Find Each Kink in the Hose
that Stops the Flow
of Toxins Out & Nutrients In
Cerebrospinal Fluid-->
You can eat the best foods all you want and not have optimum results because nutrients are not delivered.
Many symptoms have a circulatory component: pain, brain fog, headaches, bloating, constipation, fatigue, high or low blood pressure, things that don’t heal.
Many sensitivities and reactions reflect a general systemic shut down of liquids that maintain all organs so this needs to get moving especially when nothing seems to work.
The body is mostly water that takes the forms of:
The blood, lymph and CFS need to be treated jointly as one system to serve the interstitial fluid that serves the cells.
In addition, since the lymph dumps in the blood the liver must filter the blood and get the toxins out through the intestines without being reabsorbed in the bile or through a leaky gut.
Health efforts usually focus on part of the system:
Lymph massages--do it yourself or with a therapist--get things moving but often people feel worse for months partly because they are using only one or two supplements for the liver. Liver detox and rejuvenation usually requires many dietary upgrades build into nutrition, not just patched up or boosted with a few supplements.
Or, the reverse situation: detoxing the liver hits a limit because toxins are still stuck all over the body and not being delivered to the blood through lymph.
The bowels need to move so toxins don’t reabsorb, but purging the bowels of constipation only through irritating it with herbs or magnesium does not necessarily increasing increase detoxification because bile flow and bile recycling has not been improved. Bile flow is a big part of regularity and part of the root cause of constipation.
Lymph massages get soft tissue you can reach, but getting into the spine and cranium where there is more lymph and CFS requires:
Blood and lymph should be treated together because stagnation of one stagnates the other.
That includes a range of foods and supplements that would be different for each individual.
Blood pressure implies a lymph problem as a matter of simple hydraulics.
Lymph flow depends on immune strength, as the lymph system is considered part of the immune system to deliver pathogens and toxins to lymph nodes where various forms of white blood neutralize threats. This also helps lessen what is dumped into the liver.
Lymph detox may be achieved mostly through nutritional means, herbs, etc., which many people focused on physical manipulation might miss. It seems the gunk is so thick it needs to be dissolved chemically, naturally. But nutrition probably won’t work without movement.
Keeping track of this complexity is systems thinking, the rarest skill today.
I can’t give personal advice in comments on social media:
I don’t have time.
I can’t guess what anyone needs.
Individuals probably can’t guess they need and asking one thing at a time trivializes the insight into complexity just outlined above.
A thorough assessment is needed.
I used energetic testing for myself, muscle testing--finger O ring—to get yes or no answers.
The key thing is to have a template of questions or check points to evaluate body as a whole and solutions for the individual—that is where energetic testing often fails, not the technique, the questions.
Even without testing we can learn to read our symptoms and what they respond to, and make a broader strategy when we hit a limit or feel worse.
Progress of the effectiveness of each technique I believe is rewarded by the brain with relaxation if you don’t go too far into detox.
I have a hypothesis that the brain rewards circulation improvement with relaxation and bliss: with circulation the body can rest and do its job. Without circulation the body cannot utilize nutrient and remove junk so sleep loses its function and the body has to mobilize like fight or flight to fix the problem of meeting preconditions for productive rest.
So if you have insomnia, or ANS, instead of trying to manipulate the mechanisms of sleep, think about solving the root causes of why the benefits of sleep can’t be achieved.
I have not found research to fully explain this.
But that would explain why the things I do work on many levels as I align the spine, open the cranium, and move the lymph—practice is ahead of theory
Relaxation is accompanied by larger, slower breaths.
I believe this is a response to increased demand for oxygen in tissues where lymph has cleared and blood is flowing in.
We also know that the breath is a pump for the lymph. Some people consciously breathe to start the lymph. I have notice that the breath also follows other changes in response to demand that whole system flow more.
Alignment through releasing the hips and cranium lying down can remove constrains on breath that blows up like a balloon effortlessly. That stretches the ribs and abdomen that can move lymph of the whole area.
Increasing circulation to the brain is doubly powerful because the threat of suffocation from lack of circulation is more threatening there and it is harder to get at the brain so it needs more relief. However, we stimulate circulation indirectly from the hips: Cerebrospinal fluid flows as a whole from hips to head as various osteopaths and cranial sacral therapists have explained although you don’t necessarily need to go to them.
Many symptoms have a circulatory component: pain, brain fog, headaches, bloating, constipation, fatigue, high or low blood pressure, things that don’t heal.
Many sensitivities and reactions reflect a general systemic shut down of liquids that maintain all organs so this needs to get moving especially when nothing seems to work.
