Brain Fog & Circulation to the Brain
Brain health requires circulation of blood and lymph/glymph into cerebralspinal fluid: nutrients in, toxicity out.
This requires cranial and spinal alignment and movement:
Brain fog and general fatigue means low mental energy to solve problems and understand things a new way, leaving people in a catch 22 when it comes to solving their brain fog and general fatigue.
Brain fog and low energy in others is my main problem as a writer.
It’s easier for me to write even a “long” article than it is for many people to read a short one.
I save people from having to read a whole book and then some people complain.
My brain is working much better than when my mercury load was high and before I got systematic with nutritional and structural alignment.
Brain fog is especially difficult to figure out when even experts in body do not know:
I don’t answer questions, “What do you think of this?” The answer is NO, including cranial sacral, I already said why, think for yourself using these criteria.
This is a strategy session overview, no instructions here or in comments.
How mechanical alignment affects circulation to the brain can be defined in two parts:
Cranial bones are separated by sutures that can be jammed, inhibiting the sutures from subtle movement that assists circulation and relaxation.
The major constraint on the cranium developmentally is dental arches or palates not forming wide enough to allow the sphenoid freedom, which is the cornerstone bone between the spine, cranium and dental arches. That is one way to explain it. That is why direct manipulation of the sphenoid can feel so good, but it does not hold fully when constrained by narrow palates and misaligned teeth.
Dental arches and teeth do not develop fully due to nutrition and lack of the tongue learning press up on the palate while sucking and swallowing, along with resting tongue posture, as it should learn from breast feeding, but some people who were bottle fed learn how.
A narrow upper palate can create a small airway that contributes to snoring and sleep apnea.
Lack of dental and there facial development can also create forward head posture to keep the airway open. Breathing is the body’s top priority as oxygen is the number one nutrient to get the brain.
But forward head posture creates a sunken chest and pushes the hips too far forward the typical S curve slouch of today in the epidemic of misalignment that is more common than good posture and movement.
Next we see how the head is also pushed forward from misalignment below the neck.
Vertebrae Pinching
Posture effects circulation first by the vertebrae or spinal bones pinching the tissues between them to inhibit vascular flow of blood and lymph into the cerebral spinal fluid. The idea of pinching is well known in chiropractic that creates space between these bones to stop pinching the nerves because this causes pain.
Space between vertebrae is created by straight posture, without leaning or the S curve that shortens one side of the space between these bones.
Straight posture is created by the bones “stacking” evenly straight up for the most part.
Stacking begins with good hip angle: hips should be more back or with an anterior tilt, not forward as in the slouch.
Leaning or bend over is also characterized by muscle tension on one side pulling back to compensate and keep the body upright.
Muscle moves bone, muscle patterns depend on how you walk, sit, and bend.
Misalignment from below that pushes the head forward creates tension in the head and shoulders to hold the head on, and that pulls on the bone at the base of the cranium and can constrain the cranium. Stretching the neck can feel really good and help get into best posture and movement.
Hips and Sacrum Misaligned
Hip alignment also affects neck tension and cranial bone alignment.
Hips forward is easy to observe to see in today’s slouching world.
This is primarily from sitting in chairs that shortens that psoas muscles that attach from the lumbar spine to the inside of the thigh bone or femur.
It is also reinforced by shoes with heals of any height as opposed to “zero drop” back to front. All departures from barefoot mechanics start to introduce problems.
You can move to stretch the psoas and related muscles to drive your hips back so that you don’t have to avoid sitting altogether.
A locked or stiff sacrum and hips is characterized by the shoulder swaying back and forth to balance the body with walking, instead of smaller movements in the hips.
Releasing tension in the sacrum and hips feels amazing.
Sciatica pain is a result of pinching in this area.
The small swaying hip movement is more efficient that shoulder swaying that makes one less stable.
Loose hip movement feels freer and sexier.
Forward hip position is also characterized by weaker posterior chain muscles like glutes, adductors and hamstrings.
Learning to bend properly from the hip strengthens these.
Walking and running aligned uses these more.
Bike riding does not help as it uses more front side muscles, the quads.
Glutes or butt muscles are the biggest muscle and important for aligning the hips: beauty represents survival strengths and health
This rapid overview illustrates the complexity of the problem at a systemic level:
How muscles get distorted to misalign bones that affect circulation.
I have written many more pages on alignment elsewhere anyone can easily find.
Circulation is a Means for Nutrition and Detoxification
Opening circulation is a means to delivering nutrients and detoxifying.
This requires systematic nutrition to energize, repair injuries and detoxify.
Pain requires nutrition to repair, too, often more protein and minerals, but it’s all individual needs.
Nutrition must be fully customized to the individual and complete to address all weak links: deficiencies, intolerance, identify the right diet, include physics of nutrition from sun, etc.
Nutrients are required to mobilize and excrete toxicity that. Nutrients bind and excrete toxins that may be automatically released with greater circulation.
Detoxification can improve thinking, irritability, energy, and sleep.
Alignment has direct affects on relaxing like giving yourself a massage, but it can go deeper into the spine and nervous system with more cumulative results.
Alignment work is the most fun as it makes you feel good faster than anything else with cumulative improvement if you keep practicing.
This requires cranial and spinal alignment and movement:
Brain fog and general fatigue means low mental energy to solve problems and understand things a new way, leaving people in a catch 22 when it comes to solving their brain fog and general fatigue.
Brain fog and low energy in others is my main problem as a writer.
It’s easier for me to write even a “long” article than it is for many people to read a short one.
