Blood Pressure, Constipation, Liver-Gallbladder, Circulation,
& Electron Deficiency
There is a known connection between constipation and cardiac events seen in scientific research but not much of an explanation as to why.
I will show you that one of the main connections is electron deficiency.
They reason they don’t see it is because they lack the most advanced theory of cardiology and the nutrition of electrons in the general ecology of antioxidants beyond “take this for that.”
There are three major reasons for high or low blood pressure.
- Electron deficiency
- Narrowing, obstructed vessels
- Lymph stagnation
Electron Deficiency
High blood pressure is lack of electrons to pull circulation thru the capillaries, requiring the heart as a pump to work harder as the back-up mechanism. This is part of the new theory of cardiology explained by Dr. Thomas Cowell: circulation is pulled more by an electrical charge in the capillaries than pushed by the heart as a pump.
Low blood pressure is not the opposite but just a more extreme version of low electron levels in which the body has lost the energy for the compensating mechanism.
Low electron levels reflect low energy levels of the body as whole, which can contribute to potentially any symptom.
Electrons are also needed to thin the blood because their electrical charge or zeta potential pushes blood cells away from each other so they can fit through the capillaries.
Narrowing, Obstructed Vessels
High blood pressure is also an attempt to push through resistance from narrowing of
arteries and capillaries from inflammation, oxidized cholesterol, calcium deposits, nitric oxide deficiency.
Inflammation that narrows the vascular system occurs due to toxins that do the damage that creates inflammation.
Those toxins would otherwise be neutralized by electrons donated by antioxidants or free radical quenchers.
Toxins in the blood are filtered by the liver which helps prevent toxin blood that leads to circulatory damage.
When the liver is not filtering toxins it is due to weak detox processes, such as, low electron as antioxidants levels.
This often results in constipation.
Constipation begins with low bile flow through the liver.
The liver, which cleans the blood of toxins in phases I and II detoxification.
Toxins are bound into the bile to be excreted through the gallbladder.
When phases I and II are weak, bile flow can slow down and there may not be enough bile to neutralize toxins so the bile can be toxic and damage the gallbladder causing pain.
Bile flow also gets low due to lack of raw materials for bile like cholesterol, lecithin with choline, or just plain choline, and taurine. This is why Tudca works for some people, and more cholesterol on the diet helps people.
When bile flow is slow it may be like the narrowing affect that requires higher blood pressure to move things along. This pressure can back up into the legs and create the condition known as venous insufficiency observed often the legs, when the blood is not returning the liver. The venous system is what goes back to the liver from the cells with waste and toxicity from the lymph. Venous insufficiency can be one cause of swelling or seeing blood pooling intermittently in a marbled way through the skin.
Lymph Stagnation
The blood flows into the extracellular fluid that nourishes and cleans cells and its waste is removed through the lymph.
Stagnation of the lymph can back up into the extracellular or interstitial fluid that requires higher blood pressure for perfusion of blood toward the cells.
The lymph system requires the movement of muscles to pump liquid through it.
Circulation of veins also benefits through movement of all kinds like walking.
Movement becomes more limited with pain and chronic fatigue.
First Lines of Defense
Magnesium and potassium in balance with sodium are the first things to consider for blood pressure irregularities as is well known.
I have writing about the importance of these minerals for any health issue a 100 times
Also thiamine or B1 deficiency can raise heart rate.
Sunlight explained below.
Electrons through Antioxidants, Cholesterol and Sun
Antioxidants donate electrons to neutralize toxins that create various forms of narrowing that increase resistance to blood flow and thus the need for higher pressure to get it through.
Antioxidants are often recommended for blood flow in the legs, like venous insufficiency or spider veins. The capillary walls are protected and repaired with antioxidants like bioflavoids.
These are known to stimulate endothelial growth factors, or vessel wall repair. It’s not clear how much it is direct nutrient or neutralizer of the toxins preventing the other necessary nutrients from repairing it. These antioxidants are not just working on the local symptoms, they can work on the livers ability to filter that toxins that are doing the damage and stealing electrons as free radicals. Dr Berg makes this connection to the liver in a few of his videos.
Oxidized cholesterol is often thought of as a cause of heart and circulatory problems but is actually part of the solution.
Oxidized cholesterol deposits are cholesterol that has donated an electron to neutral a toxin.
Cholesterol is an antioxidant and builder of many tissues like hormones and skin.
High levels don’t mean there is a health problem you must know this, look it up, it’s been explained already.
Healthy antioxidant ecology works through recycling oxidized substance by adding an electron back to revive or complex it with something else so it can move on and not be a dead deposit.
For example, cholesterol donates an electron in the skin to prevent sun burn.
The remaining oxidized cholesterol joins with sulfur to form vitamin or hormone D. This is water soluble D sulfate with a much wider spectrum of uses than the fat soluble D found in supplements that are no substitute. Sulfur is very useful to prevent sun burn.
This use of oxidized cholesterol is like the general process of energy production in the mitochondria of every cell, redox, short for “reduction oxidation” where reduction is the electron donor and oxidation is the electron taker. This is healthy when it is equal, or coupled. But when there is deficiency of electrons you get oxidative damage from the body’s own oxygen.
Oxygen is not the only free radical. “Antioxidant” is misnomer, because the broader term is free radical quencher or electron donors to neutralize a toxin. Free radicals are electron stealers, like mercury that is Hg++ wherein the pluses mean there are missing electrons—that’s counter-intuitive. Chemistry is weird and some chemists I have met are even weirder. Just kidding.
Sun is not just for vitamin D: photons are converted to electrons via Einstein’s photoelectric effect as a fast way to boost electron levels for energy levels and to lower hypertensive blood pressure, or raise lower blood pressure.
Many foods and sun help provide electrons to make the blood flow easily in the first place through a pull from the capillaries so the heart does not have to pump harder.
Don’t ask for product recommendations or personal advice in a social media comments.
Solutions must be customized and complete so take hours for evaluation and design of a plan.
This is about paradigm change, a framework to help understand how all symptoms fit together to come up with a complete strategy for health.
Eat to energize, detoxify & immunize.
Move to circulate, align, & relax.
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