The body is mostly water that takes the forms of:
- Blood that delivers nutrients
- Interstitial / extra cellular fluid that has contact with the cells
- Lymph that drains the interstitium of waste and toxicity back to the blood
- Lymph also receives fat in the intestines to make it water soluble to be sent up a central duct that enters the blood at the collar bone to go the liver for assimilation.
- Cerebrospinal fluid (cfs) inside the spine and cranium for this more sensitive area.
The blood, lymph and CFS need to be treated jointly as one system to serve the interstitial fluid that serves the cells.
In addition, since the lymph dumps in the blood the liver must filter the blood and get the toxins out through the intestines without being reabsorbed in the bile or through a leaky gut.
Health efforts usually focus on part of the system:
Lymph massages--do it yourself or with a therapist--get things moving but often people feel worse for months partly because they are using only one or two supplements for the liver. Liver detox and rejuvenation usually requires many dietary upgrades build into nutrition, not just patched up or boosted with a few supplements.
Or, the reverse situation: detoxing the liver hits a limit because toxins are still stuck all over the body and not being delivered to the blood through lymph.
The bowels need to move so toxins don’t reabsorb, but purging the bowels of constipation only through irritating it with herbs or magnesium does not necessarily increasing increase detoxification because bile flow and bile recycling has not been improved. Bile flow is a big part of regularity and part of the root cause of constipation.
Lymph massages get soft tissue you can reach, but getting into the spine and cranium where there is more lymph and CFS requires:
- moving the spine through large body movements
- moving cranial bones slightly through tiny movements to open sutures between bones to drain the brain like in the Perrin technique.
Blood and lymph should be treated together because stagnation of one stagnates the other.
That includes a range of foods and supplements that would be different for each individual.
Blood pressure implies a lymph problem as a matter of simple hydraulics.
Lymph flow depends on immune strength, as the lymph system is considered part of the immune system to deliver pathogens and toxins to lymph nodes where various forms of white blood neutralize threats. This also helps lessen what is dumped into the liver.
Lymph detox may be achieved mostly through nutritional means, herbs, etc., which many people focused on physical manipulation might miss. It seems the gunk is so thick it needs to be dissolved chemically, naturally. But nutrition probably won’t work without movement.
Keeping track of this complexity is systems thinking, the rarest skill today.
I can’t give personal advice in comments on social media:
I don’t have time.
I can’t guess what anyone needs.
Individuals probably can’t guess they need and asking one thing at a time trivializes the insight into complexity just outlined above.
A thorough assessment is needed.
I used energetic testing for myself, muscle testing--finger O ring—to get yes or no answers.
The key thing is to have a template of questions or check points to evaluate body as a whole and solutions for the individual—that is where energetic testing often fails, not the technique, the questions.
Even without testing we can learn to read our symptoms and what they respond to, and make a broader strategy when we hit a limit or feel worse.
Progress of the effectiveness of each technique I believe is rewarded by the brain with relaxation if you don’t go too far into detox.
I have a hypothesis that the brain rewards circulation improvement with relaxation and bliss: with circulation the body can rest and do its job. Without circulation the body cannot utilize nutrient and remove junk so sleep loses its function and the body has to mobilize like fight or flight to fix the problem of meeting preconditions for productive rest.
So if you have insomnia, or ANS, instead of trying to manipulate the mechanisms of sleep, think about solving the root causes of why the benefits of sleep can’t be achieved.
I have not found research to fully explain this.
But that would explain why the things I do work on many levels as I align the spine, open the cranium, and move the lymph—practice is ahead of theory
Relaxation is accompanied by larger, slower breaths.
I believe this is a response to increased demand for oxygen in tissues where lymph has cleared and blood is flowing in.
We also know that the breath is a pump for the lymph. Some people consciously breathe to start the lymph. I have notice that the breath also follows other changes in response to demand that whole system flow more.
Alignment through releasing the hips and cranium lying down can remove constrains on breath that blows up like a balloon effortlessly. That stretches the ribs and abdomen that can move lymph of the whole area.
Increasing circulation to the brain is doubly powerful because the threat of suffocation from lack of circulation is more threatening there and it is harder to get at the brain so it needs more relief. However, we stimulate circulation indirectly from the hips: Cerebrospinal fluid flows as a whole from hips to head as various osteopaths and cranial sacral therapists have explained although you don’t necessarily need to go to them.
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Primal Rejuvenation
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I work over video: Facebook, Zoom, Google, from Michigan, USA
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Primal Rejuvenation
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