Poor Implementation:
Compulsive Shopping, Not Reading,
Paradigm Blinders, Self-Sabotage
And the NAIL IT Attitude
Shopping and scrolling instead of implementing what you have.
People often do not take the time to read and follow instructions.
Addicted to shopping before even thoroughly reading the plan they just paid for after complained they barely had the money to afford it.
Scattered and letting social media feeds dictate their attention.
Subject to manipulation by marketing.
Not pausing to reflect on habits and biases that direct their attention in the wrong ways.
Scattered and too “busy”--the all-purpose excuse for lack of focus, clarity and integrity.
Addicted to something new and in search of easy miracle technologies and supplements instead of changing themselves.
This is more of an American problem as compared to Japanese or Swiss, for example.
As Dr Klinghardt explained, the American patient typically has not started implementing a few weeks after given their plan. The Swiss patient must be told to stop 6 months later.
Although many North Americans do implement well, not everyone takes the time to understand the new paradigm enough so they can do more on their own.
A Japanese recycling volunteer at an American farmer’s market was directing people to put their recyclables and trash in the right containers. I watched as many people could not get it right and she politely directed them, but privately showed her annoyance.
My PhD research involved studying the difference between Japanese and American implementation of quality improvement methods, known as total quality or six sigma, used in organizations of all kinds, with Japanese having implemented much better. It is a revolution in applied science relevant to everything, including personal health improvement and I have written extensively about how I apply it. No one should have to ask how to find it—it’s a basic research skill as everything on my facebook or website is just a few clicks away. Everything I write here has been elaborated upon.
“Quality Improvement” is a just phrase desperate to convey a revolution in science from basic theory, systems theory, with completely new statistical theory and methods, to a science of implementing the details to be results driven. Aside from use of the formal methods, this way of thinking is necessary to design customized solutions (N=1) and follow through on implementation of details. People are completely unaware that this exists.
The problem of implementation in quality assurance terms can be called conformance to standard, the first line of defense against defects. Defect equals flake-out.
Some of the main problems of focus on implementation are:
Not Reading Theory or Instructions thoroughly.
Not reading theory behind the plan.
Not reading the plan itself and then not implementing.
Plan not Understood
Lack of focus follows from lack of understanding and visa versa, it’s a vicious circle. Not implementing a plan because they do not take the time to understand the reasons for it, probably because those reasons don't match the self-diagnosis or former diagnosis that is driving their shopping. Lacking neuroplascity to learn new things. Paradigm blinders.
Lack of Implementation Process
People may start to implement but not in the right way.
The plan lacks details: how much to take, at what rate to increase dosages, when, in combination with what. So no results and then they drop it.
Implementation depends on operational knowledge, that must be built into the design of the plan. Some theories support operational knowledge and implementation, and some are more academic for general explanatory purposes.
Lack of Measuring Progress
Without clear ways to measure progress people may give up too soon.
It’s miracle or nothing, and then return to shopping for miracles that probably fail with poor implementation.
Measuring progress usually relates to measuring symptoms.
The time frame of measurement is important.
The best measurement is immediate feedback: you immediately have some symptom relief or more energy or at least feel better in subtle way.
Delayed feedback or long term progress is important but more difficult to isolate what is working. It is usually unrealistic to do one thing at a time for a few days because it may not be enough because cofactor nutrients are often needed. A few hours or even 15 minutes is better.
This takes a lot of focus and attention on subtle things, not rushing through the day feeling nothing.
Highly sensitive people know immediately if there is a problem. They are the sickest usually but at least have this ability.
Some people don’t get intuitively get what is good for them. I’ve been there. Growing up with emotional abuse and neglect does that. Shattered and scattered, unable to get focused on my own needs consistently. Blown off course by the winds of fear and insecurity afraid to try new things that might make me feel worse, or detox. Couldn’t always focus on the right things that later proved to work but I passed by at first. This is like only being attracted to partners who are bad for them. Resonating more with the problem than solution. It’s like a repetition compulsion to reproduce abusive patterns.
This is why emotional transformation is important too, to help scientific focus. There is too much science to know what to focus on. Even scientific creativity relies on intuition and even spiritual guidance as in the case of inventors like Tesla.
At the same time, some people focus too much on emotion because they just can’t sort out the science. It can be a tangent that leads nowhere. They drop their nutritional plan with all it tedious details necessary to get their brain working for something “deeper” and more exciting. Sometimes if their brain just had enough magnesium and a few other things their mood and energy level would stabilize and they could solve more problems with logic.
