The carnivore diet is used as either a therapeutic stage or permanent lifestyle.
It usually starts with eating just fatty 20% grass fed beef as the core if not only food at first.
Key principles include:
This can work.
It can be better than before, but not necessarily best in the long run.
Or, it can fail immediately.
Carnivore diets have their own dogmas that mirror veganism.
With veganism the evil is in meat and dairy acids and mucous.
With carnivore even natural sugars in fruit are evil.
To them, plants are full of anti nutrients, like tannins, even though most of the research on tannins as flavonoid/polyphenol antioxidant show they are positive for health.
There can be benefit to eliminating plant foods at least temporarily, but reasons are more complex than they think and this does not always achieve an ideal balance.
For many people the most important root cause of food intolerance is lack of electrolytes magnesium, potassium or sodium, and carnivore will make this worse for those individuals.
Carnivore diet symptoms are explained away as "oxalate dumping" as the poisons in plants. They can't image their being other toxins being removed if their diet is working. One remedy is to drink tea with oxalates to slow oxalate dumping and symptoms. the same tea can be full of tannins, which should make them sick according to their theory. They don't consider that tea could have antioxidants that neutralize toxins.
Candida is not just the result of eating sugar and does not always automatically go away on keto, i know from experience.
Yeast and bacteria overgrowth and pathogens are known to grow from deficiencies of nutrients like biotin and phosphorous, to name some random examples, not just excess of sugar.
This is never discussed in the groups and forums and candida is only discussed as an external parasite to kill because they are still caught in the medical paradigm and don't understand nutrition and how the body heals itself.
There is a big difference between berries full of polypenols and a ripe banana with high sugar content.
Even a green banana has different, sugar, enzyme and nutrient content.
Berries are loaded with nutrients that can help address overgrowth like candida.
One person arguing with me did not know the difference between fruits with fructose and high fructose corn syrup, a completely denatured extract, as if that feels the same way in the body.
Everything is about balance and synergy of cofactor nutrients.
The main challenge for balance with carnivore is alkaline balance to match the acid of a beef only diet.
The first keto no carb diet i tried in the 1995 was the Atkins diet that recommended taking the alkaline minerals magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium. Carnivore acknowledges the need to take these electrolytes but we don't know how well people quantify individual needs or source the forms of products that work. Potassium can be tricky as far as what works. It's also not ideal to rely on supplements forever.
The carnivore diet is used as either a therapeutic stage or permanent lifestyle.
It usually starts with eating just fatty 20% grass fed beef as the core if not only food at first.
Key principles include:
- Eliminating all plants for all possible irritating elements like fiber, gluten, oxalates, lectins, etc, given the state of one's body.
- Beef has more micronutrient vitamins and minerals than people think.
- Fat for cholesterol as anti oxidant, hormone builder, brain builder
- Fat ratio of 3:6 which is better than other meats IF IT IS GRASS FED.
- 3 is omega fats found in fish: EPA, DHA
- 6 omega fats heavy in CLA, conjugated linolenic acid,
- Electrolyte balance: magnesium, potassium, sodium: these alkaline minerals are necessary to balance the acidity of beef.
This can work.
It can be better than before, but not necessarily best in the long run.
Or, it can fail immediately.
Carnivore diets have their own dogmas that mirror veganism.
With veganism the evil is in meat and dairy acids and mucous.
With carnivore even natural sugars in fruit are evil.
To them, plants are full of anti nutrients, like tannins, even though most of the research on tannins as flavonoid/polyphenol antioxidant show they are positive for health.
There can be benefit to eliminating plant foods at least temporarily, but reasons are more complex than they think and this does not always achieve an ideal balance.
For many people the most important root cause of food intolerance is lack of electrolytes magnesium, potassium or sodium, and carnivore will make this worse for those individuals.
Carnivore diet symptoms are explained away as "oxalate dumping" as the poisons in plants. They can't image their being other toxins being removed if their diet is working. One remedy is to drink tea with oxalates to slow oxalate dumping and symptoms. the same tea can be full of tannins, which should make them sick according to their theory. They don't consider that tea could have antioxidants that neutralize toxins.
Candida is not just the result of eating sugar and does not always automatically go away on keto, i know from experience.
Yeast and bacteria overgrowth and pathogens are known to grow from deficiencies of nutrients like biotin and phosphorous, to name some random examples, not just excess of sugar.
This is never discussed in the groups and forums and candida is only discussed as an external parasite to kill because they are still caught in the medical paradigm and don't understand nutrition and how the body heals itself.
There is a big difference between berries full of polypenols and a ripe banana with high sugar content.
Even a green banana has different, sugar, enzyme and nutrient content.
Berries are loaded with nutrients that can help address overgrowth like candida.
One person arguing with me did not know the difference between fruits with fructose and high fructose corn syrup, a completely denatured extract, as if that feels the same way in the body.
Everything is about balance and synergy of cofactor nutrients.
The main challenge for balance with carnivore is alkaline balance to match the acid of a beef only diet.
The first keto no carb diet i tried in the 1995 was the Atkins diet that recommended taking the alkaline minerals magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium. Carnivore acknowledges the need to take these electrolytes but we don't know how well people quantify individual needs or source the forms of products that work. Potassium can be tricky as far as what works. It's also not ideal to rely on supplements forever.
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Primal Rejuvenation
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Primal Rejuvenation
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