- Testosterone: Raise it with nutrition to energize every cell.
- Estrogen mimicking chemicals; detoxify by energizing every cell.
- Cortisol: Stress even from overtraining in the gym that squashes testosterone and breaks down your entire system.
- Balls: If you lack balls, then increasing testosterone is of limited value.
Men today face an increasingly toxic environment, physically and emotionally, that calls upon us to upgrade strategy.
We need to look inside ourselves to see how we are socially influenced by the matrix to not take care of ourselves fully, to lack balls--even be a fool and a tool.
TESTOSTERONE and Nutritional Deficiencies
The hormone testosterone is associated with strength and masculine traits, which I would define as “calm assertiveness.”
But testosterone is not the key because it is only a symptom of the health of your entire system. Hormones are just messengers that help regulate the body, not the larger organs doing the work of creating energy like the gut, liver, and kidneys.
Hormones are the gas pedal but not the gas tank. You can take a testosterone supplement and there might be an increase in results, but the speed-up will likely drain your tank of other nutrients to make results short term. That’s why you need a complete solution to eliminate all weak links. Hormonal support is more useful in chronic illnesses case where all the other nutrients are being provided and they are not yet able to synthesize hormones from nutrients fully. Herbs “for” testosterone can actually have many nutrients that work on a broader spectrum of deficiencies. but that’s highly individualized, and irrelevant to the main point here.
Testosterone is a steroidal hormone produced primarily by the testes and secondarily by the adrenal glands on top of the kidneys. Steroidal hormones are made from sterols, chief among which is cholesterol. Cholesterol is an important nutrient that is a part of cell membranes, the brain, and more. Cholesterol is found in saturated animal fats.
Two of the best sources of cholesterol, raw dairy and raw eggs are also the two more complete foods with the broadest amount of nutrients: minerals, vitamins, immune factors, etc. Health is achieved by addressing all nutritional deficiencies since a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Hormones like testosterone are produced to the extent that all links are strong. Libido is a result of your body being fit to breeds, your overall survival strength, you cannot just manipulate testosterone or sex drive in isolation long term.
Weak links of nutritional deficiencies include enzymes in raw food helpful to digesting that food, such as lactase to digest lactose in dairy. Raw is especially crucial for dairy since heat destroys enzymes, pasteurization is heat, and this is the main reason for dairy allergies. Mineral deficiencies are also a major cause of dairy and other allergies, and it varies for individuals.
Your target should be to energize every cell of your body with all nutrients so the body can sort out what to do to heal and energize itself. Focus on root causes like nutrients, not symptoms like hormones. Use primarily food with a broad spectrum of micronutrient cofactors to utilize all nutrients, including fat since many micros are fat soluble. Use only supplements when necessary. preferably as determined by energetic testing, I use dowsing with a pendulum that works long distance.
ESTROGEN and Toxicity
Many men have excessive estrogen a female hormone men need in small quantities. This starts to occur naturally as we age, making us more feminized and the opposite happens for women who get more testosterone and more easily start to dominate their men, not that it does exactly the same thing in men. Estrogen can make men weaker and bitchier.
Even young men are getting estrogenized and feminized through estrogen mimicking toxins in the environment. Everyone has heard of BPA in plastics but there are many more. These endocrine disruptors also throw off the estrogen-progesterone balance in women.
Don’t just try to find a supplement or food detoxify estrogen alone. Don’t “take this for that’ a supplement for a symptoms or isolated cause. I want to emphasize a whole systems approach to detoxification to address the main root cause of health problems: total toxic load. You need to clear everything out of your liver, lymph and kidney so those organs can work on their own. Estrogenic chemicals are usually not the worst of it. The two kinds of toxins are a matter of chemistry and physics.
Chemicals: mercury, aluminum, arsenic lead, personal care products, pesticides, herbicides in food and in landscaping: Round Up glyphosates, etc.
Physics: Electrical pollution from phones, computers, wifi, cell phone towers, appliances wiring in the house especially when not done right. This is becoming the single biggest exposure that is hard to avoid, but it is possible to protect yourself, I’m not going to explain how now.
