The Most Common Disease?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of 2022, approximately 48.1% of American adults (119.9 million) have high blood pressure.
High blood pressure may be the most common disease (and low blood pressure has the same causes) as blood pressure summarizes total body energy in electrons, which is what what nutrients contribute toward for energy in circulation and mitochondria.
Therefor, many health problems contribute toward blood pressure problems.
This is a systemic issue, not a separate symptom.
The causes are
1. nutritional deficiencies always
2 dirty blood from toxic kidneys sometimes
According to the CDC, approximately 35.5 million Americans, which is more than 1 in 7 adults, are estimated to have chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Around 14% of US adults have CKD.
Many people with CKD are unaware they have it, with estimates suggesting up to 90% may not know.
Doctors say that heat disease creates kidney disease and visa versa.
But they don't really know what causes either.
Their logic on how high BP creates kidney disease does not make sense and I'm not going to break it down.
They don't know the new theory of cardiology that synethesizes physics and chemistry.
They have no clue that toxity damages the kidney, especially metals like aluminum and mercury, and they never test for it.
Medications control symptoms only.
Many make things worse, like BP lowering meds.
Diuetics can be necessary for a time.
Statins are a total scam, cholesterol is a friend.
The alternative health world puts little attention on kidneys.
Kidney discussion groups never discuss metals detox.
They focus more on protein as an aggravating factor, not necessarily the root cause.
Read my web pages for more information. I have a whole section on Heart and Kidneys.
Comments turned off because I don't have time to work for people explaining things and giving free advice by guessing.
People just ask questions because they are too lazy to read and that I may have already answered in the post.
If I explain the boundaries and leave comments open they don't respect the bouandaries and ask anyway. If they're not reading anyway than nothing I say can matter. So why waste time trying to correct them when they just get offended, attack personally, and the blocking war starts.
High blood pressure may be the most common disease (and low blood pressure has the same causes) as blood pressure summarizes total body energy in electrons, which is what what nutrients contribute toward for energy in circulation and mitochondria.
Therefor, many health problems contribute toward blood pressure problems.
This is a systemic issue, not a separate symptom.
The causes are
1. nutritional deficiencies always
2 dirty blood from toxic kidneys sometimes
According to the CDC, approximately 35.5 million Americans, which is more than 1 in 7 adults, are estimated to have chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Around 14% of US adults have CKD.
Many people with CKD are unaware they have it, with estimates suggesting up to 90% may not know.
Doctors say that heat disease creates kidney disease and visa versa.
But they don't really know what causes either.
Their logic on how high BP creates kidney disease does not make sense and I'm not going to break it down.
They don't know the new theory of cardiology that synethesizes physics and chemistry.
They have no clue that toxity damages the kidney, especially metals like aluminum and mercury, and they never test for it.
Medications control symptoms only.
Many make things worse, like BP lowering meds.
Diuetics can be necessary for a time.
Statins are a total scam, cholesterol is a friend.
The alternative health world puts little attention on kidneys.
Kidney discussion groups never discuss metals detox.
They focus more on protein as an aggravating factor, not necessarily the root cause.
Read my web pages for more information. I have a whole section on Heart and Kidneys.
Comments turned off because I don't have time to work for people explaining things and giving free advice by guessing.
People just ask questions because they are too lazy to read and that I may have already answered in the post.
If I explain the boundaries and leave comments open they don't respect the bouandaries and ask anyway. If they're not reading anyway than nothing I say can matter. So why waste time trying to correct them when they just get offended, attack personally, and the blocking war starts.