Liver-GB Detox: Egg Based versus Vegan Flushes
Bile Flow for Detox, Infections, Digestion
'Bile flow deficiency should be treated as a nutrition deficiency of its component parts like cholesterol and lecithin.
Gallstones containing minerals like calcium should be treated as deficiencies of cofactor minerals like magnesium, vitamin A and fat to absorb A.
Popular liver gallbladder flushes by Andreas Moritz and Hulda Clark do not focus on these root causes in nutrient deficiencies, but emphasize removing one kind of symptom, gallstones. Despite these limitations, there are enough success stories with their protocols to highlight the importance of liver and bile health.
4 Functions of Bile Flow
Our liver produces a quart or more bile daily for many functions.
Bile binds toxins in the liver to excrete in the bowels, which also stimulates peristalsis that creates bowel movements.
Constipation indicates weak bile flow.
Reverse flow is when toxins in the liver flow back into the blood, which can create many symptoms like brain fog, headaches, rashes, increased urination, and mucous of the sinuses, lungs,and throat.
Bile helps digest fat by emulsifying fat into smaller globules for digestion by lipase enzymes from the pancreas. Fats need to be digested to absorb fat soluble vitamins like A and minerals, so this can have an extensive chain reaction.
Alkalinize the gut to neutralize stomach acid for proper digestion.
Cleanse gut of pathogens. This may explain SIBO, which is in the location where bile enters the small intestine. This seems to be an underestimated source of fighting chronic infection, Plus boosting detox is needed to tolerate die-off or Herxing.
Thus, bile is involved in 3 major types of root causes: nutrition, detoxification, and infection.
Bile Nutrients from Eggs
Eggs are the best source of best bile flow nutrients because they contain cholesterol, phospholipids, as well as the amino acids glycine and taurine.
Cholesterol is the source of bile's two largest components: Cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid, that occur roughly equally in concentration in humans.
The third is lecithin with its phosopholipids especially phosphatidyl choline. Lecithan is named after the Greek word for egg yolk, its richest source. Lecithan extracted from soy or sunflower is more denatured than raw eggs and does not have cholesterol.
Glycine and taurine are joined to cholic acids. Some people are taking this in supplement form: TUDCA, which is Taurine attached to deoxycholic acid. This is only one component of bile in denatured form, and even then it has noticeable results.
Eggs are not just for bile. Eggs are one of our most complete nutrients as they are designed to grow a baby bird. In relation to detoxification, eggs contain glutathione precursors, the amino acids glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine that combine to form glutathione, our bodies’ most important antioxidant. Glutathione conjugates toxins to be removed in the bile.
Eggs also contain vitamins A, D, B vitamins and minerals like sulfur that is key for detoxification and energy.
Eggs have fat needed to assimilate fat soluble nutrients.
Raw eggs are one of the most easy to digest foods that is live, undenatured food.
Some people don’t tolerate egg whites while they are still imbalanced so egg yolks can be use as they have all the fat.
Both whites and yolks boost glutathione formation.
Gallstone Dissolving Nutrients
One of the components of gallstones is calcium or calcium phosphate. The reason it shows up there is that it is not bounded to other minerals so that it can be used by other cells. The number one nutrient missing is magnesium, as the most common nutritional deficiency. Some people relive gallbladder pain or stones with just magnesium. Other nutrients are needed, too, to utilize calcium: A, D, boron, fat, etc.
Calcium that can’t be utilized due to deficiencies is an extremely common problem that leaves calcium deposits throughout the body: in arteries, between vertebrae as stenosis, and as kidney stones
Popular Liver Flushes
The flushes of Moritiz and Clark use primarily:
Moritiz admits a low fat diet can contribute to the problem, but he still seems to assume that the body can make enough cholesterol on its own in the liver and intestines. But it isn’t. He seems not want to recommend eating cholesterol foods in his vegetarian framework, although cholesterol can be consumed from eggs and diary, which is still vegetarian by some definitions.
