Stop ZAPPING Yourself,
Everyone around you,
and the Bees.
5 Reasons to Stop Using
a Cell Phone
1. Radiation Exposure
Cell phones are probably your single biggest toxic exposure and directing to your head the fastest growing toxic exposure from electronics.
You may start feeling symptoms more as the system boots-up to high power 10 or 20 times greater with the roll out of 5G nearer your home and from satellites zapping you everywhere.
Learn to see what your symptoms are: less concentration, headache, ringing in ears, inflammation, cardiac and respiratory symptoms that may seen like a flu or virus.
2. Zapping Others.
Cell phones affect the health of everyone around you for blocks and even miles.
Cell phone use is driving the roll out of 5G so you can stream videos faster.
3. Ecology of Bees and Agriculture
From local light poles to satellites 5G is already killing bees that pollinate crops as a key link in the ecosystem.
How far will this go?
4. Killing People in Africa
Mining conflict minerals used in cell phones: Tantalum, and other conflict minerals tin, tungsten and gold, fuel war, genocide, slavery, child labor and other human rights abuses in the Congo and Rwanda.
The 2010 Dodd Frank act called for information disclosure on this, but that also depends on people like you sharing the information.
5. Surveillance and Control
Cell phones may be used as part of the wireless infrastructure used for surveillance and social control being developed.
Bill Gates would like to to check vaccination status by tattooing or micro chipping people, under his "ID2020."
Cell phones are required in China for tracking people everywhere and in every interaction from shopping to medica services.
Alternatives From Your Home Or Office
Get a land line on speaker phone
Video call on a land line computer with Facebook, Zoom, Skype, etc.
Get Google phone on the internet or something like that, Google is now a big pharma censor.
Turn off wifi: ethernet cable your computers and other devices--even your phone when to use the internet or text.
Limit Cell Phone Use as You Transition
Quit the texting zombie culture with heads down social distancing already.
My friend's daughter went to jail for killing someone when calling and driving.
I’m to the point where people cannot have a cell phone on in my car.
I used to be able to tolerate it but the power is increasing,
If I am driving post 5G transmitters the combination with a phone on in my car is a lot harder to feel good after that and can ruin my day or evening.
No negotiating about a "very important call,"
No airplane mode and then cheat.
Even OFF with the battery in there is a traceable signal and the police can find people this way.
The big picture is that people ARE getting sicker fast from total toxic exposures since before the covid hoax.
They will misdiagnosis it as a virus to justify mandating vaccines for everyong and social control, then people will get sicker in a vicious cycle.
Now you have positive opportunity for electronic distancing to improve the quality of your life.
The energy you save will help you detoxify your body burden of metals, chemicals, radiation, mold, whatever the case may be.
Upgrade your nutrition to be more resilient to our toxic environment.
Share information about Bill Gates crippling and killing children with polio and other vaccines in India and other places. Stop him from mandating vaccines in the USA. He is not a doctor, scientist, elected official or philanthropist: he is a corporate dictator heavily invested in vaccines and has stated a goal of “population reduction” and electronic surveillance to enforce him dictating your health and collect data on you.
Cell phones are probably your single biggest toxic exposure and directing to your head the fastest growing toxic exposure from electronics.
You may start feeling symptoms more as the system boots-up to high power 10 or 20 times greater with the roll out of 5G nearer your home and from satellites zapping you everywhere.
Learn to see what your symptoms are: less concentration, headache, ringing in ears, inflammation, cardiac and respiratory symptoms that may seen like a flu or virus.
2. Zapping Others.
Cell phones affect the health of everyone around you for blocks and even miles.
Cell phone use is driving the roll out of 5G so you can stream videos faster.
3. Ecology of Bees and Agriculture
From local light poles to satellites 5G is already killing bees that pollinate crops as a key link in the ecosystem.
How far will this go?
4. Killing People in Africa
Mining conflict minerals used in cell phones: Tantalum, and other conflict minerals tin, tungsten and gold, fuel war, genocide, slavery, child labor and other human rights abuses in the Congo and Rwanda.
The 2010 Dodd Frank act called for information disclosure on this, but that also depends on people like you sharing the information.
5. Surveillance and Control
Cell phones may be used as part of the wireless infrastructure used for surveillance and social control being developed.
Bill Gates would like to to check vaccination status by tattooing or micro chipping people, under his "ID2020."
Cell phones are required in China for tracking people everywhere and in every interaction from shopping to medica services.
Alternatives From Your Home Or Office
Get a land line on speaker phone
Video call on a land line computer with Facebook, Zoom, Skype, etc.
Get Google phone on the internet or something like that, Google is now a big pharma censor.
Turn off wifi: ethernet cable your computers and other devices--even your phone when to use the internet or text.
Limit Cell Phone Use as You Transition
- Use your phone less only for essential calls out of the house.
- Keep it off when you are driving and when it is on your body.
- Turn on to Check periodically.
- Use speaker phone or hollow earbuds to increase electronic distancing. Wired ear pieces are too conductive and not helpful.
- Stop compulsive texting and checking up on people that is unnecessary.
- Make a plan arrive at your destination; write down and memorize directions, not GPS, don’t give a progress report, etc. I look at a map on my computer at home and can memorize a trip--I write down directions as necessary.
Quit the texting zombie culture with heads down social distancing already.
My friend's daughter went to jail for killing someone when calling and driving.
I’m to the point where people cannot have a cell phone on in my car.
I used to be able to tolerate it but the power is increasing,
If I am driving post 5G transmitters the combination with a phone on in my car is a lot harder to feel good after that and can ruin my day or evening.
No negotiating about a "very important call,"
No airplane mode and then cheat.
Even OFF with the battery in there is a traceable signal and the police can find people this way.
The big picture is that people ARE getting sicker fast from total toxic exposures since before the covid hoax.
They will misdiagnosis it as a virus to justify mandating vaccines for everyong and social control, then people will get sicker in a vicious cycle.
Now you have positive opportunity for electronic distancing to improve the quality of your life.
The energy you save will help you detoxify your body burden of metals, chemicals, radiation, mold, whatever the case may be.
Upgrade your nutrition to be more resilient to our toxic environment.
Share information about Bill Gates crippling and killing children with polio and other vaccines in India and other places. Stop him from mandating vaccines in the USA. He is not a doctor, scientist, elected official or philanthropist: he is a corporate dictator heavily invested in vaccines and has stated a goal of “population reduction” and electronic surveillance to enforce him dictating your health and collect data on you.
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I work over video: Facebook, Zoom, Google, from Michigan, USA [email protected]
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See how I support you fully:
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I work over video: Facebook, Zoom, Google, from Michigan, USA [email protected]
Join me on Facebook where I blog post. FACEBOOK