Theories of Cavities & Dental Problems
Nutrition, Toxicity and Infection are Related
Dental problems are hard to solve due to poor theory and strategies of dental health and systemic health as a whole.
The points to understand are:
This is a paradigm shift on two levels:
From the infectious disease model in the medical paradigm
To the toxicology model in the environment and lifestyle paradigm.
From the strictly local treatment of dental issues
To the systemic treatment of organs that build teeth, gum and bones.
Toxic Acid Theory and Nutrition
Gerard F Judd, Ph.D. Chemistry, in his book, Good Teeth, Birth to Death, explains how toxins like fluoride damage teeth: Fluoride interferes with the enzyme adenosine diphosphatase that normally delivers phosphate to calcium on teeth surfaces….from the saliva, apparently.
Teeth and bone consist not only of calcium but also phosphate as the second largest component, and the one often missing that prevents utilization of calcium. This is another example of a underutilized calcium all over the body that leads to calcium deposits in arteries, spinal stenosis, biofilm, etc. So taking calcium supplements is counter-productive in those cases. Other cofactors are needed to utilize calcium like magnesium, boron, and vitamin K.
Fluoride in the body can be detoxified with iodine. Iodine can sometimes reduce tooth aches and sensitivity swiftly, not just for its action on fluoride, but as energy for cells to perform many functions, not just for thyroid.
These are just simple examples of the dynamic interaction of toxins and nutrients that are complex.
As for the infection theory, a friend of mine summarized: “Bacteria cannot damage the enamel (calcium hydroxy phosphate) and never cause tooth decay. Bacterial decay of the enamel is impossible because bacteria require carbon and hydrogen to live. Myriads of animal remains show that teeth and bones are resistant to earth-bound organisms.”
Circulation through Dental Fluid
Teeth can regenerate (cavities healed) because they have a circulatory system, a dental lymph that can deliver nutrients and is fed from inside by blood. This was proven in extensive research by a dentist and endocrinologist, Steinmen and Leonora in their book, Dentinal Fluid Transport, a compilation of research done by many people on many related topics.
Steinmen and Leonora’s summary of the research, however, greatly oversimplified the wide range of insights provided and reinforced the common misconception that cavities are caused by bacteria. Their main insight is that sucrose in the diet disrupts circulation through impaired weakness of the hormonal regulatory gland, the parotid gland.
To be sure, consuming sucrose can lead to immediate tooth pain as I experienced when I had maple syrup once. An effect that immediate suggested to me a circulatory problem.
The authors unique insight is that the teeth have a lymph system that feeds the teeth from the inside through the blood. When parotid hormones are present, nutrients are then delivered into odontoblasts in the teeth to grow tissue. The parotid gland is not just a salivary regulating gland as it is commonly known.
When circulation is weak from the inside-out the flow is reversed from the outside in because the teeth are porous. The damaging acids are let in. They conjecture that these acids are formed by bacteria, rather than toxicity as Dr Judd explains.
Their theory does not take into account that teeth may also be fed from nutrients in saliva, which means that flow from outside in may also be healthy under the right conditions.
Cleaning teeth can scrape off things that prevent healthy absorption. Plaque can consist of unutilizable minerals, like calcium or phosphorous that is not bound to cofactor nutrients, above or below the gums.
Steinmen and Leonora’s book is full of studies that show that a whole range of nutrients can improve dental cavities, nutrients that are not directly involved in tooth building, but through some other effects throughout the system. Those effects could be to strengthen parotid gland output. The benefits can also be for blood circulation and general mitochondrial energy.
Blood Circulation as Total Body Energy
Another effect of high nutrient levels is to improve blood circulation to the dentinal fluid or tooth lymph in ways that the authors did not know about at the time. At least one research paper I read in their book discussed that the quality of blood circulation could affect the ability to deliver hormones and nutrients to the dental lymph fluid.
The new theory I got from more recent research based on the Thomas Cowan’s work as a cardiologist is that the electrical charge on the capillary walls and between the arterial and venous system transit pulls blood cells through. Electrical charge levels reflect total body energy. Dr Jack Kruse explains that health can be understood as the total net negative charge of cells and their mitochondria. A negative charge is more electrons. I would add to this the total electron levels of cells and surfaces (of capillaries) for the purposes of this discussion.
Total electron levels and energy are determined by all nutrients minus toxins that steal electrons. Nutrition is the chemistry of food and physics of sunlight and earth’s magnetic fields.
Sunlight is perhaps the most important nutrients that energize the water of our body and blood, polarizing it electrically. Einstein’s photoelectric effect helps explain how light photons covert to electrons. Proximity to the equator and sun strength correlates with low blood pressure, which means blood is being pulled by electrical charge and the heart does not have to pump harder as the secondary back up mechanism. Anyone can experience for themselves improvements in health with sun bathing and sun exposure to the eyes.
The largest portion of the sun is the range that includes the invisible far infrared range. This slice of sun can be captured in far infrared sauna and lamps. My favorite brand that does not have toxic electronics and goes beyond mitigation to a delicious relaxing effect is the RELAX SAUNA brand of saunas and lamps. The little desk lamp has been used directly on the face for tooth pain. FIR has no UV so does not burn or provide vitamin D, but it does energize the body by increasing electrons.
The points to understand are:
- Infection forms in already weak tissues in teeth, bone and gums.
- Toxicity creates acids that create cavities.
