Managing Complex Wholes In Health:
Whole Food, Whole Light, Whole Movement
The way to health is to work with the complexity of nature’s design, not to isolate each variable and manipulate one thing at time in pursuit of an illusory type of certain knowledge in neat little packages for easy marketing.
Whole Foods
have more chemical complexity and benefits.
Nutrients work together as cofactors as a system.
Processes of extracting isolates denature nutrients with solvents, heat, etc.
Synthetic vitamins are often harmful and when they seem work, better is not best.
Whole herbs are better than isolates: more effective and cheaper in bulk powders to compensate for the uncertainty of not being able to measure the content exactly:
Do what works and you can afford, not just what you can measure.
Isolated minerals can work:
Magnesium chloride and Magnesium sulfate, Epsom salt, are mined naturally.
MSM sulfur, a complex not totally isolated, is extracted from pine trees because we can’t eat wood.
Whole Light
Is the full spectrum of the sun’s rays or nanometers that benefit us in so many ways.
We need the full spectrum of rays through our skin and eyes every day.
Isolated artificial light especially which is more in the blue range around 450nm, especially LED which is only that, is unhealthy:
Destroys DHA (the fish fat) that enables us to convert photons of light to electrons, this is what sun is “for,” more than vitamin D.
Separates vitamin A from cofactor melanopsin, like melanin and light sensing pigment, leading to Vitamin A toxicity through unutilized vitamin A—restriction diets can’t solve that.
Artificial light at night suppresses melatonin and sleep cycles.
Artificial light at night increases insulin and carb craving and weight gain.
Whole light creates electrons for mitochondrial energy, regulates hormonal circadian rhythms, encourages good bacteria to grow, and creates vitamin D sulfate the kind we need not in supplements or fish oil supplements. (look up my other posts.)
Isolated therapy lights in the red and infrared, for example can work if many things are done right: the form of light, controlling electromagnetic radiation, etc.
Don’t ask for any advice in comments it’s too complicated.
Other than I recommend the Relax Sauna brand of FIR saunas and lamps.
Whole Movement
Posture is the mechanical balance of muscles moving bones into place as a whole with each part effecting the whole. That is a definition of a system.
The most crucial developmental step is breast feeding that encourages hard sucking of the tongue pressing up on the upper palate to enlarge the airway so you don’t need a forward head posture to breathe, which sets in motion the S curve of sunken chest and forward hips all the way down.
Sign’s of underdeveloped narrow palates are teeth crowding because there are not enough room.
Orthodontists working with nature’s design expand the palate to make room for the teeth to straighten.
Orthodontists working against nature’s design pull teeth and force teeth straight with braces within the constrained structure of a narrow palate, often worsening dental, cranial, jaw or health problems.
Further explanations and do it yourself orthodontics methods can be found by looking up “Mewing.”
There is a whole world of whole system orthodontics to explore.
Other root causes of misalignment from bottom-up are shoes and chairs.
I’ve written a ton about how this works you can find by clicking, no need to type, you should know how to do this and not ask to be spoon fed.
Reductionist Failure Mode
Whole means complex, understanding this is important to overcome the number one cause of failure: reductionist over-simplification.
Complexity means uncertainty because there are always more variables than we are aware of.
So how do we manage complexity and uncertainty:
Focus on results from personal experiments even when you don’t full know causes.
That may seem obvious, except it’s not. Because people are doing something that is very opposite: when you focus too much on chemical analysis under the microscope you are trying to understand everything first as if you can understand these complex processes and then deduce what to do.
People who talk about labs and chemical nutrients that do this but don’t do that because it suppresses that are usually not figuring it out. Lost down rabbit holes.
You have to be very good at chemistry and physics to play that game and bring it back to the environment and check things through personal experimentation of what works.
Most important from a systems theory perspective is empirical feedback about results.
Complexity includes individual variations due to each unique context of specific variables.
Results Driven Science
Empirical feedback means feeling results.
Physical feeling can be may be subjective, but there are a ton of problems with lab tests, too.
the practical science of engineering thinking also uses subjective metrics for customer results.
The main reason people can’t feel result is because nothing is working that well.
Once you have a few things work then you get contrasts for comparison.