This includes indoor lights not in the full spectrum, “blue light” from you phone and computer, etc., especially at night dysregulating your circadian rhythm and body chemistry via hormone disruption.
When your body has all the nutrients it needs it can use its own defenses to detoxify. There are a small number of supplements and detox procedures also worth considering for people with chronic health issues and that must be considered on a case by case basis, not as general advice.
CORTISOL: Stress and Overtraining
Improvement in energy made through nutrition, detoxification, and avoiding toxicity can easily be burned up in the gym from overtraining. When you overtrain you are not able to adapt and benefit from exercise, instead your body produces more stress hormones like cortisol to break down more tissue for energy than you build-up as strengthen. You can even gain fat as your body perceives stress as starvation and stores fat for the future.
Overtraining is both a scientific and emotional issue.
The scientific issue is measurement: how to measure progress and how often, along with signs of overtraining. Since people have very little standards for this it’s almost impossible to discuss. Everything is kinda-sorta “bro science” heard at the gym or fitness magazines promoting narrow techniques in fads. Adaptation to exercise only occurs immediately after that particular stress and until the next workout of any kind that redirects total body energy to handling that new stress and away from recovery and growth adaptations of the previous workout if those have not yet occurred. So you should have signs of being stronger every workout, or at least maintaining even if that is current objective. That is almost impossible for most men to fathom, and is one of the hardest things to explain, so I will not try to explain the details here. Most men are working out too often and too much with no framework to sort out the mess so progress is sporadic at best. One symptom of overtraining and how to see it is that particular injuries are usually signs of systemic exhaustion, you cannot just rest body parts selectively.
I follow world class body building and long distance running workouts. I also utilize the applied science methods of six sigma quality control that apply to everything in life as I have written about extensively elsewhere.
Without precise ways to measure progress you’re really just going to the gym for the high, to reduce stress in the short term, but are likely getting exhausted and lowering testosterone and increasing stress hormones.
Nor does muscle growth alone necessarily reflect health, its perceived as an immediate stress the body has to handle so given priority while it may be draining stem cells from your bone marrow that would otherwise be used to maintain a longer life at a basic level of health.
What you need to figure out is how much of your need to go to the gym is emotional, what you are avoiding and using the work out high as an addiction that undermine optimum progress physically and in life.
Instead of working out, maybe you need to work in more on the emotional level. If you have more testosterone you can also be more stable and confident in growing emotionally.
Balls is combination of emotional and physical strength.
Balls is about courage to confront fear and assert oneself toward things like:
Emotional health begin with being present to what you really feel and want.
Presence sometimes involves slowing down not incessantly doing and grasping, either toward the wrong goal or trying too hard toward the right one but not kicking back to chill and receive—as in the case with trying too hard with women and being in your head and not noticing things.
Sometimes the common man is more a human doing than a human being: struggling to survive, sacrificing the present for the future, the self for family, woman, boss, or country. While sacrifice can be good in balance, many men are reduced to a tool of others’ agendas. This is one reason why men don’t take care of themselves and health as much as they should, and are overdoing things when they do.
Now men are being told that masculinity is privileged and toxic, as if we should focus on ourselves even less, and give up our balls and masculinity.
Don’t be a fool and tool, swayed by social influences.
Take care of yourself and focus on what you really want and need. And don’t forget a life purpose that serves others in some way.
Let’s start with just one kind of thing to help emotionally transform you and help you have maximum testosterone by resting more.
The right kind of yoga or chi gong can do that because it:
Work-in to determine the right direction and amount of working-out.
CONCLUSION : Forget About Hormones
Hormones are only symptoms and only mentioned here to get attention of people focused on hormones as is the fashion these days of people lost in analysis paralysis of symptoms.
I used each hormone to lead to analysis of root causes: nutrition, toxicity, emotions, and an overarching brain problem: wrong paradigm not knowing science needed to make good health choices in the gym and everywhere else. Changing your paradigm is part of working in.
Have some balls about changing your paradigm: let go of your comfort zone habitual attachment to the limited information you have. If that’s your inclination, then please be present and go deep inside yourself to feel how boring that is.
