Testosterone is a Hormone of Appropriateness
and the masculine aspect of personality
Defending boundaries against inappropriateness and disrespect.
Being focused on tasks in life to get stuff done, having the drive.
Calm assertiveness without overacting but being firm and not backing down.
That is the definition of dominant given by Cesar the dog trainer.
It’s like that dealing with children and the baby adults in today’s world.
Having courage and resilience to take risks because you are strong and not so easily threatened
High testosterone in men creates joy through feeling good in one’s body.
This prevents sliding into negativity and avoidance through addiction.
Even though testosterone raises sex drive in both sexes it can work against sexual addiction by:
- Staying focused on purpose rather addictions.
- Staying happy not medicating through sex.
- Having the courage to succeeding with real women rather than Only Fans, etc.
- Creates masculinity that can be felt by women and creates natural attraction with feminine women.
How to Raise T
First let’s get a lame question out of the way.
What do I take for T?
This is not take a supplement or hormone replacement time.
That is the old medical paradigm of “take this for that.”
A new catch word of that is “a biohack” the language of the technical quick fix.
Real biohackers are more systemic.
The right question is what are the weak links in my system holding back testosterone and everything else as a whole?
Your most important nutrient is the one you are most deficient in because they all work together.
Any nutrient could raise T indirectly at least.
The most direct nutrient for testosterone is cholesterol.
The lower hormones of reproduction and adrenals are made from cholesterol, sterols, steroidal.
Testosterone is made in both sets of glands in both sexes of mammals.
Eating testes meat is another direct option but it does not do anything if the whole system equilibrium is ready to move it up.
I found bigger boosts from antioxidants even from plant sources.
The relationship could be direct or indirect in the way that antioxidants neutralize toxins.
Direct: neutralizing estrogenic chemicals that offset testosterone.
Indirect: neutralizing any toxins that lowers the rate of making testosterone through any number of disruptions.
We are constantly exposed and the number one by far is aluminum from air chemtrail air pollution: measured in air, water and human bodies. Dr Klinghardt is a source on human samples.
Similarly, cholesterol works in so many ways we don’t know which weakest links it may be addressing but this shot gun approach is a good bet.
Cholesterol makes, bile, brain cells, cell membranes and strengthen vessel walls called the glycocolax made of cholesterol sulfate that creates the electrical charge the pulls the blood through capillaries more than the heart pumps it. Find my writing on it: High Blood Pressure is Low Electrical Charge. Low blood pressure is even lower charge.
Again, get way from “for” and just focus on all nutrient deficiencies for everything.
An interesting example of how T works
An unsprayed female dog may become dominant over a male dog that is neutered.
Females make a little T in ovaries and adrenals in equal amounts.
Males make a lot of T in testes and a little in adrenals.
So if they make the same amount in adrenals then she has twice as much as the neutered male.