Hormonal problems are generally symptoms since these small glands are mainly messengers and not doing the bigger jobs of creating energy and detoxification.
However, sometimes the hormones of the Thyroid gland can be the weakest link that is worth addressing, but it is important to know why and how to also get at the root causes of thyroid problems that are also causes of the bigger weak links. Thyroid treatment is never a complete solution for a root cause.
Taking thyroid hormones can be a temporary partial solution in a limited number of cases, as I will explain below.
Taking iodine is a better solution that addresses root causes, according to thyroid expert, Dr. David Brownstein.
Iodine addresses the root causes of nutritional deficiency and toxicity that weaken not just the thyroid system, but EVERY CELL IN YOUR BODY, as Brownstein makes clear in the title of his book on iodine. You don’t just take iodine for thyroid, you take iodine for your whole system, not “take this for that.”
One of the root causes of thyroid dysfunctions are toxins replacing iodine on the thyroid hormones, T3 or T4, which are the amino acid tyrosine with 3 or 4 iodine atoms attached.
Toxins occupy receptor sites when iodine is not there. Nutritional deficiency leads to toxicity and nutrition can reverse that. This is a basic lesson of health way beyond this example.
The toxins that occupy where iodine should be are of the same class of elements, halides: fluoride, chlorine, and bromides, that are attracted to bond with tyrosine. Water contains flouride and chlorine. Bromides or bromine are in bread and fire retardants on furniture.
There is similar competition between mercury and selenium, lead and calcium, arsenic and phosophorous, etc.
Treating thyroid is more likely to matter when these toxins are higher than other levels of toxicity, making thyroid the weak link as part of iodine as an even bigger weak link. A system is only as strong as it’s weakest link This is a systems concept that you can use in many ways. You will have to read that again and study the following explanation--no quick-read-scanning for the “take aways” that are lazy, reductionist shopping for “the supplement” as a magic bullet.
Let me explain that by way of contrast when taking thyroid hormones does NOT matter, when thyroid hormone levels are not the weak link. When thyroid has not been directly impaired with those toxins to the degree that the rest of the body is toxic and malnourished: That means the whole metabolism has slowed down and thyroid slows down to match it as an effect, not a cause. Doctors recognize this in hospitals where patients’ thyroid levels slow down adaptively to match the energy level lowered by other problems. In this insight, the doctors are ahead of many “alternative” people who think they are onto something about thyroid.
Hormones are more like the gas pedal, not the gas tank. The gas tank is energy production in the mitochondria of every cell and the larger organs of digestion, liver, and skin absorbing sunlight. Thyroid hormones as messages can coordinate and shift from normal mode to emergency mode, and if that breaks down it is a problem, but not the lever that many people imagine it is like press and button and boom you have energy. The single biggest determinate of regulation is probably sunlight on the circadian rhythm or sleep schedule.
So if thyroid shows up as low chronically, you have a nutrition and toxicity problem in most cases with possibly additional other root causes.
If you have a toxicity problem you have a liver or kidney or lymph problem that has not been able to keep up with excreting that level of toxic load. Even if thyroid gland production of T4 is normal it might not be converted to the utilizable form of T3 in the liver due to toxic load of any kind of toxin, including halides.
So taking thyroid hormone medication can increase your energy utilization up to the level of the next weakest link that sets the limit of energy production for your whole body. That’s when what happens when it works. When thyroid treatment doesn’t work it is not the weakest link. When you get symptoms like palpitations you are trying to foruce it higher than a level that matches the next weakest link. Then you are tampering with a system you don’t understand and creating bottlenecks in energy flows that are not evenly distributed among all the parts of the system.
I suspect reverse T3 is part of functional down regulation, that is, cancellation of healthy thyroid hormone production when the thyroid system needs to adapt to a slow metabolism. People should at least be asking questions from this systems perspective. People who assume they know better than the body’s mechanisms and should manipulate it are operating through the medical paradigm that does not see the system and its equilibrium mechanisms to balance the parts. Let’s not not go down the rabbit hole of lab interpretation; if technical details of hormones are all you want to ask about then you are not following.
More evidence of functional abnormality is the oscillation between hypo and hyper: hyper is high activity, demonstrating that thyroid hormone production and conversion is adequate. Hyper mode can be functional as a way to push out toxins through the lymph and skin, as skin symptoms may indicate. Dr. Henry Bieler explained this years ago.
