Electrical Sensitivity
Electrical Sensitivity
Lithium is considered an essential mineral by the World Health Organization with at least 5 broad functions:
Energy production within mitochondria of every cell of every organ for every function.
Lithium is part of the mechanism of sleep because it is part of the suprachiasmatic nucleus behind the eyes that is involved in regulating circadian rhythms.
Lithium is very well researched in psychiatry and can be effective against the full range of neurological and mood disorders:
• anxiety
• depression
• suicide
• bipolar
• schizophrenia
• Alzheimer’s
• lower homicide rates when added to municipal water.
Research in psychiatry finds that one the mechanisms of action is regulation of voltage gated calcium ion channels, which is involved in electrical sensitivity
Lithium helps down-regulate calcium channels so that non native electro magnetic radiation does not cause calcium efflux into cells leading to over stimulation and free radical damage that creates fatigue and pain.
Astonishingly, this connection to electrical toxicity is completely absent in discussions about electrical sensitivity.
Lithium is also essential to key detoxification processes, and this is studied within the psychiatric research:
• In the Glutathione pathway
• In Methylation as a cofactor for vitamins B12 and folate.
Many people with mercury poisoning such as myself had extremely low lithium levels on hair mineral tests that diagnosed mercury poisoning originally. Interestingly, lithium nutrition is rarely discussed in mercury detoxification, although some people mention in as a cofactor as above.
Lithium nutrition is almost always discussed in terms of supplements and not whole food nutrition.
Supplements have many success stories but some complaints as well, and it’s hard to sort out if it was just detox so it was actually working versus the problems with supplements.
People get trace amounts in mineral rich foods like seafood, but that’s not necessarily enough when one is chronically deficient due to unnatural levels of toxicity and in need of therapeutic doses.
"The US Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that the daily lithium intake of an average adult ranges from about 0.65 mg to 3 mg. Grains and vegetables serve as the primary sources of lithium in a standard diet, with animal byproducts such as eggs and milk providing the rest. Lithium has even been officially added to the World Health Organization'slist of nutritionally essential trace elements alongside zinc, iodine, and others.
The most frequent source of lithium in the modern diet, however, is tap water. Depending on geographical location, drinking water contains substantial amounts of naturally occurring lithium. According to environmental surveys, water with high mineral content can translate to 2 mg or so of lithium per day.
There has been little research on the specific consequences of lithium deficiency in humans. However, trials in which animals have been put on low-lithium diets have revealed a gross decrease in reproductive function, lifespan, and lipid metabolism. It is quite possible that lithium deficiency has many other effects on human physiology, but the study of nutritional lithium has been overshadowed by the volatile reputation of high-dose pharmaceutical lithium."
Great Plains Laboratories website... copy and paste
Energy production within mitochondria of every cell of every organ for every function.
Lithium is part of the mechanism of sleep because it is part of the suprachiasmatic nucleus behind the eyes that is involved in regulating circadian rhythms.
Lithium is very well researched in psychiatry and can be effective against the full range of neurological and mood disorders:
• anxiety
• depression
• suicide
• bipolar
• schizophrenia
• Alzheimer’s
• lower homicide rates when added to municipal water.
Research in psychiatry finds that one the mechanisms of action is regulation of voltage gated calcium ion channels, which is involved in electrical sensitivity
Lithium helps down-regulate calcium channels so that non native electro magnetic radiation does not cause calcium efflux into cells leading to over stimulation and free radical damage that creates fatigue and pain.
Astonishingly, this connection to electrical toxicity is completely absent in discussions about electrical sensitivity.
Lithium is also essential to key detoxification processes, and this is studied within the psychiatric research:
• In the Glutathione pathway
• In Methylation as a cofactor for vitamins B12 and folate.
Many people with mercury poisoning such as myself had extremely low lithium levels on hair mineral tests that diagnosed mercury poisoning originally. Interestingly, lithium nutrition is rarely discussed in mercury detoxification, although some people mention in as a cofactor as above.
Lithium nutrition is almost always discussed in terms of supplements and not whole food nutrition.
Supplements have many success stories but some complaints as well, and it’s hard to sort out if it was just detox so it was actually working versus the problems with supplements.
People get trace amounts in mineral rich foods like seafood, but that’s not necessarily enough when one is chronically deficient due to unnatural levels of toxicity and in need of therapeutic doses.
"The US Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that the daily lithium intake of an average adult ranges from about 0.65 mg to 3 mg. Grains and vegetables serve as the primary sources of lithium in a standard diet, with animal byproducts such as eggs and milk providing the rest. Lithium has even been officially added to the World Health Organization'slist of nutritionally essential trace elements alongside zinc, iodine, and others.
The most frequent source of lithium in the modern diet, however, is tap water. Depending on geographical location, drinking water contains substantial amounts of naturally occurring lithium. According to environmental surveys, water with high mineral content can translate to 2 mg or so of lithium per day.
There has been little research on the specific consequences of lithium deficiency in humans. However, trials in which animals have been put on low-lithium diets have revealed a gross decrease in reproductive function, lifespan, and lipid metabolism. It is quite possible that lithium deficiency has many other effects on human physiology, but the study of nutritional lithium has been overshadowed by the volatile reputation of high-dose pharmaceutical lithium."
Great Plains Laboratories website... copy and paste
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