Deficiencies are the Key
When the body has all the nutrients it needs it can energize to heal itself.
Nutrients are the best way to do ALL detoxification.
Nutrients are need to boost immunity because you can’t just kill an infection, but you need to take things that kill parasites, too, if you have them.
Intolerances to foods are due mostly to lack of cofactor nutrients.
Also from parasites wrecking the gut.
All nutrients must be identified because you are only as strong as your weakest link.
Food first is better for most nutrients.
Except magnesium which everyone knows by now, is perhaps the number one deficiency.
A few minerals need supplements.
All vitamins are best through food: C and all B vits. Included.
The other big ones not addressed are thiamine B1, and copper, both which can be done with just food
Thiamine B1 is best doen with food. .
Just a few highligths to get you thinking.
Whole section on Nutrtional Defieincies under Eat to Energize and many other pages on nutrients.
Whole Food. Whole Sunlight Whole Movement. Deficiencies are anything but the whole.
When the body has all the nutrients it needs it can energize to heal itself.
Nutrients are the best way to do ALL detoxification.
Nutrients are need to boost immunity because you can’t just kill an infection, but you need to take things that kill parasites, too, if you have them.
Intolerances to foods are due mostly to lack of cofactor nutrients.
Also from parasites wrecking the gut.
All nutrients must be identified because you are only as strong as your weakest link.
Food first is better for most nutrients.
Except magnesium which everyone knows by now, is perhaps the number one deficiency.
A few minerals need supplements.
All vitamins are best through food: C and all B vits. Included.
The other big ones not addressed are thiamine B1, and copper, both which can be done with just food
Thiamine B1 is best doen with food. .
Just a few highligths to get you thinking.
Whole section on Nutrtional Defieincies under Eat to Energize and many other pages on nutrients.
Whole Food. Whole Sunlight Whole Movement. Deficiencies are anything but the whole.