Why Dental Surgery Fails
How to Prepare for Surgery
There are many stories of dental surgery for cavitations, root canal removal, etc., having to be done over or making people worse.
You have to be strong enough to recover from the surgery. This involves addressing all the root causes of what made you get the infection in the first place, besides dental work, what lead to dental work.
To repair and fight infection at a dental site requires treating root causes especially nutrition and toxicity, and maybe additional infections deep stress and misalignment—five of the root causes of all health problems. The sixth root cause is your mind, how you react to stress and how you make health decisions, which is what this post is about.
You need a strategy to address root causes in the right order and know when you are ready for surgery and how to support healing afterwards.
I make all my health decisions with energetic testing using a pendulum. With energetic testing key is to ask the right questions and know the right solutions. Many people have experiences with energetic testing of various kinds (look it up, it’s not necessary for me to explain basics) but the solutions failed. That is a question of the general competence of the practitioner, whether they asked the right questions or knew the best solutions. Of the many practitioners I saw for my chronic fatigue almost none helped in any substantial way. So I had to mostly figure out for myself. Energetic testing is just a way to get yes or no answers but can’t tell you if you are looking in the right direction. There is no, “Energetic testing didn’t work for me,” because energetic testing is not a thing, but a tool in a larger method.
I constantly monitor nutrition for every cell for energy, to heal and rejuvenate.
Complete nutrition covers 8 weak links and you are only as strong as your weakest link.
1. The right diet. Since this is highly individualized I like to build diet one food at a time, testing energetic foods and a list of alternatives.
2. Allergies and intolerances. Some foods should be eliminated. Intolerances to health foods can be eliminated by correcting nutritional deficiencies and digestive problems.
3. Deficiencies create a lack of energy, cravings, and intolerances: minerals, vitamins, protein, fat, probiotics, sunlight, etc.
All nutrients work together as cofactors. If you miss basic nutrients, then cofactor nutrients that are unutilized nutrients can be irritants or accumulate toxically, like calcium and iron do on epidemic levels. If you don’t start with sodium, potassium and magnesium, you will not be fully utilizing other nutrients. I never met a practitioner that address these competently even when I asked to address mineral deficiencies. Each person has a different pattern and needs different amounts and combinations for a complete solution eliminate every last weak link.
4 Excesses of things like carbs, meat, fat vary by individual. Sometimes these are the result of cravings based on mineral or vitamin deficiencies but your body doesn’t know where to get it so it just takes in more calories hoping to get it.
5. Low quality supplements: Most supplements don’t work. You can’t feel them helping. Stop building a supplements museum in your cupboard. Test, not guess to upgrade.
6. Low quality foods.
7. Physics of nutrition. Sun is number one. Sun energizes every cell and boosts circulation that is crucial for healing stagnant areas like dental infection.
8. Digestion can be a complicated mess. All the other root causes can weaken digestion: toxicity, infection, deep stress, misalignment.
Toxicity is super important to address as root cause of weakening the body, immune system, circulation, and deficiencies since detox requires many more nutrients.
Exposures: Electronic pollution, mold, chemicals from cleaning and personal products, artificial lights especially at night.
Body burden: metals, chemicals, mycotoxins, radiation.
It’s important to do things in the right order:
Some nutrients are prerequisite cofactors for absorbing other nutrients.
Get stronger before aggressive detox. Getting stronger leads to detox anyway.
Sometimes infection needs to be address before digestion can improve.
Energetic testing can answer these kind of questions.
Isolating infection as the main thing apart from the whole system is medical paradigm thinking: each thing in isolation with an emphasis on infection (nature) versus toxicity what weakened the immune system in the first place.
You have to be strong enough to recover from the surgery. This involves addressing all the root causes of what made you get the infection in the first place, besides dental work, what lead to dental work.
To repair and fight infection at a dental site requires treating root causes especially nutrition and toxicity, and maybe additional infections deep stress and misalignment—five of the root causes of all health problems. The sixth root cause is your mind, how you react to stress and how you make health decisions, which is what this post is about.
You need a strategy to address root causes in the right order and know when you are ready for surgery and how to support healing afterwards.
I make all my health decisions with energetic testing using a pendulum. With energetic testing key is to ask the right questions and know the right solutions. Many people have experiences with energetic testing of various kinds (look it up, it’s not necessary for me to explain basics) but the solutions failed. That is a question of the general competence of the practitioner, whether they asked the right questions or knew the best solutions. Of the many practitioners I saw for my chronic fatigue almost none helped in any substantial way. So I had to mostly figure out for myself. Energetic testing is just a way to get yes or no answers but can’t tell you if you are looking in the right direction. There is no, “Energetic testing didn’t work for me,” because energetic testing is not a thing, but a tool in a larger method.
I constantly monitor nutrition for every cell for energy, to heal and rejuvenate.
Complete nutrition covers 8 weak links and you are only as strong as your weakest link.
1. The right diet. Since this is highly individualized I like to build diet one food at a time, testing energetic foods and a list of alternatives.
2. Allergies and intolerances. Some foods should be eliminated. Intolerances to health foods can be eliminated by correcting nutritional deficiencies and digestive problems.
3. Deficiencies create a lack of energy, cravings, and intolerances: minerals, vitamins, protein, fat, probiotics, sunlight, etc.
All nutrients work together as cofactors. If you miss basic nutrients, then cofactor nutrients that are unutilized nutrients can be irritants or accumulate toxically, like calcium and iron do on epidemic levels. If you don’t start with sodium, potassium and magnesium, you will not be fully utilizing other nutrients. I never met a practitioner that address these competently even when I asked to address mineral deficiencies. Each person has a different pattern and needs different amounts and combinations for a complete solution eliminate every last weak link.
4 Excesses of things like carbs, meat, fat vary by individual. Sometimes these are the result of cravings based on mineral or vitamin deficiencies but your body doesn’t know where to get it so it just takes in more calories hoping to get it.
5. Low quality supplements: Most supplements don’t work. You can’t feel them helping. Stop building a supplements museum in your cupboard. Test, not guess to upgrade.
6. Low quality foods.
- Numerous kinds of general upgrades in food groups may apply to each individual:From cooked veggies to juicing
- From grains to fruits for carbs
- From muscle meats to organ meats
- From pasteurized dairy to raw dairy with a plan to eliminate dairy allergies by addressing deficiencies.
7. Physics of nutrition. Sun is number one. Sun energizes every cell and boosts circulation that is crucial for healing stagnant areas like dental infection.
8. Digestion can be a complicated mess. All the other root causes can weaken digestion: toxicity, infection, deep stress, misalignment.
Toxicity is super important to address as root cause of weakening the body, immune system, circulation, and deficiencies since detox requires many more nutrients.
Exposures: Electronic pollution, mold, chemicals from cleaning and personal products, artificial lights especially at night.
Body burden: metals, chemicals, mycotoxins, radiation.
It’s important to do things in the right order:
Some nutrients are prerequisite cofactors for absorbing other nutrients.
Get stronger before aggressive detox. Getting stronger leads to detox anyway.
Sometimes infection needs to be address before digestion can improve.
Energetic testing can answer these kind of questions.
Isolating infection as the main thing apart from the whole system is medical paradigm thinking: each thing in isolation with an emphasis on infection (nature) versus toxicity what weakened the immune system in the first place.
Eat to energize, detoxify & immunize.
Move to circulate, align, & relax.
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