings.
This problem with the left combines both hyper feminine and hyper masculine:
Hyper masculine is being in the head rationalizing everything as patriarchy, rather than being embodied in a healthy feminine way to feel what the pain really is and take responsibility for oneself with masculine reasoning.
The hyper feminine of the over-bearing mother requires agreement. It is he feminine quality of agreeableness taken to the extreme of you must agree and cannot disagree or you will be attacked and excluded, losing masculine autonomy for all individuals. This is political correctness.
This overbearing mother has take movement for equality for women to matriarchy of female superiority, as it is often made explicit or even more implicitly in the constant microaggressions of condescension, ball busting and manipulation to defeat men.
This I believe is Satan’s major strategy to divide and conquer people as right vs left, man vs woman. The agents are the demons Lilth and Jezebel. Lilth in the Bible sought to be “equal,” which really means on top. Jezebel is the evil queen that mislead the King Ahab to worship Baal a Satanic entity. She was a murderer. Jezebel is associated with lust but also castrating of men and masculine purpose of the Church. Feminists openly play with images of Lilth and Jezebel as heroes. All things are right that oppose that patriarchy, with no other moral scrutiny needed.
These dark feminine spirits are always twisting the truth and opposing. This is sometimes called the spirit of rebellion. It is constant arguing by women that often happens when men are not strong and leading. When men are weak women will try to take control, and this is very destructive. Many people in relationships have learned this but have never seen he demonic aspect of this. The demon of Jezebel is the most common demon to cast out. Some people solve this problem of masculine and feminine in their relationships without casting out Jezebel, as demons need a weakness to exploit so if you remove the weakness the demons go. But hard cases may need this kind of exorcism, the Catholic word for casting out demons.