Trying to manipulate the body back to normal ignores the functioning of a system. It assumes something is wrong with the body that can be corrected with medical technology. In fact, it is not the body that is wrong, but the doctor the toxic treatments, environment, diet, etc. are wrong.
Thyroid meds are partial boosts under a limited set of conditions.
Iodine is the best treatment according thyroid expert Dr. Brownstein, but don’t just jump into it without a bigger plan. Many cofactor nutrients are needed to assimilate iodine otherwise you will not utilize and tolerate it well. Since iodine can create detox there may be discomfort and a gradual approach is necessary, supported by all the other nutrients according to individual needs to energize mitochondria and energy production to withstand energy dips and facilitate elimination pathways. Individual needs vary: everyone has a unique set of nutritional deficiencies, excesses or allergies. To use iodine or any nutrient you need to address all nutritional needs at once for a complete solution.
If your system is only as strong as its weakest link, then your lowest level nutrient sets your energy level for the whole system that can create your “thyroid” problem. . This was called the "law of the minimum" in agriculture 200 years ago: Crop yield is only as good as the lowest mineral level in the soil.
To succeed it is necessary to have a complete nutritional solution for your whole system, not “take this for that” based on a narrow interpretation of the problem. This is a paradigm shift that most people will never fully get because their minds cannot expand beyond concrete particulars and to the conceptual level of systems thinking. It is a shift from the medical paradigm to the holistic environment and lifestyle paradigm.
The medical paradigm focuses on the many symptoms in a fragmented manner, manipulating each separately from outside the body. This is often practiced with “natural” products and methods.
It’s important to focus on the few root causes that create the many symptoms. Health plans should be customized and quantified in detail for the individual: what diet to be on, what foods to eat, supplements from best sources only with quantified doses and time periods, getting sunlight, etc. Notice your reactions and fine tune dosages ongoing. This level of specificity cannot be done with labs tests alone. Energetic testing, like muscle testing, is necessary, which can be done in person or long distance across the globe, even remotely without them being on a video call. I design complete solutions for people through energetic testing starting with a free assessment of root causes so that you know what to focus on.
If you are reading this on social media, I can't give any personal advice or product suggestions
However, sometimes the hormones of the Thyroid gland can be the weakest link that is worth addressing, but it is important to know why and how to also get at the root causes of thyroid problems that are also causes of the bigger weak links. Thyroid treatment is never a complete solution for a root cause.
Taking thyroid hormones can be a temporary partial solution in a limited number of cases, as I will explain below.
Taking iodine is a better solution that addresses root causes, according to thyroid expert, Dr. David Brownstein.
Iodine addresses the root causes of nutritional deficiency and toxicity that weaken not just the thyroid system, but EVERY CELL IN YOUR BODY, as Brownstein makes clear in the title of his book on iodine. You don’t just take iodine for thyroid, you take iodine for your whole system, not “take this for that.”
One of the root causes of thyroid dysfunctions are toxins replacing iodine on the thyroid hormones, T3 or T4, which are the amino acid tyrosine with 3 or 4 iodine atoms attached.
Toxins occupy receptor sites when iodine is not there. Nutritional deficiency leads to toxicity and nutrition can reverse that. This is a basic lesson of health way beyond this example.
The toxins that occupy where iodine should be are of the same class of elements, halides: fluoride, chlorine, and bromides, that are attracted to bond with tyrosine. Water contains flouride and chlorine. Bromides or bromine are in bread and fire retardants on furniture.
There is similar competition between mercury and selenium, lead and calcium, arsenic and phosophorous, etc.
Treating thyroid is more likely to matter when these toxins are higher than other levels of toxicity, making thyroid the weak link as part of iodine as an even bigger weak link. A system is only as strong as it’s weakest link This is a systems concept that you can use in many ways. You will have to read that again and study the following explanation--no quick-read-scanning for the “take aways” that are lazy, reductionist shopping for “the supplement” as a magic bullet.
Let me explain that by way of contrast when taking thyroid hormones does NOT matter, when thyroid hormone levels are not the weak link. When thyroid has not been directly impaired with those toxins to the degree that the rest of the body is toxic and malnourished: That means the whole metabolism has slowed down and thyroid slows down to match it as an effect, not a cause. Doctors recognize this in hospitals where patients’ thyroid levels slow down adaptively to match the energy level lowered by other problems. In this insight, the doctors are ahead of many “alternative” people who think they are onto something about thyroid.