- Nutrients are needed to neutralized toxins and repair teeth, gums and bone.
- Low nutrients lead to poor circulation and delivery of nutrients to teeth, gums and bone.
- Poor blood circulation contributes to reverse dental lymph flow back into the teeth from the mouth with more damage from acids and toxins entering the enamel.
This is a paradigm shift on two levels:
From the infectious disease model in the medical paradigm
To the toxicology model in the environment and lifestyle paradigm.
From the strictly local treatment of dental issues
To the systemic treatment of organs that build teeth, gum and bones.
Toxic Acid Theory and Nutrition
Gerard F Judd, Ph.D. Chemistry, in his book, Good Teeth, Birth to Death, explains how toxins like fluoride damage teeth: Fluoride interferes with the enzyme adenosine diphosphatase that normally delivers phosphate to calcium on teeth surfaces….from the saliva, apparently.
Teeth and bone consist not only of calcium but also phosphate as the second largest component, and the one often missing that prevents utilization of calcium. This is another example of a underutilized calcium all over the body that leads to calcium deposits in arteries, spinal stenosis, biofilm, etc. So taking calcium supplements is counter-productive in those cases. Other cofactors are needed to utilize calcium like magnesium, boron, and vitamin K.
Fluoride in the body can be detoxified with iodine. Iodine can sometimes reduce tooth aches and sensitivity swiftly, not just for its action on fluoride, but as energy for cells to perform many functions, not just for thyroid.
These are just simple examples of the dynamic interaction of toxins and nutrients that are complex.
As for the infection theory, a friend of mine summarized: “Bacteria cannot damage the enamel (calcium hydroxy phosphate) and never cause tooth decay. Bacterial decay of the enamel is impossible because bacteria require carbon and hydrogen to live. Myriads of animal remains show that teeth and bones are resistant to earth-bound organisms.”
Circulation through Dental Fluid
Teeth can regenerate (cavities healed) because they have a circulatory system, a dental lymph that can deliver nutrients and is fed from inside by blood. This was proven in extensive research by a dentist and endocrinologist, Steinmen and Leonora in their book, Dentinal Fluid Transport, a compilation of research done by many people on many related topics.
Steinmen and Leonora’s summary of the research, however, greatly oversimplified the wide range of insights provided and reinforced the common misconception that cavities are caused by bacteria. Their main insight is that sucrose in the diet disrupts circulation through impaired weakness of the hormonal regulatory gland, the parotid gland.
To be sure, consuming sucrose can lead to immediate tooth pain as I experienced when I had maple syrup once. An effect that immediate suggested to me a circulatory problem.
The authors unique insight is that the teeth have a lymph system that feeds the teeth from the inside through the blood. When parotid hormones are present, nutrients are then delivered into odontoblasts in the teeth to grow tissue. The parotid gland is not just a salivary regulating gland as it is commonly known.
When circulation is weak from the inside-out the flow is reversed from the outside in because the teeth are porous. The damaging acids are let in. They conjecture that these acids are formed by bacteria, rather than toxicity as Dr Judd explains.
Their theory does not take into account that teeth may also be fed from nutrients in saliva, which means that flow from outside in may also be healthy under the right conditions.
Cleaning teeth can scrape off things that prevent healthy absorption. Plaque can consist of unutilizable minerals, like calcium or phosphorous that is not bound to cofactor nutrients, above or below the gums.
Steinmen and Leonora’s book is full of studies that show that a whole range of nutrients can improve dental cavities, nutrients that are not directly involved in tooth building, but through some other effects throughout the system. Those effects could be to strengthen parotid gland output. The benefits can also be for blood circulation and general mitochondrial energy.
Blood Circulation as Total Body Energy
Another effect of high nutrient levels is to improve blood circulation to the dentinal fluid or tooth lymph in ways that the authors did not know about at the time. At least one research paper I read in their book discussed that the quality of blood circulation could affect the ability to deliver hormones and nutrients to the dental lymph fluid.
The new theory I got from more recent research based on the Thomas Cowan’s work as a cardiologist is that the electrical charge on the capillary walls and between the arterial and venous system transit pulls blood cells through. Electrical charge levels reflect total body energy. Dr Jack Kruse explains that health can be understood as the total net negative charge of cells and their mitochondria. A negative charge is more electrons. I would add to this the total electron levels of cells and surfaces (of capillaries) for the purposes of this discussion.
Total electron levels and energy are determined by all nutrients minus toxins that steal electrons. Nutrition is the chemistry of food and physics of sunlight and earth’s magnetic fields.
Sunlight is perhaps the most important nutrients that energize the water of our body and blood, polarizing it electrically. Einstein’s photoelectric effect helps explain how light photons covert to electrons. Proximity to the equator and sun strength correlates with low blood pressure, which means blood is being pulled by electrical charge and the heart does not have to pump harder as the secondary back up mechanism. Anyone can experience for themselves improvements in health with sun bathing and sun exposure to the eyes.
The largest portion of the sun is the range that includes the invisible far infrared range. This slice of sun can be captured in far infrared sauna and lamps. My favorite brand that does not have toxic electronics and goes beyond mitigation to a delicious relaxing effect is the RELAX SAUNA brand of saunas and lamps. The little desk lamp has been used directly on the face for tooth pain. FIR has no UV so does not burn or provide vitamin D, but it does energize the body by increasing electrons.
Eat to energize, detoxify & immunize.
Move to circulate, align, & relax.
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