Diagnosing Infection
Labs Miss Things
Invaders and Internal Mutations: the Terrain
Multiple Root Causes
Labs Miss Things
Lab tests are incomplete.
Not everything comes out in bowels.
Larger parasites quickly self dissolve when out of their environment.
Stringy mucous is not a “rope worm” poop trophy.
Organic acid tests are a clever way to measure bacteria and fungal metabolic biproducts in the urine that are a good general indicator, but don’t think that gets parasites.
Symptoms are important indicators.
You don’t need precise identification of pathogens since many solutions can work in a broad spectrum even across different types of pathogens worms, protozoans, fungi, bacteria, etc.
Lab tests don’t prescribe.
You still have to experiment with solutions to see what gets results.
So labs tests are not absolutely necessary, and this is good news for people who can’t afford them.
Practitioners that need a justification for treatment can usually find something and then design solutions that work in a broad spectrum to also address what may not have been identified.
Invaders and Internal Mutations: The Terrain
It is well known that pathogenic candida is a mutation of healthy yeast always present.
Internal mutations is known as terrain problem.
Everyone knows that candida is a mutation not an external exposure, yet hardly anyone does anything about it. It’s too complex at the level of detail and people collapse back into the existing ways of thinking of killing an external threat. Killing infection can work, but also often does not or not very quickly.
Nutritional deficiencies are known to create mutations of healthy yeast and bacteria into pathogens. Like biotin deficiency leading to some strains of candida.
Generally candida is the most common problem and seems to always accompany other infections that imbalance the terrain to create dysbiosis.
Multiple Root Causes
Infection is not the only thing creating symptoms or even the main thing, even if you have symptoms or lab tests to prove there is an infection.
Other root causes are nutrition, toxicity, stress and misalignment of bones and muscle from teeth to toes.
Lab tests are incomplete.
Not everything comes out in bowels.
Larger parasites quickly self dissolve when out of their environment.
Stringy mucous is not a “rope worm” poop trophy.
Organic acid tests are a clever way to measure bacteria and fungal metabolic biproducts in the urine that are a good general indicator, but don’t think that gets parasites.
Symptoms are important indicators.
You don’t need precise identification of pathogens since many solutions can work in a broad spectrum even across different types of pathogens worms, protozoans, fungi, bacteria, etc.
Lab tests don’t prescribe.
You still have to experiment with solutions to see what gets results.
So labs tests are not absolutely necessary, and this is good news for people who can’t afford them.
Practitioners that need a justification for treatment can usually find something and then design solutions that work in a broad spectrum to also address what may not have been identified.
Invaders and Internal Mutations: The Terrain
It is well known that pathogenic candida is a mutation of healthy yeast always present.
Internal mutations is known as terrain problem.
Everyone knows that candida is a mutation not an external exposure, yet hardly anyone does anything about it. It’s too complex at the level of detail and people collapse back into the existing ways of thinking of killing an external threat. Killing infection can work, but also often does not or not very quickly.
Nutritional deficiencies are known to create mutations of healthy yeast and bacteria into pathogens. Like biotin deficiency leading to some strains of candida.
Generally candida is the most common problem and seems to always accompany other infections that imbalance the terrain to create dysbiosis.
Multiple Root Causes
Infection is not the only thing creating symptoms or even the main thing, even if you have symptoms or lab tests to prove there is an infection.
Other root causes are nutrition, toxicity, stress and misalignment of bones and muscle from teeth to toes.
Eat to energize, detoxify & immunize.
Move to circulate, align, & relax.
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Primal Rejuvenation
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Move to circulate, align, & relax.
Primal Rejuvenation Health Coaching
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Primal Rejuvenation
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