Instead, he focuses on gallstones as the cause. The mechanism is obstruction of bile. He does not fully address reduction of bile flow.
Aggressive flushes are not always tolerated well by people who are weak who get weaker with fasting and the sudden all at once aggressive flushes.
Olive oil and fruit are helpful in detoxifiying the liver in general, but this lacks protective nutrients like the fats in eggs that can nourish cell membranes.
Epsom salts do have crucial nutrients of magnesium and sulfur that are usually deficient, but this form is not enough to correct chronic deficiency especially if used for sporadic flushes.
This approach has been widely criticized for not always producing gallstones but soft blobs of olive oil or other substances lacking hard stone material, as has been proven and published in the Lancet journal, for example. Some people are fascinated with poop trophies like with “rope worms” that are often just mucous.
Gallstones are not the only problem. All kinds of toxins need to be removed with bile.
Flushing does not restore bile flow on a daily basis with fats and lipids, or correct magnesium deficiency outside the flush.
It also does not address the many nutrients needed to boost the numerous detoxification pathways in the liver linked to bile flow.
Egg Based Liver Detoxification
Raw Eggs can be used alone or with olive oil and lemon or other fruits on a daily basis in a gradual manner.
I would suggest start with one egg alone on an empty stomach and increase according to how you feel. More is better to tolerance. At least until you are regular if constipated.
This can be very aggressive so expect to feel sick at some and don’t blame it on salmonella poisoning—that is a myth and I won’t discuss that at all; I won’t respond to comments after decades of doing this an hearing the same things from people who have never tried this.
The healthiest people can feel sick from detox because their body needs little help to do it.
The sickest people are weak and get overwhelmed easily and react.
Maybe the inbetweens don’t feel anything until more eggs are used.
I’m not giving any recipes or personal advice on social media because I don’t know what anyone needs.
There’s enough information here to guide yourself.
The big picture is figuring out all nutritional deficiencies and upgrading foods and supplements on a diet that is ideal for you individually. That is how detoxification is done best.
Gallstones containing minerals like calcium should be treated as deficiencies of cofactor minerals like magnesium, vitamin A and fat to absorb A.
Popular liver gallbladder flushes by Andreas Moritz and Hulda Clark do not focus on these root causes in nutrient deficiencies, but emphasize removing one kind of symptom, gallstones. Despite these limitations, there are enough success stories with their protocols to highlight the importance of liver and bile health.
4 Functions of Bile Flow
Our liver produces a quart or more bile daily for many functions.
Bile binds toxins in the liver to excrete in the bowels, which also stimulates peristalsis that creates bowel movements.
Constipation indicates weak bile flow.
Reverse flow is when toxins in the liver flow back into the blood, which can create many symptoms like brain fog, headaches, rashes, increased urination, and mucous of the sinuses, lungs,and throat.
Bile helps digest fat by emulsifying fat into smaller globules for digestion by lipase enzymes from the pancreas. Fats need to be digested to absorb fat soluble vitamins like A and minerals, so this can have an extensive chain reaction.
Alkalinize the gut to neutralize stomach acid for proper digestion.
Cleanse gut of pathogens. This may explain SIBO, which is in the location where bile enters the small intestine. This seems to be an underestimated source of fighting chronic infection, Plus boosting detox is needed to tolerate die-off or Herxing.
Thus, bile is involved in 3 major types of root causes: nutrition, detoxification, and infection.
Bile Nutrients from Eggs
Eggs are the best source of best bile flow nutrients because they contain cholesterol, phospholipids, as well as the amino acids glycine and taurine.
Cholesterol is the source of bile's two largest components: Cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid, that occur roughly equally in concentration in humans.
The third is lecithin with its phosopholipids especially phosphatidyl choline. Lecithan is named after the Greek word for egg yolk, its richest source. Lecithan extracted from soy or sunflower is more denatured than raw eggs and does not have cholesterol.