We need to look inside ourselves to see how we are socially influenced by the matrix to not take care of ourselves fully, to lack balls--even be a fool and a tool.
TESTOSTERONE and Nutritional Deficiencies
The hormone testosterone is associated with strength and masculine traits, which I would define as “calm assertiveness.”
But testosterone is not the key because it is only a symptom of the health of your entire system. Hormones are just messengers that help regulate the body, not the larger organs doing the work of creating energy like the gut, liver, and kidneys.
Hormones are the gas pedal but not the gas tank. You can take a testosterone supplement and there might be an increase in results, but the speed-up will likely drain your tank of other nutrients to make results short term. That’s why you need a complete solution to eliminate all weak links. Hormonal support is more useful in chronic illnesses case where all the other nutrients are being provided and they are not yet able to synthesize hormones from nutrients fully. Herbs “for” testosterone can actually have many nutrients that work on a broader spectrum of deficiencies. but that’s highly individualized, and irrelevant to the main point here.
Testosterone is a steroidal hormone produced primarily by the testes and secondarily by the adrenal glands on top of the kidneys. Steroidal hormones are made from sterols, chief among which is cholesterol. Cholesterol is an important nutrient that is a part of cell membranes, the brain, and more. Cholesterol is found in saturated animal fats.
Two of the best sources of cholesterol, raw dairy and raw eggs are also the two more complete foods with the broadest amount of nutrients: minerals, vitamins, immune factors, etc. Health is achieved by addressing all nutritional deficiencies since a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Hormones like testosterone are produced to the extent that all links are strong. Libido is a result of your body being fit to breeds, your overall survival strength, you cannot just manipulate testosterone or sex drive in isolation long term.
Weak links of nutritional deficiencies include enzymes in raw food helpful to digesting that food, such as lactase to digest lactose in dairy. Raw is especially crucial for dairy since heat destroys enzymes, pasteurization is heat, and this is the main reason for dairy allergies. Mineral deficiencies are also a major cause of dairy and other allergies, and it varies for individuals.
Your target should be to energize every cell of your body with all nutrients so the body can sort out what to do to heal and energize itself. Focus on root causes like nutrients, not symptoms like hormones. Use primarily food with a broad spectrum of micronutrient cofactors to utilize all nutrients, including fat since many micros are fat soluble. Use only supplements when necessary. preferably as determined by energetic testing, I use dowsing with a pendulum that works long distance.
ESTROGEN and Toxicity
Many men have excessive estrogen a female hormone men need in small quantities. This starts to occur naturally as we age, making us more feminized and the opposite happens for women who get more testosterone and more easily start to dominate their men, not that it does exactly the same thing in men. Estrogen can make men weaker and bitchier.
Even young men are getting estrogenized and feminized through estrogen mimicking toxins in the environment. Everyone has heard of BPA in plastics but there are many more. These endocrine disruptors also throw off the estrogen-progesterone balance in women.
Don’t just try to find a supplement or food detoxify estrogen alone. Don’t “take this for that’ a supplement for a symptoms or isolated cause. I want to emphasize a whole systems approach to detoxification to address the main root cause of health problems: total toxic load. You need to clear everything out of your liver, lymph and kidney so those organs can work on their own. Estrogenic chemicals are usually not the worst of it. The two kinds of toxins are a matter of chemistry and physics.
Chemicals: mercury, aluminum, arsenic lead, personal care products, pesticides, herbicides in food and in landscaping: Round Up glyphosates, etc.
Physics: Electrical pollution from phones, computers, wifi, cell phone towers, appliances wiring in the house especially when not done right. This is becoming the single biggest exposure that is hard to avoid, but it is possible to protect yourself, I’m not going to explain how now.
This includes indoor lights not in the full spectrum, “blue light” from you phone and computer, etc., especially at night dysregulating your circadian rhythm and body chemistry via hormone disruption.
When your body has all the nutrients it needs it can use its own defenses to detoxify. There are a small number of supplements and detox procedures also worth considering for people with chronic health issues and that must be considered on a case by case basis, not as general advice.
