Coffee enemas have one of the widest ranges of health benefits of any method, more so than drinking coffee and with less impact from the downsides of caffeine.
Benefits Include:
Why Enemas?
Enemas work by absorbing nutrient from the rectum and lower colon into the portal vein that goes directly to the liver. This delivers a higher concentration of detoxifying nutrients than does processing coffee through the stomach, which can also upset the stomach. Enemas also absorb less caffeine, partly because the coffee is usually released after a short period and not fully absorbed.
Coffee enemas where included until 1984 in the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, the most widely disseminated medical publication first published in 1899.
Detoxification of the Liver
Coffee enemas support production and utilization of glutathione and vitamin E. Glutathione is especially important to detoxify metals mercury, arsenic, and cadmium, and many other toxins. Glutathione is not what removes lead and aluminum, however, according to mercury detoxification expert Dr. Chris Shade.
Coffee leads most directly to production of glutathione s transferase, which transports toxins to glutathione proper. A spectrum of related biological markers is measured in the study cite below.
Other antioxidants in coffee include polyphenols, more on that below
Relief of Constipation
Constipation is a serious health issue because chronically it can back up the body all the way through the lymph system and muscles. Once I let it go so long I had muscle weakness that was only cleared through fasting to clean out the lymph system. Constipation contributes to body odor, brain fog, bad mood, and accumulation of toxicity.
Coffee enemas get at a key root cause of constipation: liver stagnation that shuts down bile flow that trigger peristalsis. By correcting this root cause, regularity returns and one does not become dependent on enemas: if you stop doing enemas you will by more regular than before. Sometimes you will evacuate before you do the enema and not have to consider doing a water enema first to get clear.
Dr. Lawrence Wilson explains, from his website:
“While other agents classed as choleretics increase bile flow from the liver, most do little to enhance detoxifying enzyme systems, and they do not ensure the passage of bile from the intestines out the rectum. Bile is normally reabsorbed up to 9 or 10 times before working its way out the intestines in feces.
The enzyme-enhancing ability of the coffee enema is unique among choleretics. Because it does not allow as much reabsorption of toxic bile by the liver across the gut wall, it is a powerful means of detoxifying the blood stream through existing enzyme systems in the liver and small bowel.”
Legend has it that pain reduction was experienced in military hospitals that ran out of morphine in world war I. Anyone can experiment for themselves to determine if their headaches and other pain can be reduced. Some pain is inflammation from toxins that are also being reduced by free radical scavengers / antioxidants).
Brain Power
Mental clarity is provided by coffee not just from stimulants but by cleaning the liver of “stagnation.” I have also noticed that the “wake up” effect has a unique contribution from enemas, which I noticed when drinking and doing enemas at the same time.
At the same time, there is more caffeine absorbed through drinking coffee to provide mental clarity to get things done that can be worth it even if you have to rest more later because you burned up the little stored nutrients you had--at least you had some productive time in a day. Many people with chronic health problems have trouble thinking and reading. They are unable to read and evaluate health information to make good health decisions. Coffee enemas can be worth it.
I have also noticed that the “wake up” or stimulating effect has a unique contribution from enemas, which seems to be from clearing the liver.
Intermittent Fasting Support
Intermittent fasting is not eating for a period during the day and night, typically all night, morning and early afternoon, while eating in a narrower window of 4-8 hours a day. This puts energy into cleaning out instead of digestion.
Fasting has the well known benefit of training the body to burn fat in a ketogenic state.
Fasting is also a detox of natural cellular, metabolic waste by recycling cells, called autophagy, or self-eating, which can be more efficient that eating more food alone. Less healthy cells are broken down for energy. Fasting sacrifices quantity for quality upgrading.
It helps to get through fasting with coffee and caffeine that suppress hunger, fatigue and discomfort while mobilizing nutrients out of storage for energy.
Good for Infections or Bad for Good Bacteria?
Some people believe coffee enemas are “washing out” parasites, candida, bacteria, etc., and some even develop a fascination with poop trophies and share pictures online. I don’t see strong evidence for this. Any enema can help you inspect the contents of your bowels but antioxidants have nothing to do with killing infections directly. Detoxification does help improve the terrain of the body and thus the immune system to fight infection.
Some people are afraid that enemas wash out good bacteria. This also seems to be false in my experience of observing, energetic testing, and following research. The coffee enema does not penetrate far up the colon; this is not a colon cleanse in which water is pumped all the way up into the colon. Coffee does not kill or necessarily force anything off the colon wall.
