in Body, Feelings, Thoughts
to Integrate All Life Skills
(not impressing people with your presence)
Lack of presence can be described as being in your head, not listening, paying attention, or avoiding feelings or your body.
Signs of not being present:
There is a connection between not listening to one’s body and not listening to other people or your woman.
Both require pauses and focus on sensations and senses.
One of the most transforming things for me is to get out of my head in two senses:
I learned to be present to pause thinking and widen my scope of awareness to observe inwardly and outwardly.
Observe inwardly is bodily sensation to help:
Or at least reading the signs around you.
Getting out of the head and being embodied is sometimes described metaphorically as guts, balls, heart and backbone. It is instinct to act fast. It is strong to take action.
I think health in these areas literally makes your brain and body work better together.
There is a difference between emotional feeling and bodily sensation.
Bodily sensation is a deeper baseline free of thought.
Emotional feeling can be a trigger from the past with mental bias.
Learn subtle distinctions through presence.
Men can be caught up in the hyper masculine of thinking to make something happen, future oriented. He may be like a business trying to sell a product that the customers don’t want because he is not present enough to listen, ask, and observe.
Women can be caught in the hyper feminine of feeling based on past pain and interpreting men as abusers. Then two interesting things happen:
In not being present to her specific pain, she goes into her head with rationalizations about men, that’s her hyper masculine.
If she rationalizes a political order to correct the problem through matriarchy, that’s hyper feminine content for the hype masculine form of being in her head.
It’s the politics of the overbearing mother that seeks to protect the hurt children of victim identity politics in which sensitivity because the basis of moral authority, and as the victim she always has authority over men.
Blame, shame and anger are used to manipulate men.
It’s the desire to rebel against men and be in control.
This is deeply ingrained according to the warning in Genesis 3:16, the third curse on women: “You shall desire to control/be contrary to your husband and he shall rule.”
The second part of G 3:16 affirms the need for men to be leaders of women as the masculine is leading and while the feminine is supporting and receiving.
The word “rule” states it strongly in old testament terms of the law, which does not resonate well today and seems to affirm the feminist interpretation that is the more common translation:
“You share desire your husband and he shall rule.” That does not make sense in the context of the Bible that does not support feminism.
That is a larger conversation that needs to happen with many more details than are found in the Bible elaborated at a useful level for couples in conflict and people trying to make sense of the politics of feminization of moral reasoning.
This is not just an example: this is a big part of the meta problem or thought stronghold that is shutting down men to emasculate us and make us dissociate from being present.
It has been said that the Devil’s strategy is to fragment.
Get the women to attack the men after first disconnecting women from their feminine love power and then blame the men for what women lack.
For all with eyes to see and ears to hear.
People who are not present to integrating all the skills it takes to understand and act will have trouble dealing with this.
Many men think everything will be OK as they are lead around by the balls and avoid conflict.
Like not dealing with health issues that lower your testosterone and make you less of a man.
Engineers are analytic problem solvers that see the big picture and practical details at the same in flow charts and quantified details when designing solutions of any problem.
This needs to be balanced with embodiment to not be a nerd, which at its extreme is a form of autism as lack of emotional responsiveness—and it’s almost a cultural norm with cell phone idol worship and self centeredness.
Hunters: as the man embodied in instincts, nature, and action.
Balancing knowing when to be still and pay attention all the better to act swiftly in the right direction at the right time. A hunter of food, of customers, a woman’s heart, and the truth.
Presence is slowing down to learn and integrate when to do what, when and how.
Sometimes slowing down to be able to shift direction rather than blowing through the intersection without reading the signs—that’s how accidents happen.
Signs of not being present:
- Not being able to hold eye contact without saying anything.
- Reacting too fast, like speaking right away.
- Thinking about what to say while people are talking
- Assume you know what they mean without asking to understand
- Being driven to say things, get attention, prove something, impress or please.
- Missing women's signals.
- Not listening to your body, eating for taste only.
There is a connection between not listening to one’s body and not listening to other people or your woman.
Both require pauses and focus on sensations and senses.
One of the most transforming things for me is to get out of my head in two senses:
- Hyper masculine analytics, which has value at the right time.
- Conflict avoidance, afraid to feel pain.
I learned to be present to pause thinking and widen my scope of awareness to observe inwardly and outwardly.
Observe inwardly is bodily sensation to help:
- Feel what I need
- Feel what my eyes and hears perceive faster and deeper than thoughts can process it.
- How I feel about somebody.
- These combine to help boundaries, whether I am being respected.
- Listening to others.
- Feeling another person’s heart.
- Observing the world.
Or at least reading the signs around you.
Getting out of the head and being embodied is sometimes described metaphorically as guts, balls, heart and backbone. It is instinct to act fast. It is strong to take action.
I think health in these areas literally makes your brain and body work better together.
There is a difference between emotional feeling and bodily sensation.
Bodily sensation is a deeper baseline free of thought.
Emotional feeling can be a trigger from the past with mental bias.
Learn subtle distinctions through presence.
Men can be caught up in the hyper masculine of thinking to make something happen, future oriented. He may be like a business trying to sell a product that the customers don’t want because he is not present enough to listen, ask, and observe.
Women can be caught in the hyper feminine of feeling based on past pain and interpreting men as abusers. Then two interesting things happen:
In not being present to her specific pain, she goes into her head with rationalizations about men, that’s her hyper masculine.
If she rationalizes a political order to correct the problem through matriarchy, that’s hyper feminine content for the hype masculine form of being in her head.
It’s the politics of the overbearing mother that seeks to protect the hurt children of victim identity politics in which sensitivity because the basis of moral authority, and as the victim she always has authority over men.
Blame, shame and anger are used to manipulate men.
It’s the desire to rebel against men and be in control.
This is deeply ingrained according to the warning in Genesis 3:16, the third curse on women: “You shall desire to control/be contrary to your husband and he shall rule.”
The second part of G 3:16 affirms the need for men to be leaders of women as the masculine is leading and while the feminine is supporting and receiving.
The word “rule” states it strongly in old testament terms of the law, which does not resonate well today and seems to affirm the feminist interpretation that is the more common translation:
“You share desire your husband and he shall rule.” That does not make sense in the context of the Bible that does not support feminism.
That is a larger conversation that needs to happen with many more details than are found in the Bible elaborated at a useful level for couples in conflict and people trying to make sense of the politics of feminization of moral reasoning.
This is not just an example: this is a big part of the meta problem or thought stronghold that is shutting down men to emasculate us and make us dissociate from being present.
It has been said that the Devil’s strategy is to fragment.
Get the women to attack the men after first disconnecting women from their feminine love power and then blame the men for what women lack.
For all with eyes to see and ears to hear.
People who are not present to integrating all the skills it takes to understand and act will have trouble dealing with this.
Many men think everything will be OK as they are lead around by the balls and avoid conflict.
Like not dealing with health issues that lower your testosterone and make you less of a man.
Engineers are analytic problem solvers that see the big picture and practical details at the same in flow charts and quantified details when designing solutions of any problem.
This needs to be balanced with embodiment to not be a nerd, which at its extreme is a form of autism as lack of emotional responsiveness—and it’s almost a cultural norm with cell phone idol worship and self centeredness.
Hunters: as the man embodied in instincts, nature, and action.
Balancing knowing when to be still and pay attention all the better to act swiftly in the right direction at the right time. A hunter of food, of customers, a woman’s heart, and the truth.
Presence is slowing down to learn and integrate when to do what, when and how.
Sometimes slowing down to be able to shift direction rather than blowing through the intersection without reading the signs—that’s how accidents happen.
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