Blood Pressure Explained
Blood Pressure high or low results from nutrient deficiencies and dirty blood from toxic kidneys.
High blood pressure is the heart beating harder to compensate for low electrical charge in the vessels and capillaries that is the other half of what drive blood flow that people don't know about. This is under the new theory of cardiology and how exclusion zone water polarizes to hold electrical charge. I have explained this in other pages here.
High blood pressure means low electrical charge. Low BP is even lower charge with heart not even having the energy to compensation.
Nutrients are needed to build this charge or accumulation of electrons.
Toxins disrupt chemistry and directly steal electrons to thus lower charge.
The kidneys clean the blood but when clogged with toxins themselves capacity drops, thus dirty blood.
The number one toxin in the kidneys is probably aluminum, on average.
Nutrients that increase electron levels to lower BP:
nitric oxide
cholesterol (this is an advanced discussion, if you don't know that cholesterol is good, figure it out)
red and infrared light
Just some examples. This is not a shopping list of supplements to buy.
I'm not giving any recommendations because that's too complicated and everyone is allergic to one form or another and in need of an individualized solution.
Blood tests measure the strength of kidneys by their ability to excrete protein metabolism products urea nitrogen and creatine.
Too much protein in the diet for current capacity can aggravate kidney stress but is not the cause.
"Meat" is not the cause only too much protein at that time and fat is not the problem.
It's possible to neutralize the urea nitro with nutrients, which can help get out the irritating toxins that create joint pain, gout, burning skin, itching etc. I have seen this help get of diuretics and they don't know why. I can't get into details what to do here.
This will speed up the longer process of detox.
Conventional doctors have no clue about toxicity and never test for it with a blood test.
Toxic is why antioxidants "are good for heart health" because they neutralized toxins by donating an electron to stop these free radicals from stealing electrons. Free radical is the broader term its not just related to the root term of oxygen.
E, C, carotenoids, glutathione, melatonin, selenium, etc.
This is why it is also most effective to take a whole nutritional approach using whole foods that have all the cofactor nutrients working together in undenatured forms.
Detoxifying aluminum with whole food nutrients is also better.
Problems with 'take this for that" without seeing the whole picture:
Horsetail for silica depletes thiamine, B1, which can create many problems like cardiac arrhythmia.
Binders might not be enough and don't usually get inside the cell.
Isolated silica: minerals waters and other forms.
Some say the most utilizable form in Fiji and other waters, but his definition of utilizable only looks at silica in isolation and how it works with other cofactors to be used. This is pushed by a chemist who sees chemicals in isolation and things you can even make your own silica water as if is equal to the natural waters that may have subtle properties he can't see.
I have experimented with massive amounts of isolates to see what happens:
Nose bleeds: vitamin C depleted.
Mild cramps: magnesium deficiency
You may avoid those observable implications by going lower and slower but you are still draining those nutrients by not leveling them up together.
It is more powerful to use more whole food forms that don't deplete specific nutrients but you can still go too far with detoxification of you take to much for too long, that goes without saying for any method.
The whole nutrition approach also takes care of the other loose ends in this theory of high BP and heart disease:
Obstructive Plaques:
Calcium: result of magnesium and other cofactors deficiencies leading to deposition of unutilized calcium in arteries and joints instead of in bones ad teeth. Magnesium is one of the electron building nutrients.
Cholesterol that is oxidized is unutilized by sulfur and not protected by antioxidants.
Fibrin helps clot blood when necessary and has to be recycled with a fibrin digesting enzyme, plasmin. With low plasmin fibrin can contribute to excessive clots. Fibrin and plasmin are produced by the liver. Liver problems are also created by toxicity. The approach to detoxifying the kidney here works on the whole body.
These deposits can contribute to ischemic strokes by clotting.
There are remedies for all of these problems that can be worked into a plan to clean the arteries and thin the blood.
Hemorrhagic Stroke: Bleeding
The strength of the vessel walls protects against this.
The outer layer of the vessels wall protection is called the glycocalyx, It is build from cholesterol sulfate, which is the main thing holding electrical charge in the blood, which is where this whole story began.
Other layers of vessels include collagen.
It's important to strengthen the glycocalyx so that you can safely wean off BP lowering meds designed to reduce the risk of stroke but at the cost of suboptimum circulation.
Blood Thinning
Blood thinning goes far beyond remove plaques and excess fibrin making blood cell sticky and clumpy.
Keeping cells from clumping is also a matter of electrical charge: an electrical charge repels them from each other. This is called the zeta potential.
So it call comes back to electrical charge/electron levels also in the liquid of the blood to keep it moving.
There are many details to this but here is one crucial detail:
For blood cells to squeeze through the arterial capillaries to the venous side requires kind of electro magnetic pull because because they are so narrow. You can think of the blood cells not fitting through as a kind of constipation. That can be an aspect of brain fog with lack of oxygen to the brain from red blood cells.
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"I have dirty blood constipation." lol