Either way I do not see proof of coffee enemas effecting pathogens or probiotics significantly.
Fails: Intolerance to Coffee
Intolerance to stimulants in coffee is a problem for many individuals. They get overstimulated, jittery, anxious, a racing heart, or just feel bad.
I believe one reason is that people lack nutrients to create energy that is demanded by stimulants. Many people have noticed that increasing electrolytes like potassium and magnesium helps with this. People need to know whether then need more sodium or potassium, both or only one.
This makes sense because of the way stimulants work: the brain commands hormones to mobilize stored nutrients down the HPA axis: hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenals. When the gas tank is empty pressing on the gas pedal does not speed things up.
Another reason is that people have stressed brains that are overstimulated, autonomic nervous systems dysregulation. These people must do other things to make the body feel stronger and convince the brain that their world is become safer with their increased strength to handle stress. Sometimes basic minerals can begin this process.
Reducing Fails
One way to reduce these failures to tolerate coffee enemas is to use coffee that has less stimulation relative to nutrient benefits. Dark coffee may be the answer according to some research.
Dark or Light Roast?
Coffee made especially for enemas is super light roast with the most caffeine. They claim palamitic acid as the key to leading to glutathione formation. It is light gold in color and smells more like peanuts. When it a bit spills it dries a very bright green. This gold or green coffee is so light you cannot even drink it because it tastes awful and is upsetting to the stomach. It is clearly the highest in caffeine as you can verify from experience.
Some research shows that darker roast coffee has more antioxidant power through more glutathione production, while also having less caffeine that is a downside for many people.
“Dark roast coffee is more effective than light roast coffee in reducing body weight, and in restoring red blood cell vitamin E and glutathione concentrations in healthy volunteers.”
This study compares the levels of the two most important types of antioxidants in coffee, glutathione and polyphenols. It was found that darker roast produces more glutathione related antioxidants and that a lighter roast produced more polyphenols.
Glutathione is increased through a higher presence of N methlyperidinium, whereas polyphenols are represented by chlorogenic acid. It is found that that glutathione path had greater antioxidant effects along with weight loss than the polyphenols.
(It is interesting to note that the popular green coffee extract sold for weight loss is this polyphenol extracted from a raw coffee bean where it is most potent. This study examined light roast coffee that is supposed less powerful than the raw bean extract of cholorogenic acid that is degraded with heat, whereas glutathione production in this case is increased with heat.)
It could be that some people benefit more from polyphenols and light roast and others from dark roast and glutathione, and some most in the middle with medium roast. And some people may be too high on caffeine to know what the hell is going on but they sure feel good.
I am mostly concerned with glutathione, which is regarded to be a master antioxidant for the body what is targets some of worst toxins like mercury. Dark roast also has the advantage of less caffeine that can create insomnia, anxiety and stress.
Dark roast also involves higher levels of vitamin E is especially important as a cofactor with selenium to detoxify mercury. Vitamin E is rarely discussed in relation to coffee enemas.
This research was based on drinking coffee, so that need to be taken into account. However, there is a long tradition of observing more benefits from enemas.
My Experience
My own experience is that switching to dark and medium roast I experienced the obvious less stimulation and more detox symptoms in the form of skin eruptions, acne, without any other form of discomfort. I was able to take in more coffee and could even tolerate drinking some of it, which is sometimes helpful for additional stimulation for peak performance periods like writing.
I like a Peruvian even though it is as dark as French roast because South American is lowest in radiation.
Gerson Institute
The most famous use of coffee enemas is the Gerson Institute, focused on cancer especially, with 4-6 coffee enemas a day. They switched from using super light roast for enema use only to medium roast coffee because they found patients could not tolerate the light roast with its super high caffeine.
Dr. Lawrence Wilson
Dr. Lawrence Wilson also cited this same study in his defense of dark or medium roast coffee. (Not to be confused with S. A. Wilson’s super light gold coffee.)
Dr Wilson has practiced health long enough to notice many nuances of coffee enemas. He noticed that the most effective coffee seems to be from South America, like Columbia or Peru. My energetic testing found my local store’s best was organic from Peru, and I only read Wilson’s opinion after this. He did not say why, but the most obvious reason is that the entire northern hemisphere is contaminated with radiation from Fukushima.