Hormones are more like the gas pedal, not the gas tank. The gas tank is energy production in the mitochondria of every cell and the larger organs of digestion, liver, and skin absorbing sunlight. Thyroid hormones as messages can coordinate and shift from normal mode to emergency mode, and if that breaks down it is a problem, but not the lever that many people imagine it is like press and button and boom you have energy. The single biggest determinate of regulation is probably sunlight on the circadian rhythm or sleep schedule.
So if thyroid shows up as low chronically, you have a nutrition and toxicity problem in most cases with possibly additional other root causes.
If you have a toxicity problem you have a liver or kidney or lymph problem that has not been able to keep up with excreting that level of toxic load. Even if thyroid gland production of T4 is normal it might not be converted to the utilizable form of T3 in the liver due to toxic load of any kind of toxin, including halides.
So taking thyroid hormone medication can increase your energy utilization up to the level of the next weakest link that sets the limit of energy production for your whole body. That’s when what happens when it works. When thyroid treatment doesn’t work it is not the weakest link. When you get symptoms like palpitations you are trying to foruce it higher than a level that matches the next weakest link. Then you are tampering with a system you don’t understand and creating bottlenecks in energy flows that are not evenly distributed among all the parts of the system.
I suspect reverse T3 is part of functional down regulation, that is, cancellation of healthy thyroid hormone production when the thyroid system needs to adapt to a slow metabolism. People should at least be asking questions from this systems perspective. People who assume they know better than the body’s mechanisms and should manipulate it are operating through the medical paradigm that does not see the system and its equilibrium mechanisms to balance the parts. Let’s not not go down the rabbit hole of lab interpretation; if technical details of hormones are all you want to ask about then you are not following.
More evidence of functional abnormality is the oscillation between hypo and hyper: hyper is high activity, demonstrating that thyroid hormone production and conversion is adequate. Hyper mode can be functional as a way to push out toxins through the lymph and skin, as skin symptoms may indicate. Dr. Henry Bieler explained this years ago.
Trying to manipulate the body back to normal ignores the functioning of a system. It assumes something is wrong with the body that can be corrected with medical technology. In fact, it is not the body that is wrong, but the doctor the toxic treatments, environment, diet, etc. are wrong.
Thyroid meds are partial boosts under a limited set of conditions.
Iodine is the best treatment according thyroid expert Dr. Brownstein, but don’t just jump into it without a bigger plan. Many cofactor nutrients are needed to assimilate iodine otherwise you will not utilize and tolerate it well. Since iodine can create detox there may be discomfort and a gradual approach is necessary, supported by all the other nutrients according to individual needs to energize mitochondria and energy production to withstand energy dips and facilitate elimination pathways. Individual needs vary: everyone has a unique set of nutritional deficiencies, excesses or allergies. To use iodine or any nutrient you need to address all nutritional needs at once for a complete solution.
If your system is only as strong as its weakest link, then your lowest level nutrient sets your energy level for the whole system that can create your “thyroid” problem. . This was called the "law of the minimum" in agriculture 200 years ago: Crop yield is only as good as the lowest mineral level in the soil.
To succeed it is necessary to have a complete nutritional solution for your whole system, not “take this for that” based on a narrow interpretation of the problem. This is a paradigm shift that most people will never fully get because their minds cannot expand beyond concrete particulars and to the conceptual level of systems thinking. It is a shift from the medical paradigm to the holistic environment and lifestyle paradigm.
The medical paradigm focuses on the many symptoms in a fragmented manner, manipulating each separately from outside the body. This is often practiced with “natural” products and methods.
It’s important to focus on the few root causes that create the many symptoms. Health plans should be customized and quantified in detail for the individual: what diet to be on, what foods to eat, supplements from best sources only with quantified doses and time periods, getting sunlight, etc. Notice your reactions and fine tune dosages ongoing. This level of specificity cannot be done with labs tests alone. Energetic testing, like muscle testing, is necessary, which can be done in person or long distance across the globe, even remotely without them being on a video call. I design complete solutions for people through energetic testing starting with a free assessment of root causes so that you know what to focus on.
If you are reading this on social media, I can't give any personal advice or product suggestions
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