Complete Gut Rejuvenation
Seal the Lining
Gut Detox
Killing Infection
Digestion, Bile Flow
Movement, lymph
Not all of these necessarily need to be done for every individual.
Individual needs should be determined by detailed assessment, not random guessing one thing at a time in social media comments.
Seal the Lining
Leaky gut is a key weak link and needs to be healed with foods, not always isolated supplements that are popular.
This also needs to be done with complete customized nutrition for every need of all clls.
Probiotics and Prebiotics are overall the number one priority. Probiotics or good bacteria and yeast missing lacking are the larger problem that still needs to be addressed ongoing after an infection is gone.
Killing Infection
People are over focused on this because they don’t know how the body works as a system to be strengthened but think within the medical system of one cause and removing it like surgery.
This must be done with the right combination of things in the right order that overlap:
Lab tests are almost completely inadequate, especially with parasites.
Everyone has candida, and the sibo bacteria focus is overblown with the unreliable hydrogen test.
In the face of these unknowns, a comprehensive plan can still be designed to address everything there.
A relatively simple plan can address everything but you have to know what works and which combination of things address all the bases—it’s the synergy that counts as the body’s response is mobilized.
Herbals or natural things that work in a broad spectrum against many things through numerous mechanisms are harder to resist, especially when used in combinations, not high doses of single things.
A key strategic consideration of this to minimize killing good bacteria, which even natural things can do.
Pharmaceutical dewormers generally do not kill good bacteria and work fast—that is why horses and livestock are regularly dewormed, like quarterly. It’s not just continuing exposures, but eggs can hatch 6 weeks to 3 months later, after people forgot about it because the treatment at first worked. Chronically ill humans often need more than even rotating through 3 dewormers, including natural things.
A popular trend is too sequential: let’s kill the infection, one thing at a time, and get to probiotics later, or just not taking enough probiotics. People often get worse especially when relying on pharmaceutical antibiotics, developing autoimmunity as their immune system gets dysregulated in part due to lack of probiotics to coordinate it.
As the parasites and fungus are addressed and good bacteria grow, it gets easier to address bacterial infection with the help of probiotics and the immune system.
An infection killing plan could require several things from the best of traditions from China, India, Egypt, and North America: some things are proven to work for thousands of years and now backed by science, while some things are newer. It’s good to implement gradually, in phases and with variety.
Gut Detox
Toxicity also damage the gut, the endless stream of exposures from toxins in food like glyphosates or barium enemas to enhance Xrays.
Endotoxins produced by pathogens include aldehydes produced by candida and lipopolysaccharides produced by bacteria that circulation all over the body.
This can be done better through nutrition, not the usual binders.
Digestion, Bile Flow
Digestive support can be helpful to utilize nutrients to repair organs.
Digestive secretions in the gut can also kill pathogens:
Immune System
The immune systems has to take over to keep pathogens in check.
White blood cells can be increased with nutrients.
The organs of white blood cell production can be supported when one is a major weak link: bone marrow, thymus, spleen.
Immune regulation can include histamine and mca reaction inhibitors.
Inflammation control is another aspect.
The lymph system is also a part of the immune system and I address that below.
Good probiotics bacteria all over the body, not just the gut, regulate the immune system by communicating where the threat is—if the bad guys have not taken over that location.
Probiotics can facilitate a more precise attack strategy than taking immune boosters alone.
Lymph System
They lymph systems I part of the immune system and circulation system:
Blood delivers nutrients to the extracellular fluid that can be stagnant because the lymph system is sluggish, thus nutrients and while blood cells cannot get through.
That is why a simple do it yourself lymph massage can jump start your system when nothing else works.
The lymph system has nodes where while blood cells attack pathogens before the lymph fluid dumps into the blood and go to the liver. That’s another reason to support the liver as people who get into lymph massage frequently crash because they only support the liver with one or two things.
High blood pressure can be understood as an attempt to push nutrients through a stagnant system.
Toxins and waste must be removed to get nutrients and immunity in.
Customized Nutrition
This is often the starting point.
The dilemma is you need a brain that is working to figure it out, but you need the solution get your brain working.
Plus, even healthy practitioners don’t usually have adequate enough methods for complete solutions.
This is why it took me so long to formulate this.
I don’t give personal recommendations in social media comments because I cannot guess what an individual needs and one recommendation at a time would not make much difference.
People need individual assessment and detailed design of a complete solution.
Individual needs should be determined by detailed assessment, not random guessing one thing at a time in social media comments.
Seal the Lining
Leaky gut is a key weak link and needs to be healed with foods, not always isolated supplements that are popular.
This also needs to be done with complete customized nutrition for every need of all clls.
Probiotics and Prebiotics are overall the number one priority. Probiotics or good bacteria and yeast missing lacking are the larger problem that still needs to be addressed ongoing after an infection is gone.
- Good Bacteria digest and create nutrients
- Signal the immune system where to go like the citizens calling the police.
- Fight infection and occupy space to prevent infection: replace as you kill to hold the ground so it will not grow back.
Killing Infection
People are over focused on this because they don’t know how the body works as a system to be strengthened but think within the medical system of one cause and removing it like surgery.
