Many people are probably not going to cure their lyme, candida, parasites or whatever infection, the way they are going about it.
Just because you test positive for lyme infection doesn’t mean that is the main cause of your health problems as most experienced alternative health practitioners will tell you as you can see on You Tube., like Richard Horowitz.
“It’s not the bug it’s the terrain” of the whole body Antoine Bechamp stated over a hundred years ago in his rivalry with Louis Pasteur the father of pasteurization and germophobia who later supposedly conceded the point on his death bed.
Infections are largely opportunistic: you have to be weak for infections to become a chronic problem.
Nutrition, toxicity and emotions matter.
Infectious diseases are over-emphasized in the dominant medical paradigm because it is safer to blame nature than the many toxins created by medicine, dentistry, industry and agriculture.
It’s also easier to focus on one thing, but it’s lazy.
Alternative models of chronic disease are also extremely weak.
Medical Paradigm and Infection
Persons with chronic illnesses who have been diagnosed with lyme face a crucial choice between two paths: the medical paradigm and a holistic lifestyle and environment paradigm. The medical paradigm is the default paradigm through which people make health decisions. The holistic paradigm is more complex and less completely defined with practitioners and even the most advanced health consumers typically being on the fence between the two due to a lack of clear available definitions.
The medial paradigm is represented by money “lyme literate” doctors. These are the docs taking you down the rabbit hole of lab tests that split hairs about which forms of lyme and related bacteria you have. People are easily fooled by scientific lab reports because they don’t have theoretical frameworks to evaluate if the right questions have been asked. The treatment is typically antibiotics and the lyme patient will be lucky to get out of this treatment half alive. Some respond well, at least temporarily, but many end up far worse than the original problem.
The failure and relapse rate for lyme infection treatment using antibiotics alone is about 100% according to Dr. Richard Horowitz, the doctor who has sold more books on lyme than anyone, including, “Why Can’t I Get Better?”
Lyme literate but body illiterate.
These failures are the first clue that toxicity is the bigger issue: from the antibiotics themselves, heavy metals, chemicals like glyphosates, and the escalating amount of EMF, electro magnetic fields or radiation, and radio frequencies from all electrical gadgets, wires, cell phones and towers, smart meters and the new G5 taking it to monstrous levels. This is what weakens the whole system of the body and the immune system.
Lack of Quality Health Solutions
Well known doctors like Richard Horowitz and Dietrich Kinghardt have insisted the lyme bacteria infections should not be seen in isolation from other coinfections, toxicity, nutrition and emotions, and provided much good information. Yet they still do not address these systematically enough and have relied on antibiotics. Dr. Klinghardt admitted that antibiotics have become increasingly ineffective.
Incomplete understanding of the new paradigm of health is what accounts for the lack of quality solutions for chronic health problems with people wasting their money on things that don’t work, or partial solutions at best, until they are broke, can’t work and stuck in a hell that no one understands. Even family members blame chronically ill people for being sick or not really being sick and just tell them to get a job—revealing themselves to be the monsters that contributed to them to being sick in the first place.
Well known doctors like Richard Horowitz and Dietrich Kinghardt have insisted the lyme bacteria infections should not be seen in isolation from other coinfections, toxicity, nutrition and emotions, and provided much good information. Yet they still do not address these systematically enough and have relied on antibiotics. Dr. Klinghardt admitted that antibiotics have become increasingly ineffective.
Incomplete understanding of the new paradigm of health is what accounts for the lack of quality solutions for chronic health problems with people wasting their money on things that don’t work, or partial solutions at best, until they are broke, can’t work and stuck in a hell that no one understands. Even family members blame chronically ill people for being sick or not really being sick and just tell them to get a job—revealing themselves to be the monsters that contributed to them to being sick in the first place.
