Replace Starches with Fruit
Replacing cooked starches with fruit is a carb upgrade with more nutrients per calorie.
I define starches mainly as grains, beans, potatoes, etc. Squashes are borderline vegetable.
Fruit is not just sugar.
Fruits are full of micro nutrients: minerals and vitamins that are necessary to utilize macronutrients for energy.
Micronutrients are cofactors for absorbing and utilizing sugar as energy that help with insulin and leptin sensitivity: how sugar gets into cells for energy.
Minerals especially potassium. The average RDA for potassium is 4.7 grams a day and more for people depleted or more active. You can't just eat a banana like a pill solution. It can require numerous serving per day you have to look up the mineral contents to see how much.
Alkaline balance is important especially when eating red meat that is acid so fruit can contribute alklaine minerals potassium and magnesium.
A number of carnivore people are getting fruity, like Paul Saladino.
A diet of all or almost all beef is not necessarily the optimum balance.
Vitamins are the antioxidants in fruit: not just vitamin C but other vitamins called bioflavonoids that mulitply vitamin C by recycling it. Bioflavonoids are under the broad classification of polyphenols of 8000 kinds. Under bioflavonoids are the subcategory tannins that have special properties I have written about elsewhere.
There's no such thing as "whole food vitamin C" chemically, but the point still holds because whole food sources have vitamin recyclers that multiply because C as only the tip of the iceberg that puts C in the place to do it's job near the surface of the water to sink free radical ships passing by. The bulk of the iceberg is polyphenols below.
Polyphenols play many roles in the antioxidant army. They all work together dynamically: once an electron is donated by an antioxidant the resulting free radical electron stealer or oxidizer that can be directed by our immune system to attack an infectious pathogen like candida or break down a chemical by stealing an electron from it's bonds to dissolve it. An example is vitamin C being used by neutrophils, a type of white blood cell that is part of the immune system.
Enzymes help with digesting the food. Raw found has enzymes that are destroyed by heat from cooking.
This is why I emphasize fruits over vegetables that have to be cooked.
There are fruit like vegetables that are juicy and not too fibrous so they can be eaten raw: tomato, cucumber, corn, bell pepper, etc.
Structured Water The water in fruit is more structured and absorbable.
Prebiotic Fiber
Some people can't tolerate fiber at this point in their health journey, but that is not what this page is about so please no complaining or counterarguments as a matter of absolute ideology if you are reading this on social media.
Fruit fiber is particularly helpful in feeding good bacteria from Akermansia to many other bacteria that ferment fibers and food into vitamins like: beta carotene, B vitamins,and Vitamin K,.
Some fruits even feed butyrate producing bacteria Butyrate is fuel for the colon and like a master hormone in the body that also helps with insulin and leptin sensitivity.
I Stayed in Keto too Long
The first health problem I noticed in my descent into disabling chronic fatigue was blood sugar sensitivity. So low carb like Atkins keto saved me from some symptoms. I stayed in low carb for way too long, with weaker muscles and energy, paranoid about sugar, not knowing that I had already healed much of the mineral, vitamin and other deficiencies that were a major cause of not being able to utilize sugar for energy. As I reintroduced fruit I felt benefits: more energy and exercise capacity.
Many Kinds of Fruit
Everyone knows berries are the richest source of antioxidants and polyphenols.
The lowest carb fruits like lemon and grapefruit have big benefits and can be consumed in large quantities and not even get you out of keto.
An endurance athlete can load up more quickly on dates and raisins that are very dense and good winter foods, too.
Oranges are a great panacea when not feeling well that can help mitigate detoxification symptoms and to gradually detox without creating discomfort.
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