Interesting in that connection, Dr. Wilson writes about radiation changing the energy of the entire planet making it too yin. A darker roast makes the coffee more yang for balance. If you really want to imbibe coffee guilt free, he offers this assessment of its benefits:
“Coffee antidotes or neutralizes many harmful frequencies of illness in the body. This unusual trait of coffee, not shared by other herbs or remedies, is very well known in the science of homeopathy. Patients are often told by homeopathic doctors never to drink coffee. The coffee can negate the effects of many vibrational remedies, including homeopathic remedies. This is a very important reason for using coffee enemas. The coffee seems able to clear a wide range of harmful subtle energies in the human system in a way that no other plant or animal substance can do.”
Bulletproof Coffee: specializing in low mycotoxin coffee for mold sensitive and toxic persons.
Practical Tips
There are plenty of basic instructions online about how to do a coffee enema, so I won’t be giving those.
One thing you might not find is how to make a whole batch of coffee to last several days or more so that you can just heat it up and use it much faster.
Some say you need to let the coffee out after holding for 15 minutes to avoid reabsorbing the toxins. I don’t think that is necessarily the case. I don’t think the bile moves down the colon that fast as a closed loop system. I have held it a lot longer without noticing problems. That means more nutrients and caffeine is absorbed.
In summary, there is a lot we don’t know yet about all the variables in coffee enemas like roast time relative to therapeutic effects you are seek relative to tolerances and nutrient deficiencies. Scientific studies establish general principles and variables to consider but cannot prescribe for individuals.
The individual can benefit from some form of energetic testing, I using dowsing with a pendulum, to determine how to use coffee enemas and what might hold you back like nutritional deficiencies. Addressing nutritional deficiencies is top priority for any health improvement to create the energy for the body to heal itself of all symptoms and root cause like toxic body burden.
Bottoms Up!
Benefits Include:
- Relief of constipation immediately and long term through bile flow and liver (choleretic effect)
- Detoxification of the liver. (antioxidant or free radical scavenger effect)
- Pain killing.
- Improving mental focus to get things done for your health. (stimulant & liver clearing effect)
- Supports intermittent fasting
Why Enemas?
Enemas work by absorbing nutrient from the rectum and lower colon into the portal vein that goes directly to the liver. This delivers a higher concentration of detoxifying nutrients than does processing coffee through the stomach, which can also upset the stomach. Enemas also absorb less caffeine, partly because the coffee is usually released after a short period and not fully absorbed.
Coffee enemas where included until 1984 in the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, the most widely disseminated medical publication first published in 1899.
Detoxification of the Liver
Coffee enemas support production and utilization of glutathione and vitamin E. Glutathione is especially important to detoxify metals mercury, arsenic, and cadmium, and many other toxins. Glutathione is not what removes lead and aluminum, however, according to mercury detoxification expert Dr. Chris Shade.
Coffee leads most directly to production of glutathione s transferase, which transports toxins to glutathione proper. A spectrum of related biological markers is measured in the study cite below.
Other antioxidants in coffee include polyphenols, more on that below
Relief of Constipation
Constipation is a serious health issue because chronically it can back up the body all the way through the lymph system and muscles. Once I let it go so long I had muscle weakness that was only cleared through fasting to clean out the lymph system. Constipation contributes to body odor, brain fog, bad mood, and accumulation of toxicity.
Coffee enemas get at a key root cause of constipation: liver stagnation that shuts down bile flow that trigger peristalsis. By correcting this root cause, regularity returns and one does not become dependent on enemas: if you stop doing enemas you will by more regular than before. Sometimes you will evacuate before you do the enema and not have to consider doing a water enema first to get clear.
Dr. Lawrence Wilson explains, from his website:
“While other agents classed as choleretics increase bile flow from the liver, most do little to enhance detoxifying enzyme systems, and they do not ensure the passage of bile from the intestines out the rectum. Bile is normally reabsorbed up to 9 or 10 times before working its way out the intestines in feces.
The enzyme-enhancing ability of the coffee enema is unique among choleretics. Because it does not allow as much reabsorption of toxic bile by the liver across the gut wall, it is a powerful means of detoxifying the blood stream through existing enzyme systems in the liver and small bowel.”
Legend has it that pain reduction was experienced in military hospitals that ran out of morphine in world war I. Anyone can experiment for themselves to determine if their headaches and other pain can be reduced. Some pain is inflammation from toxins that are also being reduced by free radical scavengers / antioxidants).
