What Is Behind Hormones
Healthy levels of testosterone are an indication of total health.
Boosting testosterone separately is of limited benefit when there are significant health problems.
Hormones regulate and coordinate energy, they don’t create energy.
Energy is created directly by digestion of food and sunlight not just for vitamin D but by electrifying the water of the body.
Hormones are the gas pedal, not the gas tank.
Hormones of all kinds are mostly symptoms of total nutrient levels relative to nutrient stealing toxins and dysregulating stress. That is a fundamental health equation.
Everything I say here also applies to women as well for hormonal balance in general, like the common need to raise progesterone and then either lower or raise testosterone in women who lack a sex drive, for example.
Symptoms like testosterone levels are, nevertheless, a great way to track overall health. Observable metrics include frequency and intensity of morning wood and general libido that expresses being fit to breed as an indicator of health.
This is not a post on “what to take ‘for’ testosterone.” So if you are already formulating questions about supplements, then stop right there, all my writing is about a new paradigm of holistic systems thinking drawing on engineering thinking and traditional health practices. This is an outline, trouble shooting guide. You can’t see what I am up to until you replace the old paradigm of shopping in a hurry for the take-aways understood as a simplistic “take this for that” because many people can’t read or take time to think more deeply.
Testosterone is a steroidal hormone, which means it is made from cholesterol.
Sex hormones and adrenal hormones are steroidal, in contrast to thyroid, for example, that is a mineral plus amino acid, iodine plus tyrosine.
Cholesterol is in saturated fats from animals. The most digestible nutrient rich animal fats are in raw forms from dairy, eggs and meat. The sickest people are allergic to dairy and that can and should be fixed, not an option, see more below. These foods can make you extremely horny and made skin great as skin relies on cholesterol, too.
All nutrients feed energy levels for the mitochondria of every cell.
The body is only as strong as its weakest links.
Common deficiencies are magnesium and sunlight, but sick people could have 10 deficiencies.
Hormone levels drop to reflect energy in the tank. Hormones signal potential activity levels for a purpose like run from stress, reproduce, or just run the metabolism.
Pressing on the gas pedal with hormone replacement therapies like thyroid hormone or can backfire because it does not fill the tank and just confuses the equilibrium designed by the body’s intelligence. That’s why iodine works better than thyroid hormone because it provides energy for every cell in the body and thus raises metabolism and the deeper cause of low thyroid, not the reverse as people often assume.
Testosterone works relative to balance with estrogen.
It is common in men and women to have excess estrogen and toxic estrogen mimickers from the environment like from BPA plastics.
This is a systemic problem of total toxic load relative to nutrients to run all the detox pathways that can best be done with complete nutrition from whole and raw foods.
Many women are aware of this and have found supplements for this purpose useful, like DIM, but it is a mistake to focus narrowly on hormone related things and overlook total toxic body burden and environmental exposures, like electronic pollution. The body can detoxify and protect itself better when it has all nutrients.
Testosterone and steroidal hormones start with cholesterol and are made into pregnenolone, then DHEA, etc, branching out more specifically. The point here is that taking supplements for this is not the best way and just because it makes you feel better: better is not best. These can easily backfire and increase the imbalance toward estrogen or stress hormones as one tampers with a system not understood.
I have a few experiences with this when I did not understand root causes and a better way in my journey through chronic fatigue when I could not digest well enough apparently to convert my raw dairy, eggs, and meat to pregnenolone. For awhile I took it as a supplement with some small yet substantial benefit, both as topical crème and pill.
Also, at my worst when I was so skinny and wrecked I was like a rag doll, the cortisol medication Corteff got me functional enough to pursue better solutions.
So there can be a justification for intervening this way temporarily until you figure out something better.
The ability more hormone from food has at least three processes:
- Fat digestion begins with bile from the liver and gallbladder to emulsify fats into small globules.
- Food digesting enzymes from the pancreas like lipase enzymes digest fat.
- Good gut bacteria and yeast to aid in digestion are lacking due to antibiotics and infections.
Complete gut health solutions are hard to come by in the health field and this is why some many people have complex intolerances that they manage by avoiding many foods down to 3-4 foods with debilitating fatigue. It’s the same root causes in different degrees for many people.