CORTISOL: Stress and Overtraining
Improvement in energy made through nutrition, detoxification, and avoiding toxicity can easily be burned up in the gym from overtraining. When you overtrain you are not able to adapt and benefit from exercise, instead your body produces more stress hormones like cortisol to break down more tissue for energy than you build-up as strengthen. You can even gain fat as your body perceives stress as starvation and stores fat for the future.
Overtraining is both a scientific and emotional issue.
The scientific issue is measurement: how to measure progress and how often, along with signs of overtraining. Since people have very little standards for this it’s almost impossible to discuss. Everything is kinda-sorta “bro science” heard at the gym or fitness magazines promoting narrow techniques in fads. Adaptation to exercise only occurs immediately after that particular stress and until the next workout of any kind that redirects total body energy to handling that new stress and away from recovery and growth adaptations of the previous workout if those have not yet occurred. So you should have signs of being stronger every workout, or at least maintaining even if that is current objective. That is almost impossible for most men to fathom, and is one of the hardest things to explain, so I will not try to explain the details here. Most men are working out too often and too much with no framework to sort out the mess so progress is sporadic at best. One symptom of overtraining and how to see it is that particular injuries are usually signs of systemic exhaustion, you cannot just rest body parts selectively.
I follow world class body building and long distance running workouts. I also utilize the applied science methods of six sigma quality control that apply to everything in life as I have written about extensively elsewhere.
Without precise ways to measure progress you’re really just going to the gym for the high, to reduce stress in the short term, but are likely getting exhausted and lowering testosterone and increasing stress hormones.
Nor does muscle growth alone necessarily reflect health, its perceived as an immediate stress the body has to handle so given priority while it may be draining stem cells from your bone marrow that would otherwise be used to maintain a longer life at a basic level of health.
What you need to figure out is how much of your need to go to the gym is emotional, what you are avoiding and using the work out high as an addiction that undermine optimum progress physically and in life.
Instead of working out, maybe you need to work in more on the emotional level. If you have more testosterone you can also be more stable and confident in growing emotionally.
Balls is combination of emotional and physical strength.
Balls is about courage to confront fear and assert oneself toward things like:
- Past emotional pain you are avoiding
- Current confrontation that needs to happen: defend yourself.
- Pursuing your purpose in life despite fear of failure.
- Approaching a woman.
Emotional health begin with being present to what you really feel and want.
Presence sometimes involves slowing down not incessantly doing and grasping, either toward the wrong goal or trying too hard toward the right one but not kicking back to chill and receive—as in the case with trying too hard with women and being in your head and not noticing things.
Sometimes the common man is more a human doing than a human being: struggling to survive, sacrificing the present for the future, the self for family, woman, boss, or country. While sacrifice can be good in balance, many men are reduced to a tool of others’ agendas. This is one reason why men don’t take care of themselves and health as much as they should, and are overdoing things when they do.
Now men are being told that masculinity is privileged and toxic, as if we should focus on ourselves even less, and give up our balls and masculinity.
Don’t be a fool and tool, swayed by social influences.
Take care of yourself and focus on what you really want and need. And don’t forget a life purpose that serves others in some way.
Let’s start with just one kind of thing to help emotionally transform you and help you have maximum testosterone by resting more.
The right kind of yoga or chi gong can do that because it:
- Gives you a work out high maximum chill balance experience on a rest day so you are willing to do more rest days.
- Helps with deeper transformation of emotions on an energetic level.
- Increases energy.
Work-in to determine the right direction and amount of working-out.
CONCLUSION : Forget About Hormones
Hormones are only symptoms and only mentioned here to get attention of people focused on hormones as is the fashion these days of people lost in analysis paralysis of symptoms.
I used each hormone to lead to analysis of root causes: nutrition, toxicity, emotions, and an overarching brain problem: wrong paradigm not knowing science needed to make good health choices in the gym and everywhere else. Changing your paradigm is part of working in.
Have some balls about changing your paradigm: let go of your comfort zone habitual attachment to the limited information you have. If that’s your inclination, then please be present and go deep inside yourself to feel how boring that is.
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