Glycine and taurine are joined to cholic acids. Some people are taking this in supplement form: TUDCA, which is Taurine attached to deoxycholic acid. This is only one component of bile in denatured form, and even then it has noticeable results.
Eggs are not just for bile. Eggs are one of our most complete nutrients as they are designed to grow a baby bird. In relation to detoxification, eggs contain glutathione precursors, the amino acids glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine that combine to form glutathione, our bodies’ most important antioxidant. Glutathione conjugates toxins to be removed in the bile.
Eggs also contain vitamins A, D, B vitamins and minerals like sulfur that is key for detoxification and energy.
Eggs have fat needed to assimilate fat soluble nutrients.
Raw eggs are one of the most easy to digest foods that is live, undenatured food.
Some people don’t tolerate egg whites while they are still imbalanced so egg yolks can be use as they have all the fat.
Both whites and yolks boost glutathione formation.
Gallstone Dissolving Nutrients
One of the components of gallstones is calcium or calcium phosphate. The reason it shows up there is that it is not bounded to other minerals so that it can be used by other cells. The number one nutrient missing is magnesium, as the most common nutritional deficiency. Some people relive gallbladder pain or stones with just magnesium. Other nutrients are needed, too, to utilize calcium: A, D, boron, fat, etc.
Calcium that can’t be utilized due to deficiencies is an extremely common problem that leaves calcium deposits throughout the body: in arteries, between vertebrae as stenosis, and as kidney stones
Popular Liver Flushes
The flushes of Moritiz and Clark use primarily:
- Olive oil
- Citrus fruits or apples
- Epsom salts.
Moritiz admits a low fat diet can contribute to the problem, but he still seems to assume that the body can make enough cholesterol on its own in the liver and intestines. But it isn’t. He seems not want to recommend eating cholesterol foods in his vegetarian framework, although cholesterol can be consumed from eggs and diary, which is still vegetarian by some definitions.
Instead, he focuses on gallstones as the cause. The mechanism is obstruction of bile. He does not fully address reduction of bile flow.
Aggressive flushes are not always tolerated well by people who are weak who get weaker with fasting and the sudden all at once aggressive flushes.
Olive oil and fruit are helpful in detoxifiying the liver in general, but this lacks protective nutrients like the fats in eggs that can nourish cell membranes.
Epsom salts do have crucial nutrients of magnesium and sulfur that are usually deficient, but this form is not enough to correct chronic deficiency especially if used for sporadic flushes.
This approach has been widely criticized for not always producing gallstones but soft blobs of olive oil or other substances lacking hard stone material, as has been proven and published in the Lancet journal, for example. Some people are fascinated with poop trophies like with “rope worms” that are often just mucous.
Gallstones are not the only problem. All kinds of toxins need to be removed with bile.
Flushing does not restore bile flow on a daily basis with fats and lipids, or correct magnesium deficiency outside the flush.
It also does not address the many nutrients needed to boost the numerous detoxification pathways in the liver linked to bile flow.
Egg Based Liver Detoxification
Raw Eggs can be used alone or with olive oil and lemon or other fruits on a daily basis in a gradual manner.
I would suggest start with one egg alone on an empty stomach and increase according to how you feel. More is better to tolerance. At least until you are regular if constipated.
This can be very aggressive so expect to feel sick at some and don’t blame it on salmonella poisoning—that is a myth and I won’t discuss that at all; I won’t respond to comments after decades of doing this an hearing the same things from people who have never tried this.
The healthiest people can feel sick from detox because their body needs little help to do it.
The sickest people are weak and get overwhelmed easily and react.
Maybe the inbetweens don’t feel anything until more eggs are used.
I’m not giving any recipes or personal advice on social media because I don’t know what anyone needs.
There’s enough information here to guide yourself.
The big picture is figuring out all nutritional deficiencies and upgrading foods and supplements on a diet that is ideal for you individually. That is how detoxification is done best.
Eat to energize, detoxify & immunize.
Move to circulate, align, & relax.
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