Masculine Leadership
Power and leadership starts with our body.
Men’s Health 4 X 4
to cross the rough terrain
The Body is a Foundation for the Mind:
Power with Posture
Brain performance
Your face is your money maker
Masculine Pursuit of Health:
Mind of an engineer
Instincts of a hunter
Being present & aware of emotional versus physical needs to eat, work out, etc.
Masculine values: responsibility, discipline, accountability, implementing to nail it.
to cross the rough terrain
The Body is a Foundation for the Mind:
Power with Posture
Brain performance
Your face is your money maker
Masculine Pursuit of Health:
Mind of an engineer
Instincts of a hunter
Being present & aware of emotional versus physical needs to eat, work out, etc.
Masculine values: responsibility, discipline, accountability, implementing to nail it.
The purpose of men’s health is to be strong physically to be able to get things done in work, love, and public life.
A man’s power starts with his body especially his brain that need to be maintained as we age, although aging can start in the 20s these days with so much toxicity and stress.
Success in health and life requires being able to solve problems like an engineer and act instinctively like a hunter to be a good leader, husband and father.
Number one is increasing brain plasticity, the ability to learn new things instead of becoming a rigid old man set in your ways. Many people don’t have the energy to think and reading comprehension seems to be declining. To solve brain decline, a new paradigm of science found in engineering thinking can be learned through health and applied to anything in life.
Testosterone is a hormone for calm assertiveness with the resolute boundaries of a police officer.
Not being overreacting and bitchy as with elevated estrogen that sets in with aging and estrogen mimicking toxins. Andropause is a real thing like menopause and might not be strictly age related but also from toxicity and nutrition as with soy boys. Hormone levels are the result of total body health, not its cause or an isolated thing to manipulate.
Sexual functioning represents overall fitness to breed.
Symptoms from ED to prostate problems indicate systemic health decline and that are best solved through total diet and moving to align hips and posture.
The center of alignment and power in the body is around the hips that when aligned:
- Activate the strongest muscles to make you feel more like an athlete even when just walking
- Align the spine for a proud bearing chest instead of S curve slouch
- Move fluidly in a way that is relaxing
- Becomes joyful and invigorating to move
- Increases circulation to deliver nutrients everywhere, including the spine and brain.
- Lose old man aches or injuries from overtraining.
- Maybe there is something more literal to “get some backbone” than we realize.
Engineering thinking introduces:
- Systems thinking: seeing how all the parts of your body relate.
- Finding weak links that hold you back.
- Focusing on the few root causes that determine the many symptoms.
- Designing protocols that are customized and quantified
- Disciplined implementation.
- Measuring progress as you go by observing everything in the body.
The Hunter: Instinct and Intuition.
A man cannot just be in his head: he needs heart, guts, backbone and balls.
Instinct refers to feeling what your body needs and how to get it like a hunter:
Know when to be still and hold back, and when to move forward quickly on your objective.
Intuition is using your bodily sensations to gather data about observations you make with eyes and ears, which is especially important to understand a woman’s heart.
You can learn to feel immediately if a woman is feminine and safe.
Many men are in their heads trying to analyze and strategize in dating with defensive tactics with women they should not be talking to.
If you are in relationship boundaries must be sensed and enforced immediately.
If you are in your head then you are vulnerable to over-reasoning which for women is an opening to manipulate with endless conversation and arguments.
That sometimes feels like a test to see how much you will take until you assert boundaries and leadership. I heard a woman on dating show say,
“I was rude to him and he could not even defend himself so how could he defend me.?”
Not all women are like that, as some men believe; you need to straighten them out or get rid of them quickly.
Emotional intelligence can be developed partly by learning to sense your physical needs and sensations, like whether something is stressing you or what your needs are around food, rest, and movement.
Learn the difference between a physical need to eat or workout and an emotional need to relieve stress, avoid conflict, stay preoccupied, etc. Many men over-train because they want the workout high because they don’t know other ways to relieve stress or solve problems.
Presence is paying attention, observing mind and body inwardly, and others outwardly.
It means listening to your body what it needs and whether what you are doing is working—I can feel things immediately usually, in some way, it’s not a 3 week long isolated experiment.
Presence means observing and listening to your customers, employees and woman.
Presence means having some control over mind and emotions, being able to pause to formulate a new understanding that integrates levels.
Presence is where scientific observation, intuition and sensation come together.
Presence is important for outward caring about others.
Not being a baby man of a boss that steals others ideas or a know-it-all that always has to right.
Presence is where the masculine and feminine come together: the feminine is receiving and the masculine is acting. If you can’t receive information you can’t act intelligently.
Many men are afraid to feel because they think it will make them more feminine.
But what’s really down there is who you really are and that is the doorway to your killer instinct.
If you don’t’ find that you risk being influenced and shamed into being a tool.
Morality is lead by reason, not feeling or instinct.
This makes clearer that proper use of instinct is not impulsive aggression or excessive “getting your anger out.”
We do what we know to be right whether we feel like it or not.
Feelings can confirm results. Actions repeated can lead to feelings of confidence in anticipation that the same result will occur.
We choke down the supplement that tastes bad to get the result.
We stop eating emotionally for things that don’t feel good later.
We experiment to figure out what works, not “go with the gut” in ways that makes excuses for laziness and habits.
The feeling side is feminine and that is still equally important.
Women being more developed on the feeling side are generally more receptive to new ideas around health. They sense danger in the environment sooner.
Men are generally better at focusing to implement.
A couple can work together as a team. Although men should lead relationships generally, a leader is a team player that knows how to follow a lead, too.
Don’t be a stubborn butt-head who thinks he has things handled when he doesn’t.
He is not listening to his body or his women—there is a connection.
Many men are in the hyper masculine retreat into their head, nerdy and lacking in emotional engagement in general and understanding of women due to a lack of secondary feminine balance.
Women can likewise benefit from some masculine reasoning to tame a mess of feelings.
It takes some feminine in a man to know women and receive the love of a woman with full body sensation.
It’s very hard for men to allow intense sensation; partly because there is so much pain from rejection, partly because we did not learn what to do.
Men stay in their heads and think about what to say.
The first principle is that women feel what men are feeling.
A man can learn to feel a woman’s heart too, rather than try to find out what to say to “get” her rather that sense whether he should even try.
I’ve approached women with a nervousness that felt like I would die but I was received because I was feeling appreciation along with the honesty of not hiding and not trying too hard
Start with listening to your own body.
Clean out and build up your brain to understand new things.
Get hormones boosted to be in your masculine.
Eat a super sex machine diet with fat and cholesterol because that builds hormones like testosterone, and so much more.
Save your sexual energy and notice women respond to your higher magnetism.
Stop over-training that replaces growth hormone and testosterone with stress hormones.
Get connected to all our needs as men and roles we can play in the world.
Primal Rejuvenation Health Coaching
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Primal Rejuvenation
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I work over video: Facebook, Zoom, Google, from Michigan, USA
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Primal Rejuvenation
enough to make a difference
enough to implement
to individual needs