“Body-neglect brings the other two things (mind and spirit) way down.
But when you lead with the body, the other two always follow. Of the three elements, mind, body,
and spirit, the body is the only one that can automatically get the others to rise with it.
If you get up and move your body, the spirit and mind will follow!”
Steve Chandler, The Life Coaching Connection, page 106:
“Body-neglect brings the other two things (mind and spirit) way down.
But when you lead with the body, the other two always follow. Of the three elements, mind, body,
and spirit, the body is the only one that can automatically get the others to rise with it.
If you get up and move your body, the spirit and mind will follow!”
Steve Chandler, The Life Coaching Connection, page 106:
Chandler began this chapter with a story about Richard Branson’s answer to the question, “How do you become more productive?” Branson said, “Work out.”
I’ve always felt that way since a teenager when long distance running was how I increased all forms of strength and got balanced to manage life.
If you are chronically ill that is not the first step, of course, but getting back into movement of some kind helps, even movement while lying down.
Try being positive and empathetic to others when your brain doesn’t work from all the toxic blue light, electromagnetic fields and heavy metal neurotoxins like mercury and aluminum in medicine, the air, and food.
Being a crabby old man or woman is not helpful.
Many young people today are riddled with anxiety and depression because their guts and brains are damaged from glyphosates or Round Up in their food, school grounds, and home yards. Cell phone radiation and blue light weakens cell mitochoncria. Plus, metals from vaccines and other sources. Some talk casually about the mood meds they are on because it is so common.
There is epidemic of diseases among children, the 4 As: autism spectrum, allergies, asthma, and attention deficit disorder. Autism is exploding among boys.
Much of spirituality today provides no leadership on the modern health crisis. It can’t because it is cut off from the body. Many people think spirituality means vegetarianism, and its latest extreme food ideology of veganism, which is not always good for health. Many people don’t even notice they look obviously worse and are totally in their heads ignoring feedback.
Much of today’s spirituality is disembodied like Tibetan Buddhism as many of the llamas are overweight with diabetes and some even say they are not interested in alternative health.
I like Daoism from China because it starts with the body. Their theory is that root energy of the body rises to nourish spirit. It begins with Jing, which is the body’s creation energy from kidney’s and bones, metaphorically and literally representing minerals and stem cells. Also Jing represents sexual energy that creates life. Jing nourishes chi energy that circulates all over the body and includes the breath. Chi nourishes Shen, the heart-mind or spirit. Daoists revere the power of youth and attempt to maintain youth as means to higher states.
Both Daoism and Indian yogic traditions circulate energy up the spine to the head, transmuting survival and sexual energy into spirit. One such energy in Kundalini said to reside in the sacrum bone.
Yoga has also been separated from this spiritual understanding and is treated as exercise. Yoga is actually a name for a spiritual path and the exercises people do are called “asanas.” The purpose of asanas is to open the chakras and breath while aligning the spine to move energy for integration of all aspects of being and with spirit. Yoga means “union.”
This is the more holistic and complex systems thinking that we have lost in the modern era with a fragmented view of science (science can be systems oriented). It’s time for a paradigm change and integration of science and spirituality, as many are already doing at the cutting edges--the edges are where things come together.
The body is the foundation of the mind and the brain is both. You can BS yourself all day long about spiritual beliefs but your body doesn’t lie. Master your mind through your body. If you don’t even notice what foods and toxic exposures are doing to you, how can you be present to your own emotions and to those of others? The body provides a brick wall of feedback so that you can learn to pay attention.
Some people stop implementing their health routines and then complain about results but can’t make the connection. They are too busy pursuing spiritual things and other health options. It’s a cross between a spiritual bypass of some kind and a shopping addition.. It’s “chasing too many rabbits” as they say in quality assurance. It’s time for a paradigm change that spans scientific inference and personal habits. All action embodies a theory so you have to decode your theory to get control of your actions.
Some of the most effective therapeutic methods are “somatic” or body focused. One method is to just feel sensation that is uncomfortable and stay with it not trying to do anything, not attaching words to it and calling it a feeling like anger, although that might occur at the same time, but drop your story about how bad life is and just feel the sensation. This can move pain even though it feels like you are doing nothing or maybe like you are going to die. In fact, it is the uncomfortable thing we avoid all the time with our minds, methods and spiritual bypasses.
Some people go to the extreme of it’s all feeling and heart and the mind is just a lie. That is in itself a theoretical paradigm. Use the mind for awareness. Use the mind to become conscious of your unconscious paradigm and formulate other choices.
Complex spiritual processes should not become too routinized and ritualistic to the point that you ignore your body and basic things that have sustained humans throughout evolution: nutrition, movement and the physics of receiving energy from nature: sunlight, barefoot grounding, bathing at the beach and in the forest.