Truly Holistic Paradigm
Let’s define this new paradigm. Holistic means seeing body mind and spirit together, and also implies a more systematic view of each part like nutrition that takes into account all nutrient deficiencies. A system consists of how all the parts of health fit together: the body in lifestyle, in and environment. And a mind making choices about what that body should do—this is issues of what paradigm to use to make decisions about health.
The problem is complexity, which means it is difficult to get complete knowledge. When problems are not easily solved it means we need a bigger picture, a map of the terrain.
The challenge is to balance holding enough knowledge of complexity without getting completely overwhelmed, with enough simplicity without reductionist oversimplification.
The way to do that is to focus on the few root causes that create the many symptoms.
The problem has been that there is no common definition of root causes.
Nowhere could I find even the criteria for defining the difference between cause and symptoms. This lack represents how faithlessly sloppy our collective knowledge is. No wonder people are stuck in illness that gets worse until people are debilitated.
So I decided to think it through for myself.
I started with the idea that body parts don’t cause their own problems. Body parts are symptoms where root causes make an impact: Adrenal fatigue, thyroid, leaky gut, autoimmunity, inflammation, ME in cfs (inflamed brain stem) are all trendy diagnoses based on body parts and physiological responses to stress.
I repeatedly asked Why? symptoms showed up at specific body parts and it always went back to a few stressors
The criteria for what makes a root cause are threefold from outside the body:
MISSING: nutrients, developmental process emotionally or physically.
INVADING: toxins, infection, emotional abuse, physical injury
How we make choices is based on the paradigm we use to make sense of health. Paradigms are at least partially or mostly unconscious. You think you know what the answer looks like i general but never seem to get the specifics right. The answer could be staring you in the face but you would not see it because you think your solution is something else.
Want and Need diverge.
Paradigms also shape implwmenetion: whether you can oprerational knowledge into action steps, pursue diligently, and measure your results like a scientific experiment to adjust course when needed. People fail to implement when they lose focus and go back to compulsive shopping for one step miracles.
That leaves us with 6 root causes
1. Nutrition
2. Toxicity: metals, chemicals, emf, light, mold.
3. Infection
4. Emotions
5. Physical misalignment from teeth to toes.
6. Mind's choices
A list of 6 is better than one reductionist cause like lyme, adrenal fatigue, etc.
Yet even 6 is too complex to know where to begin.
Stages of Implementation
Things need to be done in the right order to balance completeness and simplicity.
Order of implementation is above all unique to each individual.
Here are some steps to do, approximatly in this order, but that can vary.
A strong immune systems is necessary to prevent relapse after kill shots are done
Customized Nutrition & Deficiencies: the body is only as strong as its weakest link.
This increases energy and clearer thinking. Fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins, probiotics, sun, therapeutic lights, etc.
Eat to Energize.
Reduce Toxic Exposures in Environment
Detox Basics to handle endotoxins from infecdion and handle die-off chemicals.
Kill Infections
If you are not getting the results you want then you need to look at the way you make decisions about health. What you think the answer looks like may not be complete.
Health begins in the mind with a paradigm change based on systems thinking: holistic lifestyle and environment.
Things need to be done in the right order to balance completeness and simplicity.
Order of implementation is above all unique to each individual.
Here are some steps to do, approximatly in this order, but that can vary.
A strong immune systems is necessary to prevent relapse after kill shots are done
Customized Nutrition & Deficiencies: the body is only as strong as its weakest link.
This increases energy and clearer thinking. Fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins, probiotics, sun, therapeutic lights, etc.
Eat to Energize.
Reduce Toxic Exposures in Environment
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Artifial LIght and Night
- Mold,
- Chemicals in the house
Detox Basics to handle endotoxins from infecdion and handle die-off chemicals.
Kill Infections
If you are not getting the results you want then you need to look at the way you make decisions about health. What you think the answer looks like may not be complete.
Health begins in the mind with a paradigm change based on systems thinking: holistic lifestyle and environment.
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Primal Rejuvenation
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