Brain Power
Mental clarity is provided by coffee not just from stimulants but by cleaning the liver of “stagnation.” I have also noticed that the “wake up” effect has a unique contribution from enemas, which I noticed when drinking and doing enemas at the same time.
At the same time, there is more caffeine absorbed through drinking coffee to provide mental clarity to get things done that can be worth it even if you have to rest more later because you burned up the little stored nutrients you had--at least you had some productive time in a day. Many people with chronic health problems have trouble thinking and reading. They are unable to read and evaluate health information to make good health decisions. Coffee enemas can be worth it.
I have also noticed that the “wake up” or stimulating effect has a unique contribution from enemas, which seems to be from clearing the liver.
Intermittent Fasting Support
Intermittent fasting is not eating for a period during the day and night, typically all night, morning and early afternoon, while eating in a narrower window of 4-8 hours a day. This puts energy into cleaning out instead of digestion.
Fasting has the well known benefit of training the body to burn fat in a ketogenic state.
Fasting is also a detox of natural cellular, metabolic waste by recycling cells, called autophagy, or self-eating, which can be more efficient that eating more food alone. Less healthy cells are broken down for energy. Fasting sacrifices quantity for quality upgrading.
It helps to get through fasting with coffee and caffeine that suppress hunger, fatigue and discomfort while mobilizing nutrients out of storage for energy.
Good for Infections or Bad for Good Bacteria?
Some people believe coffee enemas are “washing out” parasites, candida, bacteria, etc., and some even develop a fascination with poop trophies and share pictures online. I don’t see strong evidence for this. Any enema can help you inspect the contents of your bowels but antioxidants have nothing to do with killing infections directly. Detoxification does help improve the terrain of the body and thus the immune system to fight infection.
Some people are afraid that enemas wash out good bacteria. This also seems to be false in my experience of observing, energetic testing, and following research. The coffee enema does not penetrate far up the colon; this is not a colon cleanse in which water is pumped all the way up into the colon. Coffee does not kill or necessarily force anything off the colon wall.
Either way I do not see proof of coffee enemas effecting pathogens or probiotics significantly.
Fails: Intolerance to Coffee
Intolerance to stimulants in coffee is a problem for many individuals. They get overstimulated, jittery, anxious, a racing heart, or just feel bad.
I believe one reason is that people lack nutrients to create energy that is demanded by stimulants. Many people have noticed that increasing electrolytes like potassium and magnesium helps with this. People need to know whether then need more sodium or potassium, both or only one.
This makes sense because of the way stimulants work: the brain commands hormones to mobilize stored nutrients down the HPA axis: hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenals. When the gas tank is empty pressing on the gas pedal does not speed things up.
Another reason is that people have stressed brains that are overstimulated, autonomic nervous systems dysregulation. These people must do other things to make the body feel stronger and convince the brain that their world is become safer with their increased strength to handle stress. Sometimes basic minerals can begin this process.
Reducing Fails
One way to reduce these failures to tolerate coffee enemas is to use coffee that has less stimulation relative to nutrient benefits. Dark coffee may be the answer according to some research.
Dark or Light Roast?
Coffee made especially for enemas is super light roast with the most caffeine. They claim palamitic acid as the key to leading to glutathione formation. It is light gold in color and smells more like peanuts. When it a bit spills it dries a very bright green. This gold or green coffee is so light you cannot even drink it because it tastes awful and is upsetting to the stomach. It is clearly the highest in caffeine as you can verify from experience.
Some research shows that darker roast coffee has more antioxidant power through more glutathione production, while also having less caffeine that is a downside for many people.
“Dark roast coffee is more effective than light roast coffee in reducing body weight, and in restoring red blood cell vitamin E and glutathione concentrations in healthy volunteers.”
This study compares the levels of the two most important types of antioxidants in coffee, glutathione and polyphenols. It was found that darker roast produces more glutathione related antioxidants and that a lighter roast produced more polyphenols.
Glutathione is increased through a higher presence of N methlyperidinium, whereas polyphenols are represented by chlorogenic acid. It is found that that glutathione path had greater antioxidant effects along with weight loss than the polyphenols.
(It is interesting to note that the popular green coffee extract sold for weight loss is this polyphenol extracted from a raw coffee bean where it is most potent. This study examined light roast coffee that is supposed less powerful than the raw bean extract of cholorogenic acid that is degraded with heat, whereas glutathione production in this case is increased with heat.)