This must be done with the right combination of things in the right order that overlap:
- Parasites
- Fungal overgrowth
- Bacteria
- Viral is another thing I won’t get into here.
Lab tests are almost completely inadequate, especially with parasites.
Everyone has candida, and the sibo bacteria focus is overblown with the unreliable hydrogen test.
In the face of these unknowns, a comprehensive plan can still be designed to address everything there.
A relatively simple plan can address everything but you have to know what works and which combination of things address all the bases—it’s the synergy that counts as the body’s response is mobilized.
Herbals or natural things that work in a broad spectrum against many things through numerous mechanisms are harder to resist, especially when used in combinations, not high doses of single things.
A key strategic consideration of this to minimize killing good bacteria, which even natural things can do.
Pharmaceutical dewormers generally do not kill good bacteria and work fast—that is why horses and livestock are regularly dewormed, like quarterly. It’s not just continuing exposures, but eggs can hatch 6 weeks to 3 months later, after people forgot about it because the treatment at first worked. Chronically ill humans often need more than even rotating through 3 dewormers, including natural things.
A popular trend is too sequential: let’s kill the infection, one thing at a time, and get to probiotics later, or just not taking enough probiotics. People often get worse especially when relying on pharmaceutical antibiotics, developing autoimmunity as their immune system gets dysregulated in part due to lack of probiotics to coordinate it.
As the parasites and fungus are addressed and good bacteria grow, it gets easier to address bacterial infection with the help of probiotics and the immune system.
An infection killing plan could require several things from the best of traditions from China, India, Egypt, and North America: some things are proven to work for thousands of years and now backed by science, while some things are newer. It’s good to implement gradually, in phases and with variety.
Gut Detox
Toxicity also damage the gut, the endless stream of exposures from toxins in food like glyphosates or barium enemas to enhance Xrays.
Endotoxins produced by pathogens include aldehydes produced by candida and lipopolysaccharides produced by bacteria that circulation all over the body.
This can be done better through nutrition, not the usual binders.
Digestion, Bile Flow
Digestive support can be helpful to utilize nutrients to repair organs.
Digestive secretions in the gut can also kill pathogens:
- Stomach acid
- Pancreatic enzymes
- Bile that helps digest fat also helps clean the upper intestine and move the bowels--very important for detox.
Immune System
The immune systems has to take over to keep pathogens in check.
White blood cells can be increased with nutrients.
The organs of white blood cell production can be supported when one is a major weak link: bone marrow, thymus, spleen.
Immune regulation can include histamine and mca reaction inhibitors.
Inflammation control is another aspect.
The lymph system is also a part of the immune system and I address that below.
Good probiotics bacteria all over the body, not just the gut, regulate the immune system by communicating where the threat is—if the bad guys have not taken over that location.
Probiotics can facilitate a more precise attack strategy than taking immune boosters alone.
Lymph System
They lymph systems I part of the immune system and circulation system:
Blood delivers nutrients to the extracellular fluid that can be stagnant because the lymph system is sluggish, thus nutrients and while blood cells cannot get through.
That is why a simple do it yourself lymph massage can jump start your system when nothing else works.
The lymph system has nodes where while blood cells attack pathogens before the lymph fluid dumps into the blood and go to the liver. That’s another reason to support the liver as people who get into lymph massage frequently crash because they only support the liver with one or two things.
High blood pressure can be understood as an attempt to push nutrients through a stagnant system.
Toxins and waste must be removed to get nutrients and immunity in.
Customized Nutrition
This is often the starting point.
- Removing foods that one is intolerant to that aggravate the gut and give you brain fog, etc.
- Correcting intolerances to foods that are healthy by adding cofactor nutrients needed to assimilate them, like magnesium, potassium, molybdenum, etc.
- Upgrading to foods that are more healing, beyond minimal tolerance.
- General nutrients including sun are for every cell the body including the gut.
- Detoxification can be accomplished better through foods, not endless supplements.
The dilemma is you need a brain that is working to figure it out, but you need the solution get your brain working.
Plus, even healthy practitioners don’t usually have adequate enough methods for complete solutions.
This is why it took me so long to formulate this.
I don’t give personal recommendations in social media comments because I cannot guess what an individual needs and one recommendation at a time would not make much difference.
People need individual assessment and detailed design of a complete solution.
Primal Rejuvenation Health Coaching
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I work over video: Facebook, Zoom, Google, from Michigan, USA
[email protected]
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Primal Rejuvenation
enough to make a difference
enough to implement
to individual needs
*** I do not diagnose or heal medical conditions.
I treat lifestyle and environmental conditions
Medical conditions tend to be symptoms.
Life style and environment tend to be root causes.
When the body has everything it needs it can heal itself. ***
Find out what you get in a
Free Assessment
See how I support you fully in
Health Coaching Steps
I work over video: Facebook, Zoom, Google, from Michigan, USA
[email protected]
Follow me on FACEBOOK:
choose “See First” to get all notifications. blog posts
Primal Rejuvenation
enough to make a difference
enough to implement
to individual needs
*** I do not diagnose or heal medical conditions.
I treat lifestyle and environmental conditions
Medical conditions tend to be symptoms.
Life style and environment tend to be root causes.
When the body has everything it needs it can heal itself. ***