Probably the major nutrient created by probiotic good bacteria is butyrate, fermented from fibers and essential to intestinal linking and repair to prevent leaky gut holes that are breaks in the immune system allow undigested foods, waste, pathogens and toxins to pass into the lymph and blood. Defenses cannot be rebuilt when one lacks the good bacteria to ferment these prebiotic foods to grow the bacteria into a solid population and force working as part of the immune system.
The direct source of butyrate butter, after which butyrate was named, as I understand. But many people are allergic to even raw butter, the least allergenic of raw dairy products, until they fix it.
Raw butter is the densest sources of cholesterol for hormones and also illustrate the principle that nutrients operate in a broad spectrum of benefits across the system.
Fixing gut health cab be super complex and individualized so no advice can be given here in comments.
Hormonal and health regulation actually revolves around the sun operating through the eyes to create sleep cycles through melatonin and other hormones.Sun exposure to the eyes in the morning starts the hormonal cycle and artificial light at night delays sleep and interrupts hormonal health.
I don't have time to explain but if i don't mention it then the mitochondriacs and biohackers will got nuts saying i missed it. Meanwhile, most people say my writing is too long anyway. Both criticisms show a lack of appreciation for my time, purpose and context.
Stress lowers testosterone through shift pregnenolone toward production of stress hormones like coristol and other hormones. This is called pregnenolone steal.
Stress shifts the bodies work from rest and repair to get stronger, to immediate mobilization of energy for the brain and muscles to perform.
Stress also can steal energy from the gut lining to mobilize to escape, but leave the body weaker for future threats.
Over-training, OT, by athletes of all kinds from weight lifting to runners or the confused mixture of cross fit is more common than not. OT can be defined as presence of injuries and lack of steady progress in precise ways.
Then stress hormones rise that lead to break down of tissue for mobilization of energy more than repair to adapt to stress and growth.
People who look good on the outside can have unhealthy labs as physical fitness is a stress response for short term survival needs that can be at the expense of long term health--look at the athletes suspected of steroid use that died young.
Check indicators of low testosterone:: a lack of consistent morning wood and low libido.
Stress hormones can raise body fat as the body perceives a crisis that may involve starvation.
The lack theory and a way to measure what they are doing to modulate key variables of frequency, intensity and volume relative to the performance they seek. I have written about this elsewhere anyone can find a few clicks away. You can find my theory of long and middle distance running that addresses this more systematically..
Exercise is not just something healthy to do, it is a stress that produces stress hormones that must be done just enough to trigger adaptation and then have a longer than you think rest period for growth. The problem is that people are addicted to working out for emotional reasons: the “full body erection” of body building or runners high. OT occurs habitually among pros, too.
The 4 top American high school runners of all time met in a video conference for You Tube in 2020, including Jim Ryan and Alan Webb, to say that you need something more than running to pour your energy into so you can take a break. Webb regrets over-training even though he is the American record holder in the mile at the pro level, too. For Ryan and Webb, that purpose is to serve God.
Ejaculation drains energy, which I assume affects testosterone levels.
Many men practice withholding it even when having sex with a woman and only cum every few weeks.
It’s possible to go months and feel the energy building.
Many men find value in no masturbation, the No Fap movement.
This does wonders for magnetism, which is helpful when seeking a woman.
Hormonal imbalances are reflected socially in role reversal of feminized men and masculinized women.
For both sexes, more hormones and estrogen detox helps balance within themselves and each other.
Combined with misinformation about gender roles and lack of good role models, there is a lot of confusion in which men don’t properly lead in a way that most women actually want, and they can’t even defend themselves against many women’s compulsive, unconscious emasculation from their masculinized lack of supportive feminine. This is an epidemic.
Many men avoid conflict and escape through porn, video games, viewing sports, or even working-out too much.
If you are reading this on social media:
- I am not here to help anyone personally in comments because I don’t have time and I can’t guess what people need.
- No product recommendations or reviews since i prefer nutrition through diet that is highly customized for individuals.
- No further explanations that people can look-up, including in my own writing just a few clicks away..
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