Aligning the spine through the hips and feet is a way to correct the root cause of back pain to eliminate a major distraction. Aligning the hips and spine helps "ground' the mind, while becoming more powerful and sexy. See: Align Spine & Mind
Pay attention. A mind is a terrible thing to waste on an ego. It is terrible to waste the body due to what’s in the mind.
I’ve always felt that way since a teenager when long distance running was how I increased all forms of strength and got balanced to manage life.
If you are chronically ill that is not the first step, of course, but getting back into movement of some kind helps, even movement while lying down.
Try being positive and empathetic to others when your brain doesn’t work from all the toxic blue light, electromagnetic fields and heavy metal neurotoxins like mercury and aluminum in medicine, the air, and food.
Being a crabby old man or woman is not helpful.
Many young people today are riddled with anxiety and depression because their guts and brains are damaged from glyphosates or Round Up in their food, school grounds, and home yards. Cell phone radiation and blue light weakens cell mitochoncria. Plus, metals from vaccines and other sources. Some talk casually about the mood meds they are on because it is so common.
There is epidemic of diseases among children, the 4 As: autism spectrum, allergies, asthma, and attention deficit disorder. Autism is exploding among boys.
Much of spirituality today provides no leadership on the modern health crisis. It can’t because it is cut off from the body. Many people think spirituality means vegetarianism, and its latest extreme food ideology of veganism, which is not always good for health. Many people don’t even notice they look obviously worse and are totally in their heads ignoring feedback.
Much of today’s spirituality is disembodied like Tibetan Buddhism as many of the llamas are overweight with diabetes and some even say they are not interested in alternative health.
I like Daoism from China because it starts with the body. Their theory is that root energy of the body rises to nourish spirit. It begins with Jing, which is the body’s creation energy from kidney’s and bones, metaphorically and literally representing minerals and stem cells. Also Jing represents sexual energy that creates life. Jing nourishes chi energy that circulates all over the body and includes the breath. Chi nourishes Shen, the heart-mind or spirit. Daoists revere the power of youth and attempt to maintain youth as means to higher states.
Both Daoism and Indian yogic traditions circulate energy up the spine to the head, transmuting survival and sexual energy into spirit. One such energy in Kundalini said to reside in the sacrum bone.
Yoga has also been separated from this spiritual understanding and is treated as exercise. Yoga is actually a name for a spiritual path and the exercises people do are called “asanas.” The purpose of asanas is to open the chakras and breath while aligning the spine to move energy for integration of all aspects of being and with spirit. Yoga means “union.”
This is the more holistic and complex systems thinking that we have lost in the modern era with a fragmented view of science (science can be systems oriented). It’s time for a paradigm change and integration of science and spirituality, as many are already doing at the cutting edges--the edges are where things come together.
The body is the foundation of the mind and the brain is both. You can BS yourself all day long about spiritual beliefs but your body doesn’t lie. Master your mind through your body. If you don’t even notice what foods and toxic exposures are doing to you, how can you be present to your own emotions and to those of others? The body provides a brick wall of feedback so that you can learn to pay attention.
Some people stop implementing their health routines and then complain about results but can’t make the connection. They are too busy pursuing spiritual things and other health options. It’s a cross between a spiritual bypass of some kind and a shopping addition.. It’s “chasing too many rabbits” as they say in quality assurance. It’s time for a paradigm change that spans scientific inference and personal habits. All action embodies a theory so you have to decode your theory to get control of your actions.
Some of the most effective therapeutic methods are “somatic” or body focused. One method is to just feel sensation that is uncomfortable and stay with it not trying to do anything, not attaching words to it and calling it a feeling like anger, although that might occur at the same time, but drop your story about how bad life is and just feel the sensation. This can move pain even though it feels like you are doing nothing or maybe like you are going to die. In fact, it is the uncomfortable thing we avoid all the time with our minds, methods and spiritual bypasses.
Some people go to the extreme of it’s all feeling and heart and the mind is just a lie. That is in itself a theoretical paradigm. Use the mind for awareness. Use the mind to become conscious of your unconscious paradigm and formulate other choices.
Complex spiritual processes should not become too routinized and ritualistic to the point that you ignore your body and basic things that have sustained humans throughout evolution: nutrition, movement and the physics of receiving energy from nature: sunlight, barefoot grounding, bathing at the beach and in the forest.
Aligning the spine through the hips and feet is a way to correct the root cause of back pain to eliminate a major distraction. Aligning the hips and spine helps "ground' the mind, while becoming more powerful and sexy. See: Align Spine & Mind
Pay attention. A mind is a terrible thing to waste on an ego. It is terrible to waste the body due to what’s in the mind.
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