I save people from having to read a whole book and then some people complain.
My brain is working much better than when my mercury load was high and before I got systematic with nutritional and structural alignment.
Brain fog is especially difficult to figure out when even experts in body do not know:
- Most body workers miss the cranium altogether.
- Some manipulate the cranium but not its major root causes in the bite, palates.
- They lack understanding of root causes of misalignment in objects of the environment and lifestyle of movement.
- They leave you dependent on expensive methods rather than DIY methods that correct root causes in the environment and daily habits that violate primal, original movements.
- Don’t be impressed by trendy body work’s technical terminology designed to impress when they lack a big picture.
I don’t answer questions, “What do you think of this?” The answer is NO, including cranial sacral, I already said why, think for yourself using these criteria.
This is a strategy session overview, no instructions here or in comments.
How mechanical alignment affects circulation to the brain can be defined in two parts:
- Cranial bone position
- Circulation throughout the entire spine all the way down to the sacrum or hips.
Cranial bones are separated by sutures that can be jammed, inhibiting the sutures from subtle movement that assists circulation and relaxation.
The major constraint on the cranium developmentally is dental arches or palates not forming wide enough to allow the sphenoid freedom, which is the cornerstone bone between the spine, cranium and dental arches. That is one way to explain it. That is why direct manipulation of the sphenoid can feel so good, but it does not hold fully when constrained by narrow palates and misaligned teeth.
Dental arches and teeth do not develop fully due to nutrition and lack of the tongue learning press up on the palate while sucking and swallowing, along with resting tongue posture, as it should learn from breast feeding, but some people who were bottle fed learn how.
A narrow upper palate can create a small airway that contributes to snoring and sleep apnea.
Lack of dental and there facial development can also create forward head posture to keep the airway open. Breathing is the body’s top priority as oxygen is the number one nutrient to get the brain.
But forward head posture creates a sunken chest and pushes the hips too far forward the typical S curve slouch of today in the epidemic of misalignment that is more common than good posture and movement.
Next we see how the head is also pushed forward from misalignment below the neck.
- Vertebrae pinching.
- Hip, sacral pump.
Vertebrae Pinching
Posture effects circulation first by the vertebrae or spinal bones pinching the tissues between them to inhibit vascular flow of blood and lymph into the cerebral spinal fluid. The idea of pinching is well known in chiropractic that creates space between these bones to stop pinching the nerves because this causes pain.
Space between vertebrae is created by straight posture, without leaning or the S curve that shortens one side of the space between these bones.
Straight posture is created by the bones “stacking” evenly straight up for the most part.
Stacking begins with good hip angle: hips should be more back or with an anterior tilt, not forward as in the slouch.
Leaning or bend over is also characterized by muscle tension on one side pulling back to compensate and keep the body upright.
Muscle moves bone, muscle patterns depend on how you walk, sit, and bend.
Misalignment from below that pushes the head forward creates tension in the head and shoulders to hold the head on, and that pulls on the bone at the base of the cranium and can constrain the cranium. Stretching the neck can feel really good and help get into best posture and movement.
Hips and Sacrum Misaligned
- Hips forward
- Sacrum locked
- Posterior chain underdeveloped
Hip alignment also affects neck tension and cranial bone alignment.
Hips forward is easy to observe to see in today’s slouching world.
This is primarily from sitting in chairs that shortens that psoas muscles that attach from the lumbar spine to the inside of the thigh bone or femur.
It is also reinforced by shoes with heals of any height as opposed to “zero drop” back to front. All departures from barefoot mechanics start to introduce problems.
You can move to stretch the psoas and related muscles to drive your hips back so that you don’t have to avoid sitting altogether.
A locked or stiff sacrum and hips is characterized by the shoulder swaying back and forth to balance the body with walking, instead of smaller movements in the hips.
Releasing tension in the sacrum and hips feels amazing.
Sciatica pain is a result of pinching in this area.
The small swaying hip movement is more efficient that shoulder swaying that makes one less stable.
Loose hip movement feels freer and sexier.
Forward hip position is also characterized by weaker posterior chain muscles like glutes, adductors and hamstrings.
Learning to bend properly from the hip strengthens these.
Walking and running aligned uses these more.
Bike riding does not help as it uses more front side muscles, the quads.
Glutes or butt muscles are the biggest muscle and important for aligning the hips: beauty represents survival strengths and health
This rapid overview illustrates the complexity of the problem at a systemic level:
How muscles get distorted to misalign bones that affect circulation.
I have written many more pages on alignment elsewhere anyone can easily find.
Circulation is a Means for Nutrition and Detoxification
Opening circulation is a means to delivering nutrients and detoxifying.
This requires systematic nutrition to energize, repair injuries and detoxify.
Pain requires nutrition to repair, too, often more protein and minerals, but it’s all individual needs.
Nutrition must be fully customized to the individual and complete to address all weak links: deficiencies, intolerance, identify the right diet, include physics of nutrition from sun, etc.
Nutrients are required to mobilize and excrete toxicity that. Nutrients bind and excrete toxins that may be automatically released with greater circulation.
Detoxification can improve thinking, irritability, energy, and sleep.
Alignment has direct affects on relaxing like giving yourself a massage, but it can go deeper into the spine and nervous system with more cumulative results.
Alignment work is the most fun as it makes you feel good faster than anything else with cumulative improvement if you keep practicing.
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Primal Rejuvenation
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I work over video: Facebook, Zoom, Google, from Michigan, USA [email protected]
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Primal Rejuvenation
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