Mineral Levels in Soil Varies
Copper, CU
Mineral content of soils vary widely regionally as does uptake into plants based on agricultural methods.
Here in Michigan multiple mineral deficiencies are common: iodine, selenium copper.
You can see from the map there are pockets of high minerals in some places, so it can vary a lot from farm to farm.
I don't know is if soil content really impacts plant uptake. Maybe the lower density soils have enough and the limit is what the plants absorb. This map is not about agricultural impact, just the distribution.
In California the largest raw dairy producer near Fresno was in an area that looked like it had higher levels of minerals that I checked, although the national maps may not be that precise.
When I lived in California I could eat only one meat meal and drink milk for most of my other protein.
Milk also is balanced with fat and sugars that I need for more complete nutrition. I was travelling around a lot and that was a fast food consumed in small amounts all day so I would not get tired from a big meal and I did not have to drink much water—it was also structured water, in effect.
I was not able to use milk in Michigan to be satisfied.
I noticed that Indiana has fewer mineral deficiencies and their farm products are sold here: especially chicken from the Amish, so I try to buy from them.
Minerals may be in the soil but not utilized because the ecology is poisoned.
Chemical sprays on crops disrupt the soil microbiome like fungi that create fulvic acid to convert rock mineral to bioavailable forms in plants.
Grass fed animals on pastures that have never been farmed with croups that are chemically treated will still have uninterrupted uptake of minerals.
Here in Michigan multiple mineral deficiencies are common: iodine, selenium copper.
You can see from the map there are pockets of high minerals in some places, so it can vary a lot from farm to farm.
I don't know is if soil content really impacts plant uptake. Maybe the lower density soils have enough and the limit is what the plants absorb. This map is not about agricultural impact, just the distribution.
In California the largest raw dairy producer near Fresno was in an area that looked like it had higher levels of minerals that I checked, although the national maps may not be that precise.
When I lived in California I could eat only one meat meal and drink milk for most of my other protein.
Milk also is balanced with fat and sugars that I need for more complete nutrition. I was travelling around a lot and that was a fast food consumed in small amounts all day so I would not get tired from a big meal and I did not have to drink much water—it was also structured water, in effect.
I was not able to use milk in Michigan to be satisfied.
I noticed that Indiana has fewer mineral deficiencies and their farm products are sold here: especially chicken from the Amish, so I try to buy from them.
Minerals may be in the soil but not utilized because the ecology is poisoned.
Chemical sprays on crops disrupt the soil microbiome like fungi that create fulvic acid to convert rock mineral to bioavailable forms in plants.
Grass fed animals on pastures that have never been farmed with croups that are chemically treated will still have uninterrupted uptake of minerals.
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