Complete solutions for health: from chronic fatigue to high performance body and brain:
1. Nutrition: complete and customized to energize, detoxify, immunize..
2. Move to circulate, align & relax: for lymph, blood, pain, brain.
3. Environmental protection from electronic pollution, artificial lights, mold, etc.
Integrate more natural ways of eating, moving, and living with nature.
Don't wait for science to catch-up, learn from tradition.
Restore youthful vitality, appearance, and joy.
by energizing the body to heal itself.
New Paradigm of Health
Change the way you make decisions about health.
Implement to Nail It
DID you do it?
Detailed. Instinctive. Dynamic.
Focus to Succeed
Stop shopping and read your plan’s instructions and theory behind it.
Stop self-sabotage from being shattered and scattered rather than focused.
Heal emotionally to resonate with and receive solutions.
Change the way you make decisions about health.
- Systematic: solve all weak links because your system is only as strong as its weakest links.
- Simple: focus on the few root causes, not the many symptoms. (new theory of 6 root causes)
- Sensitive to individual needs: customized plans through interpretation of symptoms, labs, energetic testing, and feedback during implemention.
Implement to Nail It
DID you do it?
Detailed. Instinctive. Dynamic.
- Detail Oriented. Customized: quality products, quantities, combinations, order of implementation, review of progress.
- Instinctive: listen to body for immediate feedback. Sense what you need before you eat.
- Dynamic: continuous improvement through experimentation: fine-tuning to overcome food limitations.
Focus to Succeed
Stop shopping and read your plan’s instructions and theory behind it.
Stop self-sabotage from being shattered and scattered rather than focused.
Heal emotionally to resonate with and receive solutions.
Eat to energize, detoxify & immunize.
Move to circulate, align, & relax.
Primal Rejuvenation Health Coaching
Find out what you get in a
Free Assessment
See how I support you fully in
Health Coaching Steps
I work over video: Facebook, Zoom, Google, from Michigan, USA
[email protected]
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Primal Rejuvenation
enough to make a difference
enough to implement
to individual needs
I do not diagnose or treat medical conditions.
I address lifestyle & environmental conditions.
Medical conditions tend to be symptoms.
Lifestyle and environment tend to be root causes.
When the body has everything it needs it can heal itself.