Early Morning
First sun exposure in the face helps regulate hormones and timing of biological processes around sleep, circadian rhythms..
This starts the process of producing melatonin at night in the eyes.
Mid Morning:
Sun Bathing or skin exposure to any degree.
8-10 am or later in the colder months if f solar noon is at noon.
Adjust for daylight savings time and your location by looking up solar noon for your location.
This is the most beneficial light when the red range is strongest, from visible red to the infrared range that produces heat.
I believe there is enough UV light for D especially leaning toward noon.
Vitamin D can be stored at levels that last the winter, D does not need to be the sole obsession.
Photons of light skin hitting the skin are converted to electrons kind of like Einstein’s photo electric effect. Electrification occurs through polarizing the charge of the water of the body into the fourth phase of water, H302 according to the theory of Gerald Pollack and as explained by others like Dr. Jack Kruse and Stefanie Senoff.
This is general energy for the body and its top priority of circulation to get oxygen to the brain and throughout all capillaries to all tissues. In fact, this electrical charge is what pulls circulation more than the heart as a pump. The heart pump is a back-up. It follows that high blood pressure can reflect capillary charge insufficiency, which also means total body energy insufficiency.
Red light in the morning prepares protection against UV oxidation and sun burning through the production of the enzyme catalase in the skin. Doctors can use catalase cream for UV light therapy and capsules are sold to protect against hydrogen peroxide use in hair. I have not used it or recommend it, just illustrating a point to get red light from the sun to protect against UV during the noon period.
Noon Period:
This is about a 3 hour period centered around noon, longer or shorter, depending on latitude and season.
This is when UV is the strongest.
UV produces vitamin D, but also can oxidize and produce sun burn and brown spots.
Although I never burned after I got enough nutrients like sulfur I have found that this period is not beneficial for a long time and seems to drain antioxidants in the summer.
At this time the sun can feel “stingy” like it is starting to do too much oxidative damage.
Not as bad in the winter in Michigan since it is so weak and I have to get sun when it is warm enough.
An hour or 2 after solar noon, pretty much same as morning, but not thought to be as beneficial.
Its often more practical because morning is peak work time and in the afternoon people are going through slumps and need to take a break to energize. In summer in the north its beneficial late, 6 pm even it feels strong. It’s all relative and a matter of degree and location.
Exposing the back when sun bathing is thought to give the most health benefits, maybe it’s for spinal circulation.
Sunset and Sunrise Sun Gazing
One hour or less around sunrise and set it is generally safe to look directly at the sun if you build up gradually and stop when it is uncomfortable. You can build up as fast as you want and don’t have to follow the instructions from the first sungazing guru you will find on your own search, I forgot his name but it’s predictable
There is a danger and some people do suffer harm even if they think they are doing everything right. I think nutritional deficiencies are the reason but no one knows when they have deficiencies and usually think they are eating just fine.
The benefits are incredible mood enhancement with some energizing. This is more important in the winter when I cannot sun bathe and more possible because leaves are off the trees to provide a clearer horizon in more places.
Grounding to earth is more specific: bare ground, rock and concrete NOT asphalt or GRASS. I don’t know why not grass as the Indian gurus explain, but it’s true in my experience. It’s not as good but better than nothing if that’s your only spot with a clear horizon. Experiment for yourself. That said, I have got some benefit when not able to ground, like from a porch or in my car.
For winter I use a far infrared lamp and a sauna Relax Sauna brand. Relax Sauna
That is my number one pick.
It’s a slice of sun.
First sun exposure in the face helps regulate hormones and timing of biological processes around sleep, circadian rhythms..
This starts the process of producing melatonin at night in the eyes.
Mid Morning:
Sun Bathing or skin exposure to any degree.
8-10 am or later in the colder months if f solar noon is at noon.
Adjust for daylight savings time and your location by looking up solar noon for your location.
This is the most beneficial light when the red range is strongest, from visible red to the infrared range that produces heat.
I believe there is enough UV light for D especially leaning toward noon.
Vitamin D can be stored at levels that last the winter, D does not need to be the sole obsession.
Photons of light skin hitting the skin are converted to electrons kind of like Einstein’s photo electric effect. Electrification occurs through polarizing the charge of the water of the body into the fourth phase of water, H302 according to the theory of Gerald Pollack and as explained by others like Dr. Jack Kruse and Stefanie Senoff.
This is general energy for the body and its top priority of circulation to get oxygen to the brain and throughout all capillaries to all tissues. In fact, this electrical charge is what pulls circulation more than the heart as a pump. The heart pump is a back-up. It follows that high blood pressure can reflect capillary charge insufficiency, which also means total body energy insufficiency.
Red light in the morning prepares protection against UV oxidation and sun burning through the production of the enzyme catalase in the skin. Doctors can use catalase cream for UV light therapy and capsules are sold to protect against hydrogen peroxide use in hair. I have not used it or recommend it, just illustrating a point to get red light from the sun to protect against UV during the noon period.
Noon Period:
This is about a 3 hour period centered around noon, longer or shorter, depending on latitude and season.
This is when UV is the strongest.
UV produces vitamin D, but also can oxidize and produce sun burn and brown spots.
Although I never burned after I got enough nutrients like sulfur I have found that this period is not beneficial for a long time and seems to drain antioxidants in the summer.
At this time the sun can feel “stingy” like it is starting to do too much oxidative damage.
Not as bad in the winter in Michigan since it is so weak and I have to get sun when it is warm enough.
An hour or 2 after solar noon, pretty much same as morning, but not thought to be as beneficial.
Its often more practical because morning is peak work time and in the afternoon people are going through slumps and need to take a break to energize. In summer in the north its beneficial late, 6 pm even it feels strong. It’s all relative and a matter of degree and location.
Exposing the back when sun bathing is thought to give the most health benefits, maybe it’s for spinal circulation.
Sunset and Sunrise Sun Gazing
One hour or less around sunrise and set it is generally safe to look directly at the sun if you build up gradually and stop when it is uncomfortable. You can build up as fast as you want and don’t have to follow the instructions from the first sungazing guru you will find on your own search, I forgot his name but it’s predictable
There is a danger and some people do suffer harm even if they think they are doing everything right. I think nutritional deficiencies are the reason but no one knows when they have deficiencies and usually think they are eating just fine.
The benefits are incredible mood enhancement with some energizing. This is more important in the winter when I cannot sun bathe and more possible because leaves are off the trees to provide a clearer horizon in more places.
Grounding to earth is more specific: bare ground, rock and concrete NOT asphalt or GRASS. I don’t know why not grass as the Indian gurus explain, but it’s true in my experience. It’s not as good but better than nothing if that’s your only spot with a clear horizon. Experiment for yourself. That said, I have got some benefit when not able to ground, like from a porch or in my car.
For winter I use a far infrared lamp and a sauna Relax Sauna brand. Relax Sauna
That is my number one pick.
It’s a slice of sun.
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Primal Rejuvenation
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