Immediate Feedback is the Most Reliable
It’s not a mystery that takes 30 days to feel if something is working.
The longer the feedback interval, the less you can isolate a variable. This is a basic systems feedback principle.
You should be able to feel right away, and it can have more impact within a few days.
If you are really sensitive, then you often know when something bothers you right away.
It can be the same with things that energize or relax you, or relieve some other symptom, you just need to find quality nutrients for that experience.
Feeling Begins with Contrast
A big problem is that so little is working so nothing stands out to give you a contrast to use a guidepost and standard for what works.
Feeling Energy of the Food or Supplement before Eating
You can actually feel the energy of a food or supplement in your hand to discern whether to eat it then.
I can’t describe what to feel.
Using your left hand, hold something you know is bad for you see how that feels compared to something that you know is good for you.
Stop trying so hard. Most people tie themselves up in mental knots of doubt before they get started.
I also put the size of the spoon to next the bottle to feel the right dose.
I can also feel the energy of products from the picture over the internet and confirm that was right when I take it.
When I had chronic fatigue and was seeing practitioners for help I brought in 10 supplements for testing.
All 10 tested good, which astonished the practitioner. He said this was unprecedented.
Usually people bring in a few bags of bottles and only 1-3 things test as good.
Learning to feel before taking is faster and more reliable that learning through trial and error.
You will learn through trial and error how reliable your feeling or energetic test is.
Cravings can be Unreliable
You can sense what you need based on craving, but this can be wrong, like the people who reach for the carbs when really they need protein and fat.
Everyone knows, or should know, that carbs can be addictive by creating the insulin spike that lowers blood sugar and creates the need to eat more carbs to raise blood sugar. Its additive. Moderate carbs and more reliance and fat and protein for energy can stabilize energy.
Another factor is micro nutrients to utilize any carb level, as some people do fine on high carb diets with plenty of energy and no extra fat. This is often overlooked by theories of macro nutrient balance like keto, etc. But it’s harder to sense what minerals and vitamins are missing, people sometimes crave a food with the missing nutrients, but it’s more complex that macro nutrient choices.
Once you are going in the right track healthy animal instincts will guide cravings better.
Animals survive through instincts, not science.
Complexity Requires Complete Solutions.
It gets complicated when you need a critical mass of good nutrients for anything to work because nutrients that work together as cofactors, starting with magnesium, sodium, potassium, to absorb everything else, but usually your body gives you some feedback.
Then order of implementation can be key.
You can take 9 things you need but can’t feel working because you can’t utilize it. But if you started with a 10th thing like magnesium that is a cofactor to utilize the other things they all world have worked. In fact, those 9 other things may have bothered you because they are like allergens when they can’t be assimilated. It’s not the thing itself but relational context, how it works in a system.
If you are trying to pull a car out of being stuck in the snow and the chain is broken in 10 places, you only see results when the 10th link is fixed. That means that the other 9 links were not important because only the 10th link “worked.” LOL.
Energetic Testing
For more complex questions and long distance shopping, energetic testing can be necessary.
Energetic testing can ask questions of general needs, like root causes and nutritional deficiencies, and what foods or supplements to take.
I use muscle testing on myself as the surrogate for others since I work long distance from home.
to see what weakens or strengthens an individual.
There are many factors that go into the success, especially the quality of solutions being tested.
There is no "It" didn't work.
Testing is of specific solutions for a yes or no answer, it's not a magic method that gives you an answer, you have to test among many high quality solutions that are what Primal Rejuvenation is bsed. .
It’s not a mystery that takes 30 days to feel if something is working.
The longer the feedback interval, the less you can isolate a variable. This is a basic systems feedback principle.
You should be able to feel right away, and it can have more impact within a few days.
If you are really sensitive, then you often know when something bothers you right away.
It can be the same with things that energize or relax you, or relieve some other symptom, you just need to find quality nutrients for that experience.
Feeling Begins with Contrast
A big problem is that so little is working so nothing stands out to give you a contrast to use a guidepost and standard for what works.
Feeling Energy of the Food or Supplement before Eating
You can actually feel the energy of a food or supplement in your hand to discern whether to eat it then.
I can’t describe what to feel.
Using your left hand, hold something you know is bad for you see how that feels compared to something that you know is good for you.
Stop trying so hard. Most people tie themselves up in mental knots of doubt before they get started.
I also put the size of the spoon to next the bottle to feel the right dose.
I can also feel the energy of products from the picture over the internet and confirm that was right when I take it.
When I had chronic fatigue and was seeing practitioners for help I brought in 10 supplements for testing.
All 10 tested good, which astonished the practitioner. He said this was unprecedented.
Usually people bring in a few bags of bottles and only 1-3 things test as good.
Learning to feel before taking is faster and more reliable that learning through trial and error.
You will learn through trial and error how reliable your feeling or energetic test is.
Cravings can be Unreliable
You can sense what you need based on craving, but this can be wrong, like the people who reach for the carbs when really they need protein and fat.
Everyone knows, or should know, that carbs can be addictive by creating the insulin spike that lowers blood sugar and creates the need to eat more carbs to raise blood sugar. Its additive. Moderate carbs and more reliance and fat and protein for energy can stabilize energy.
Another factor is micro nutrients to utilize any carb level, as some people do fine on high carb diets with plenty of energy and no extra fat. This is often overlooked by theories of macro nutrient balance like keto, etc. But it’s harder to sense what minerals and vitamins are missing, people sometimes crave a food with the missing nutrients, but it’s more complex that macro nutrient choices.
Once you are going in the right track healthy animal instincts will guide cravings better.
Animals survive through instincts, not science.
Complexity Requires Complete Solutions.
It gets complicated when you need a critical mass of good nutrients for anything to work because nutrients that work together as cofactors, starting with magnesium, sodium, potassium, to absorb everything else, but usually your body gives you some feedback.
Then order of implementation can be key.
You can take 9 things you need but can’t feel working because you can’t utilize it. But if you started with a 10th thing like magnesium that is a cofactor to utilize the other things they all world have worked. In fact, those 9 other things may have bothered you because they are like allergens when they can’t be assimilated. It’s not the thing itself but relational context, how it works in a system.
If you are trying to pull a car out of being stuck in the snow and the chain is broken in 10 places, you only see results when the 10th link is fixed. That means that the other 9 links were not important because only the 10th link “worked.” LOL.
Energetic Testing
For more complex questions and long distance shopping, energetic testing can be necessary.
Energetic testing can ask questions of general needs, like root causes and nutritional deficiencies, and what foods or supplements to take.
I use muscle testing on myself as the surrogate for others since I work long distance from home.
to see what weakens or strengthens an individual.
There are many factors that go into the success, especially the quality of solutions being tested.
There is no "It" didn't work.
Testing is of specific solutions for a yes or no answer, it's not a magic method that gives you an answer, you have to test among many high quality solutions that are what Primal Rejuvenation is bsed. .
Primal Rejuvenation Health Coaching
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Primal Rejuvenation
enough to make a difference
enough to implement
to individual needs
Find out what you get in a
Free Assessment
See how I support you fully in
Health Coaching Steps
I work over video: Facebook, Zoom, Google, from Michigan, USA
[email protected]
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Primal Rejuvenation
enough to make a difference
enough to implement
to individual needs