Working Out and Over-Training:
Science versus Emotion
When most people work out their results are not optimum and often over-train because they:
- Lack a theory of exercise adaptation.
- Lack ways to measure progress to adjust routines.
- Are addicted to a workout high driven by emotional reasons like avoiding uncomfortable feelings.
Improving work outs by analyzing all the factors of success can lead to a transformation of life on many levels: intellectual, physical, emotional, and spiritual. I will give you a glimpse into:
- A revolution in scientific method that enables you to apply science in your life better.
- Systems theory as the basis for understanding all the variables in working out and health.
- Emotional healing to satisify what you really need that covered up by work out addiction.
This is about a paradigm change, how you see life and specifically make decisions about health. The results you get in health are due to how you make decisions according to the partially invisible criteria in your head the make you interested in some things and not others. If you are not conscious of how you think then you are more likely to miss something. This article helps map out those blind spots.
Measuring Over-Training
Signs of over-training are:
- Injuries
- Fatigue or moods
- Insomnia, the more exhausted you are the less you sleep.
- Fat gain as cortisol and stress increases
- Lack of continuous progress measured with precise indicators for each workout.
- A better result you cannot imagine yet because you have not done it (the opportunity cost in economics.)
Injuries: A Whole System Problem
Chronic stress injuries like back or joint pain are often cumulative, not necessarily from an accident or doing one movement the wrong way. Your whole system can be exhausted due to over-training and then the symptom shows up in one spot that is also an area that suffers due to slight misalignment.
Over-training means not enough energy to repair that stress point.
This means too much training stress relative to nutrition and toxic exposures that require more nutrients to detoxify. Toxic exposures include the lights and electronic pollution in the gym. Sunlight is a nutrient, just getting it in the eyes on a sunny day helps. Being outdoors also benefits from the earth’s frequency, the Schumann resonance that helps cells function.
Injuries also appear due to friction from total body misalignment from teeth to toes. Although the pain shows up at one point it is the whole system misaligned by shoes, chairs and even the alignment of the teeth can imbalance posture. You have to align your feet and hips for back and other pain above that.
Think like an Engineer.
Understanding a system means seeing how all the parts relate like an engineer flow charting processes.
This means that things are more complex than we usually think.
Then the focus must be on the few root causes in the system and not just the many symptoms.
Root causes are often separated from symptoms in time and space so inferences are not obvious and having a theory of systems for any particular topic is necessary to know how to investigate lines of causality.
Intuit like a Hunter
Be present to become aware of the difference between an emotional or physical need when deciding to work out, eat, etc.
Emotional Transformation
Emotional transformation is your focus on rest days along with awareness all the time..
1. Move to Circulate, Align, & Relax
2, Rejuvenate Romance based on Masculine Feminine Polarity at my section on Relationships.
3. Prayer: directing you to free resources.: The Best Method page under the Emotional section this website. .
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