How Kidney and Blood Pressure Meds Make Us Worse
Medications that lower potassium make the root cause worse even if the symptom targeted gets better.
For kidney disease, Lasix or furosomide diuertics for edema lower potassium and taking extra potassium does not fully compensate.
A good pharmacist can find a potassium sparing medication.
There is also the possibility of excess potassium so they will want to do a blood test to see where you are.
Lower potassium will make it harder to heal anything and makes blood preassure worse. Kidney problems can be the cause of heart problems.
Blood pressure meds can do the same thing as explained in the book The Blood Preassure Hoax by Sherry Rogers.
As BP goes higher they put you stronger BP meds for a viscious circle.
Blood pressure meds don't work according to latest medical journal articles.
First, high blood pressure is needed to maintain circulation through obstructions like the clogged kidney filter.
One obstruction or source of resistance is edema or water from kidney disease around the heart, lungs, stomach, diagnosed as congestive heart failure.
The rationale of lowering blood pressure is to lower the risk of two kinds of stroke.
Hemoragic stroke is busting the vessel walls, which can be fatal in the brain. Vessel wall strength depends on cholesterol sulfate. So cholesteral lowering drugs like statins will not help. The problem is usually suflur deficiencies for utilizing cholesterol.
Cholesterol without sulfur can be unutilzed and may contribute to deposits along with unutilized calcium and unrecycled fibrin that lead to the second kind of stroke ischemic or blood clots.
The heart will not hurt even at super high BP if fed properly and I cannot tell anyone how in comments. It's total nutrition.
These can be prevented with nutrient balancing and other natural things to thin blood that even doctors acknowledge work because they should not be taken at the same time as blood thinning medications.
I think managing managing stroke risk is much easier than healing CKD.
One doctor acknowledge to me that some people can live with high BP long term.
High BP can be a necessary compensation for obstructions from the kidney, the cause of the high BP. Doctors say it works both ways but they can't give a good reason. That makes sense in the case of low BP, but that's not what we were talking about .
The more difficult problem I observe is healing the delicate kidneys. That's why diuretics can be necessary for a time, even if they all have side effects, some less than others.
But the root cause of kidney problems is usually toxic overload plus deficiencies of nutrients need to detox.
I believe it is possible to heal the kidneys naturally with total nutrition, which is very complex and varies by individual so I can't guess someone a plan in comments. It's not my job to solve anyone's problems magically in comments.
Some people think that because they don't know how to do this that no one else could.
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