Then your nervous system and digestion work to make things work faster.
Immediate feedback is the most reliable: as soon as you eat something you feel a little more energy or well being.
Feedback delayed across time and space is harder to interpret, even though we need that, too.
Playing God with Science
Many people cannot really understand what I just said because they have implicit assumptions that are the opposite that block understanding:
We can and must understand everything with “objective” science before we act.
This assumption shows up when one is “more comfortable” (completely subjective) with knowledge from labels on supplements or food packages: ‘so we know what we are getting.’
If it’s not on the label it’s not in the food: meat only has fat and protein, no vitamins or minerals. I actually have to tell people that I am being sarcastic. It’s been called being a “thick American.”
If the doctor and science doesn’t know then it doesn’t exist.
The assumption that we can know everything actually implies other assumptions : nature is wrong, the body is wrong and the patient is wrong.
This is the doctor playing God. While that is an easy bandwagon to get on, many people do that in a subtler way every day.
In statistical theory and engineering this is called “tampering with a system” but W. E. Deming.
This is why Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden of Eden.
First, by picking the fruit of the tree of good and evil they declared that they would know their own way not God’s way, which means evil would be mixed in.
Then they had false information like shame and fear, not of God.
This is called the pride of life for trying to know our own way with pride, not God’s way.
Then they could not be trusted with the Tree of Life as God’s design of nature for healthy living.
They might try to change the tree of life by modifying genetics of humans and food, sex change operations, or too much modification of whole food, whole light and whole movement.
Managing Complexity and Uncertainty
Instead of trying to directly understand every cause or redesign nature and God’s plan, the bible advises what is essentially an empirical feedback mechanism through the metaphor of the wind as what represents the Holy Spirit of God: we see the results in what the wind moves but not the wind itself as the causes.
Just as we don’t see all the causes in the design of nature but we can see its effects in results we get. This is called bearing fruit.
It can be hard to discern and interpret causes and results, this is the problem of complexity. Physical feedback and guidance can be subtle and hard to hear amidst the constant noise of misinformation, marketing, mind chatter, fears and distractions so the truth may be heard only as a whisper.
Your stairway to health lies on the whispering wind.
Whole Foods
have more chemical complexity and benefits.
Nutrients work together as cofactors as a system.
Processes of extracting isolates denature nutrients with solvents, heat, etc.
Synthetic vitamins are often harmful and when they seem work, better is not best.
Whole herbs are better than isolates: more effective and cheaper in bulk powders to compensate for the uncertainty of not being able to measure the content exactly:
Do what works and you can afford, not just what you can measure.
Isolated minerals can work:
Magnesium chloride and Magnesium sulfate, Epsom salt, are mined naturally.
MSM sulfur, a complex not totally isolated, is extracted from pine trees because we can’t eat wood.
Whole Light
Is the full spectrum of the sun’s rays or nanometers that benefit us in so many ways.
We need the full spectrum of rays through our skin and eyes every day.
Isolated artificial light especially which is more in the blue range around 450nm, especially LED which is only that, is unhealthy:
Destroys DHA (the fish fat) that enables us to convert photons of light to electrons, this is what sun is “for,” more than vitamin D.
Separates vitamin A from cofactor melanopsin, like melanin and light sensing pigment, leading to Vitamin A toxicity through unutilized vitamin A—restriction diets can’t solve that.
Artificial light at night suppresses melatonin and sleep cycles.
Artificial light at night increases insulin and carb craving and weight gain.
Whole light creates electrons for mitochondrial energy, regulates hormonal circadian rhythms, encourages good bacteria to grow, and creates vitamin D sulfate the kind we need not in supplements or fish oil supplements. (look up my other posts.)
Isolated therapy lights in the red and infrared, for example can work if many things are done right: the form of light, controlling electromagnetic radiation, etc.
Don’t ask for any advice in comments it’s too complicated.
Other than I recommend the Relax Sauna brand of FIR saunas and lamps.
Whole Movement
Posture is the mechanical balance of muscles moving bones into place as a whole with each part effecting the whole. That is a definition of a system.
