A Client Says:
Align Spine & Mind is one of those things that seems too good to be true for stress relief because it’s so simple and easy. For someone like me with OCD/ADD/general anxiety, it has given me the ability to finally relax my bound-up chronic mental and physical tension, it feels akin to taking a calming drug it works so well. It doesn’t take long for me to do and it does exactly what what I need to be able to stay relaxed and focused for the day, or, it helps calm me down to sleep at night if needed.
Align Spine & Mind: Do It Yourself
I cannot describe how deeply relaxed I get by stretchying my spine and cranium for alignment.
I have done this to also eliminate pain, fall asleep, improve posture and movement, and increase circultion to detoxify my brain and nervous system.
One of the best ways to change the mind is through the body.--like a good massage.
But massage only treats the symptom and depends on others
You can do it yourself:
Stretch muscles to relax them go deeper in the the spine and nervous system.
Walk, stand, sit, bend better to relax your body through to balance muscles to stop pulling bones out of place that "pinch" the nervous system so to speak.
Circulation to the brain and nervous system can increase that are irritating your nervous system, making you tired or giving you insominia or depression.
ALIGNMENT from Teeth to Toes
The greatest “subluxation” as chiropractors call it, are jammed cranial bones that stress the brain in ways you cannot even perceive until you release it feel the difference.
Muscle aligns bones, so you cannot rely on body workers to do it for you.
Alignment occurs from teeth and tongue to toes and all fits together as a system, with one thing being off that forces another out and triggers another thing to compensate. Most practitioners do not have the habits of thought or information to trace all the connections.
Some keys alignment are:
- Release passively muscle tension starting with the hips: the illopsoas complex that is responsible for more tension in the body than you know, and for some people has an emotional releasing effect. It influences even the neck, which affects the cranium.
- Expanding the cranial bones with your own hands and neck stretches can be deeply relaxing and free the breath.
- Hip and cranial releases contrainsts on the breath and opens the breath without effort. First a big breatj to stretch the ribs, then slow and efficient.
- Stretch the neck to compensate for sitting at a desk.
- Move normally in walking, standing, sitting, bending, to use muscles to align bones, that is the first stage of strengthening.
- Shoes with some barefoot features: wide toe box and zero drop from heal to toe. This aligns the hips that aligns the spine. See my page here on shoes.
Misalignment is the body working against itself, stressing itself that can send the brain into stress mode and overreaction. Once the internal struggle is corrected, one can harmonize with the outside world with less stress and appropriate stress responses, neither over-reacting (fight or flight) or under-reacting (freeze) to avoid conflict and allow abuse.
Alignment also affects the nervous system through the cerebrial spinal fluid that sends nutrients to the brain including oxygen so you have the energy to solve your problems and listen to another person.
As you get more energy to feel better you think better and do more of the right things for a virtuous feedback loop.
One foundation of emotional health is physical and begins with the brain.
Primal Rejuvenation Health Coaching
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Primal Rejuvenation
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Primal Rejuvenation
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