Many people are wasting their time and money with healing technologies even considered alternative health: machines for detox, killing bugs, lights, etc, Sure there are success stories, partial success usually, and many failure stories. I’ve owned and tried a number of machines and the things that helped the most were not that. If you can’t afford those things don’t worry, you can focus on things that matter more like basic nutrients.
Healing machines are more a part of the medical model that is further driven by an American fetish for technology that it can solve all problems and that one must have the new thing, the phone, the app, the blah, blah, blah. The medical model has its place when aggressive focused treatments can be tolerated, but the holistic lifestyle and environment model is more complete and direct to root causes, as well as gentler preparation for more aggressive medical style detoxes or infection clearing, for example.
The fascination with technology within the medical model of disease overlooks science of physiology: that the body needs essential nutrients according to chemistry and physics (sunlight), and the toxins that disrupt and damage healthy cell functioning, from the chemistry of mercury and aluminum to the physics of non native electromagnetic fields and artificial light.
If you have not perfected the three basic minerals sodium, potassium and magnesium, perhaps with a splash of sunlight, you ain’t goin nowhere. These three minerals determine what nutrients get in your cells and what waste gets out. Getting this just right can start to pull people out of the ditch of chronic fatigue and help utilize the many other nutrients that are necessary.
After that, the most important nutrient is the one you are lowest in, since the body as a system is only as strong as its weakest link.
Boring Basics Boost Biggest Benefits
Some people think they know something because they have heard the words before. But they have no clue or method to select the right sources of nutrients, how much to take, when, in combination with what, for how long, etc. This is operational knowledge created by the science of implementation guided by measurable results including your own subjective experience of how you feel. It is the day to day management of your protocols that make or break your program.
Science is not just lab tests and complicated terms by experts. There is pretense in genetic testing that lacks a solid framework and is getting side-tracked by focusing on temporary symptoms created by the epigenetics of environment and lifestyle. Technical complexity can be a hiding place for the greedy.
Many people are impressed by technical and medical expertise and still giving their power away to alternative doctors that they worship—which is not necessarily the fault of those doctors.
Sometimes it’s an ego game of feeling significant by associating with some big deal technology with its own special language you had to learn that is a lucrative business. How many people feel special by associating themselves with their bag of salt? Soaking in a tub of cold water outdoors in winter, now that makes you special!
Real change depends on you taking charge of the many details and perfecting the crucial leverage points on a daily basis that no outsider can monitor fully. The new paradigm of health is matched with the service delivery of coaching; coaches can spend more time with clients to help manage details and bigger better than a specialist, and better than the client can until the client learns how to do it themselves.
Real science is things like the revolution in cell biology that looks at how energy is created all over the body, not inane “adrenal fatigue” repeated by people who do not understand hormones or their relative role to bigger organs or the cell that is the most basic level. Jack Kruse is a leader in the cell biology revolution shows how the physics of lights shapes in basic energy production. By increasing energy the body can heal itself.
Science is also the empirical study of ancestral diets proven to work under survival conditions. This is knowledge that science may not have fully explained but gives science something to focus on. An example is the remarkable history of using raw milk as a healing food for thousands of years, despite the merely theoretical, rhetoric arguments of vegans that milk is for cows, always stated in an aggressive, angry way.
The paradigms wars have been fought with a clear winner in industry like auto and electronics. There the market place gives customers more choice and technology has more simple, measurable results. The medical field is not a market but regulated and also more confusing since the body is more complex and harder to understand.
The equivalent of the medical model in industry is the old specialized mass production that is a more fragmented view of the world. The holistic model of industry is based on systems theory and methods of total quality now called six sigma, the methods that create systems like lean production and quality designs. I have written about how this applies to health improvement as an extension of my PhD research in applied science. It’s as much about managing boring details as new technology. Without precise implementation the solution can fail and the search for another miracle drug or machine ensues to repeat the cycle of failure and decline. The same thing was seen with production technology until the Japanese showed Americans how to implement American ideas better than Americans did.
There is a science of implementation that creates innovation through continuous improvement in increments that can lead to bigger innovation overall and is needed to implement any innovation. The science of implementation is learning through experimentation.
Health begins in the mind with a paradigm change so you can see solutions and manage the details that make or break the solutions.
Most annoying are lazy statements like “I already take that,” or “did that” without anything quantifiable or other variables energetically tested. This arrogance leads to failure. If you are that sloppy you will remain sick.
If you aren’t getting results, consider it’s the way are looking, the assumptions you make about what an answer looks like: the diagnosis, the pill, the machine, and the expert, along with the thing or person you dismiss but don’t really know that just might have a solution for you.