It could be that some people benefit more from polyphenols and light roast and others from dark roast and glutathione, and some most in the middle with medium roast. And some people may be too high on caffeine to know what the hell is going on but they sure feel good.
I am mostly concerned with glutathione, which is regarded to be a master antioxidant for the body what is targets some of worst toxins like mercury. Dark roast also has the advantage of less caffeine that can create insomnia, anxiety and stress.
Dark roast also involves higher levels of vitamin E is especially important as a cofactor with selenium to detoxify mercury. Vitamin E is rarely discussed in relation to coffee enemas.
This research was based on drinking coffee, so that need to be taken into account. However, there is a long tradition of observing more benefits from enemas.
My Experience
My own experience is that switching to dark and medium roast I experienced the obvious less stimulation and more detox symptoms in the form of skin eruptions, acne, without any other form of discomfort. I was able to take in more coffee and could even tolerate drinking some of it, which is sometimes helpful for additional stimulation for peak performance periods like writing.
I like a Peruvian even though it is as dark as French roast because South American is lowest in radiation.
Gerson Institute
The most famous use of coffee enemas is the Gerson Institute, focused on cancer especially, with 4-6 coffee enemas a day. They switched from using super light roast for enema use only to medium roast coffee because they found patients could not tolerate the light roast with its super high caffeine.
Dr. Lawrence Wilson
Dr. Lawrence Wilson also cited this same study in his defense of dark or medium roast coffee. (Not to be confused with S. A. Wilson’s super light gold coffee.)
Dr Wilson has practiced health long enough to notice many nuances of coffee enemas. He noticed that the most effective coffee seems to be from South America, like Columbia or Peru. My energetic testing found my local store’s best was organic from Peru, and I only read Wilson’s opinion after this. He did not say why, but the most obvious reason is that the entire northern hemisphere is contaminated with radiation from Fukushima.
Interesting in that connection, Dr. Wilson writes about radiation changing the energy of the entire planet making it too yin. A darker roast makes the coffee more yang for balance. If you really want to imbibe coffee guilt free, he offers this assessment of its benefits:
“Coffee antidotes or neutralizes many harmful frequencies of illness in the body. This unusual trait of coffee, not shared by other herbs or remedies, is very well known in the science of homeopathy. Patients are often told by homeopathic doctors never to drink coffee. The coffee can negate the effects of many vibrational remedies, including homeopathic remedies. This is a very important reason for using coffee enemas. The coffee seems able to clear a wide range of harmful subtle energies in the human system in a way that no other plant or animal substance can do.”
Bulletproof Coffee: specializing in low mycotoxin coffee for mold sensitive and toxic persons.
Practical Tips
There are plenty of basic instructions online about how to do a coffee enema, so I won’t be giving those.
One thing you might not find is how to make a whole batch of coffee to last several days or more so that you can just heat it up and use it much faster.
- Buy whole beans if you can and grind just before using to medium or slightly fine coarse.
- 10 cups of water.
- 3.5 oz of dark or medium, or 3 oz of light roast coffee
- Boil 5-6 minutes. Time is shorter than usually recommended because large batches steep.
- Let steep cover on at least 20 minutes. You can also use it right away.
- This hard boil also makes the best tasting coffee, no wimpy drip method.
- I like putting in 8 oz at a time and doing multple ones either adding before it comes out or after the previous one comes out., Don't ask me how many, there is no fixed number. How many is up to your result, whaterver that is.
Some say you need to let the coffee out after holding for 15 minutes to avoid reabsorbing the toxins. I don’t think that is necessarily the case. I don’t think the bile moves down the colon that fast as a closed loop system. I have held it a lot longer without noticing problems. That means more nutrients and caffeine is absorbed.
In summary, there is a lot we don’t know yet about all the variables in coffee enemas like roast time relative to therapeutic effects you are seek relative to tolerances and nutrient deficiencies. Scientific studies establish general principles and variables to consider but cannot prescribe for individuals.
The individual can benefit from some form of energetic testing, I using dowsing with a pendulum, to determine how to use coffee enemas and what might hold you back like nutritional deficiencies. Addressing nutritional deficiencies is top priority for any health improvement to create the energy for the body to heal itself of all symptoms and root cause like toxic body burden.
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