Your Individualized Probiotic Solution: 5 Steps
There are enough dramatic healings through probiotics to show its importance, and even more failures or limited successes to indicate it’s more complex and highly individual.
This is my 5 part strategy to design a complete, customized probiotics and gut solution for individuals with any type of chronic health problem or desire for rejuvenation and higher performance.
Interpreting symptoms and using muscle testing with me as the surrogate tester long distance:
First, Identify each species of probiotics needed, like around 12.
Second, Identify the exact strain that works best for that general species: by testing products.
Third, Quantify how much is needed. At least few will need to be megadosed, which could mean 1/3 of a bottle of pills a day. These will have to be grown through fermentation in a food source you can tolerate using a pill of your strain as the starter. Then just 2 oz of the food can have the daily megadose affordably.
Fourth, Fermented foods are not enough but use whenever possible.
Fifth, Prebiotics foods and supps to feed probiotics.
Probiotics are crucial for:
- Energy
- Weight loss: best thing by far
- Weight gain if underweight to help digestion
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Food allergies and intolerances fixed through increased digestion
- Fodmap: lack of bacteria to process fiber.
- Oxylates: certain bacteria eat oxylates, this is the problem
- Histamines is fundamentally a bacteria imbalance problem.
- Parasites: I believe probiotics can fight even worms, and at least strengthen immunity to do so.
- Dysbiosis is imbalanced terrain of bacteria, yeast and nutritional deficiencies that lead to mutations.
- Autoimmune and all kinds of sensitivities
Eat to energize, detoxify & immunize.
Move to circulate, align, & relax.
Primal Rejuvenation Health Coaching
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Primal Rejuvenation
enough to make a difference
enough to implement
to individual needs
Eat to energize, detoxify & immunize.
Move to circulate, align, & relax.
Primal Rejuvenation Health Coaching
Find out what you get in a
Free Assessment
See how I support you fully in
Health Coaching Steps
I work over video: Facebook, Zoom, Google, from Michigan, USA
[email protected]
Follow me on FACEBOOK:
choose “See First” to get all notifications. blog posts
Primal Rejuvenation
enough to make a difference
enough to implement
to individual needs