Focus has an intuitive aspect, the embodiment of “what feels right” although that can be deceiving. If you don’t cross check with your rational mind within the right paradigm it can just feel right because you are still in the comfort zone of your ego. Here is how I describe balanced embodiment:
Nailing It
The metaphor of nailing it conveys focus that penetrates the hard difficulty into a solution that sticks.
This is the masculine aspect of getting shit done, even things we don’t want to do, the discipline now that creates freedom later.
The hyper masculine is being in the head with too much thinking that is imbalanced, lacking human context of relationality, timing, boundaries, and implementing to nail it.
The solid masculine is embodied all the way down to feet, being “grounded” according to a cliche.
The metaphor of “balls” has to do with this lower energy, the root chakra near the base of the spine if you are familiar with that.
While the masculine is associated with focused action, the feminine is receptivity and being. My feminine receptive side is highly developed in that I can feel energy: holding a food or supplement in my hand I can feel how good it is for me. I can look at pictures of products on line and feel how good it is for myself or others. I have confirmed the accuracy of this for years.
Listening can be as feminine and associated with being receptive. Listening can also be seen at the result of balance with the masculine element of self control to not just express your own feelings so you can listen. It’s part of growing up.
The masculine and feminine are complimentary and drive each other to higher levels.
A German clothing designer said that he includes masculine and feminine elements in his designs because:
“A woman who is just a woman is a victim. A man who is just a man is stupid.” LOL.
Examples of unhealthy hyper femininity would be exalting sensitivity to the highest level to the neglect of responsibility for self-regulation of reactions. This a major task for people with autonomic nervous system dsyregulation as a cause of chronic health problems. Failing at self regulation leads to feeling like a victim and possibility demanding others to compensate by blaming them, etc.
Unhealthy masculine includes always doing instead of being to just rest. This is part of self regulation. The feminine side receives abundance and notices how one feels for what one needs. Purely masculine as always doing is often doing for others as a tool rather than taking care of oneself.
Social media sometimes seems feminized; lots of chat for the sake of chat or for bonding. That’s ok between friends but if one is receiving a service that involves paying for time, then it is best to read instructions carefully rather than ask about things already explained. This is not like chatting while you are getting nails or hair done. The masculine is follow the process, be efficient, less personal, save money, take responsibility.
In social media comments people sometimes ask to spoon feed things they can look up first. It’s lazy and self centered to demand others time that way. Or not even being able to click to a poster's timeline to see if there is more information. Or demanding a response: No one is entitled or obligated to anything but respect including boundaries. It’s childish. If I take hours to write and share information for free, that does not mean I will stay at my computer constantly fielding questions that I might not even see because there are many notifications. Boundaries and self responsibility are a masculine element. Closeness and empathy are feminine. We need both in balance.
The integration of masculine and feminine can be seen in quality improvement/six sigma, even though it seems like a hyper masculine playground for engineers and statisticians—and for many, that’s mainly what it is because they don’t get the customer side of it. That was the problem I researched, not full understanding of the paradigm because they hold onto their old paradigm and reduce new information to it. This revolution in science takes masculine logic to its furthest extent from its systems theory to quantifying product features in detail through impersonal (freer of bias and self-interest) processes of creating knowledge.
The feminine side is listening to customers, down to even the single individual. The first principle of the new paradigm for business and all organizations is to be customer driven because that defines the whole purpose of strategy and gives geeks something to measure, customer satification. No customer, nothing to measure or do but count financials that cannot stand on their own. In research terms, full customization is N=1, sample size of one. That is as personal as it gets, through impersonal processes of research, design and implementation to treat everyone impersonally with the same general consideration. This is revolution in social organization as well. The implications are also a new paradigm of health.
For example, with health coaching the strategy is to provide not just what customers want as shopping transactions based on their limited knowledge, but what they need: transformation of how they make decisions including how they implement. Coaching holds people accountable.
Shopping is separate transactions based on what you think you know. But if you are not getting the results you want, your thinking is probably off on a deeper level than you can see. Thinking is determined by our often unconscious paradigm of implicit beliefs.
Transformation is thinking things through and dealing with multiple root causes from the physical to emotional and integrating different sides of yourself as a whole system, like masculine and feminine.
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Primal Rejuvenation
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Primal Rejuvenation
enough to make a difference
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