The most crucial developmental step is breast feeding that encourages hard sucking of the tongue pressing up on the upper palate to enlarge the airway so you don’t need a forward head posture to breathe, which sets in motion the S curve of sunken chest and forward hips all the way down.
Sign’s of underdeveloped narrow palates are teeth crowding because there are not enough room.
Orthodontists working with nature’s design expand the palate to make room for the teeth to straighten.
Orthodontists working against nature’s design pull teeth and force teeth straight with braces within the constrained structure of a narrow palate, often worsening dental, cranial, jaw or health problems.
Further explanations and do it yourself orthodontics methods can be found by looking up “Mewing.”
There is a whole world of whole system orthodontics to explore.
Other root causes of misalignment from bottom-up are shoes and chairs.
I’ve written a ton about how this works you can find by clicking, no need to type, you should know how to do this and not ask to be spoon fed.
Reductionist Failure Mode
Whole means complex, understanding this is important to overcome the number one cause of failure: reductionist over-simplification.
Complexity means uncertainty because there are always more variables than we are aware of.
So how do we manage complexity and uncertainty:
Focus on results from personal experiments even when you don’t full know causes.
That may seem obvious, except it’s not. Because people are doing something that is very opposite: when you focus too much on chemical analysis under the microscope you are trying to understand everything first as if you can understand these complex processes and then deduce what to do.
People who talk about labs and chemical nutrients that do this but don’t do that because it suppresses that are usually not figuring it out. Lost down rabbit holes.
You have to be very good at chemistry and physics to play that game and bring it back to the environment and check things through personal experimentation of what works.
Most important from a systems theory perspective is empirical feedback about results.
Complexity includes individual variations due to each unique context of specific variables.
Results Driven Science
Empirical feedback means feeling results.
Physical feeling can be may be subjective, but there are a ton of problems with lab tests, too.
the practical science of engineering thinking also uses subjective metrics for customer results.
The main reason people can’t feel result is because nothing is working that well.
Once you have a few things work then you get contrasts for comparison.
Then your nervous system and digestion work to make things work faster.
Immediate feedback is the most reliable: as soon as you eat something you feel a little more energy or well being.
Feedback delayed across time and space is harder to interpret, even though we need that, too.
Playing God with Science
Many people cannot really understand what I just said because they have implicit assumptions that are the opposite that block understanding:
We can and must understand everything with “objective” science before we act.
This assumption shows up when one is “more comfortable” (completely subjective) with knowledge from labels on supplements or food packages: ‘so we know what we are getting.’
If it’s not on the label it’s not in the food: meat only has fat and protein, no vitamins or minerals. I actually have to tell people that I am being sarcastic. It’s been called being a “thick American.”
If the doctor and science doesn’t know then it doesn’t exist.
The assumption that we can know everything actually implies other assumptions : nature is wrong, the body is wrong and the patient is wrong.
This is the doctor playing God. While that is an easy bandwagon to get on, many people do that in a subtler way every day.
In statistical theory and engineering this is called “tampering with a system” but W. E. Deming.
This is why Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden of Eden.
First, by picking the fruit of the tree of good and evil they declared that they would know their own way not God’s way, which means evil would be mixed in.
Then they had false information like shame and fear, not of God.
This is called the pride of life for trying to know our own way with pride, not God’s way.
Then they could not be trusted with the Tree of Life as God’s design of nature for healthy living.
They might try to change the tree of life by modifying genetics of humans and food, sex change operations, or too much modification of whole food, whole light and whole movement.
Managing Complexity and Uncertainty
Instead of trying to directly understand every cause or redesign nature and God’s plan, the bible advises what is essentially an empirical feedback mechanism through the metaphor of the wind as what represents the Holy Spirit of God: we see the results in what the wind moves but not the wind itself as the causes.
Just as we don’t see all the causes in the design of nature but we can see its effects in results we get. This is called bearing fruit.
It can be hard to discern and interpret causes and results, this is the problem of complexity. Physical feedback and guidance can be subtle and hard to hear amidst the constant noise of misinformation, marketing, mind chatter, fears and distractions so the truth may be heard only as a whisper.
Your stairway to health lies on the whispering wind.
Eat to energize, detoxify & immunize.
Move to circulate, align, & relax.
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