Cholesterol Feeds Hormones and More
Your brain, cell membranes and hormones are all made of cholesterol, a substance contained in saturated fats. Cholesterol is necessary to absorb vitamin D and makes your skin beautiful.
Both adrenal and sex hormones are made from cholesterol as the raw material that is converted into pregnenolone, then DHEA and progesterone, and then more specific adrenal and sex hormones estrogen, testosterone, etc.
Many people who are tired feel energized by taking DHEA and pregnenolone. This is supplementing upstream a little so that your body can regulate how much of the final products it needs in just the right amount, and make multiple hormones from the precursors for wider effects.
If you feed yourself even further upstream to the raw material of cholesterol you receive the hormonal benefits and much more beyond hormones.
While many people are allergic to diary and eggs when pasteurized or cooked, they often tolerate raw dairy or raw eggs. Still many people react to even raw and that can also be cured by eliminating all mineral and vitamin deficiencies that are needed as cofactors to absorb those nutrients. Deficiencies and remedies can be determined by energetic testing.
Raw butter is overall the best source of cholesterol and less allergenic than milk with only traces of the sugar and proteins people react to.
Egg yolks are a great source of cholesterol combined with sulfur, also need for vitamin D synthesis, and are best eaten with yolks.
Milk and eggs are two of the most complete foods since are designed to grow a baby.
I personally made a recovery from chronic fatigue in large part due to a high cholesterol diet with raw butter, cream, and eggs. This is especially good for a sex drive, which is one indicator of hormonal health. Hormones, in turn, are an indicator of general health, but I think there is too much focus on hormones, rather than the upstream nutrients that feed hormones, like cholesterol, with its many health benefits, most enjoyably, younger skin.
So two key principles of health intervention:
It’s important to use energetic testing to see which supplements and foods will work for you and not make things worse. Many supplements have toxins or allergens or could imbalance things, or just not be utilizable without cofactor nutrients.
The most important thing is to test for and eliminate all nutritional deficiencies so that body can heal and regulate itself: minerals, vitamins, fats, protein, probiotics, and the right level of carbs, often lower. Carbs can disregulate hormones and fat burning for energy via affects on insulin and leptin—which some call the “master hormone,” not the adrenals that are driven by other hormones and the brain.
The best thing for hormones and health it is to eliminate all nutrient deficiencies and allergies. That is foundation for more intense work with detoxification and treating infections. Strengthen the body to do as much work on its own first and to tolerate aggressive treatments. Doing this thoroughly is almost universally missed in the “alternative” medicine field, which is still influenced by a medical model characterized by fragmentation and symptom focus.
We need to move from a “take this for that” mentality, this supplement for that symptom, to a holistic systems mind set of giving the body all the nutrients it needs to heal itself.
If you are not finding physical solutions, maybe it’s time to change thinking about what a health solution looks like.
Both adrenal and sex hormones are made from cholesterol as the raw material that is converted into pregnenolone, then DHEA and progesterone, and then more specific adrenal and sex hormones estrogen, testosterone, etc.
Many people who are tired feel energized by taking DHEA and pregnenolone. This is supplementing upstream a little so that your body can regulate how much of the final products it needs in just the right amount, and make multiple hormones from the precursors for wider effects.
If you feed yourself even further upstream to the raw material of cholesterol you receive the hormonal benefits and much more beyond hormones.
- Cholesterol for healthy cell membranes helps nutrients to pass into the cell and hormone receptors on cell walls to function.
- The fats eaten with cholesterol are a steadier source of energy than carbs.
- Fat is a cofactor to absorb fat soluble minerals and vitamins and contains many minerals and vitamins itself.
- Cholesterol in the skin is necessary to absorb vitamin D from the sun, a crucial vitamin/ hormone.
- Fat and cholesterol can absorb or neutralize toxins. The fear of cholesterol is based on observing oxidized cholesterol or arterial plaque. That perspective does not ask what oxidized cholesterol. In fact, it is not necessarily oxidized but is free radical damage (electron stealing molecules) from toxins like mercury, aluminum, pesticides, etc. Their terms are imprecise and logic is weak.
- Cholesterol can neutralize toxins, so there is a correlation, but causal inferences are all screwed-up, like blaming fire fighters for fires because there is a connection between the two.
While many people are allergic to diary and eggs when pasteurized or cooked, they often tolerate raw dairy or raw eggs. Still many people react to even raw and that can also be cured by eliminating all mineral and vitamin deficiencies that are needed as cofactors to absorb those nutrients. Deficiencies and remedies can be determined by energetic testing.
Raw butter is overall the best source of cholesterol and less allergenic than milk with only traces of the sugar and proteins people react to.
Egg yolks are a great source of cholesterol combined with sulfur, also need for vitamin D synthesis, and are best eaten with yolks.
Milk and eggs are two of the most complete foods since are designed to grow a baby.
I personally made a recovery from chronic fatigue in large part due to a high cholesterol diet with raw butter, cream, and eggs. This is especially good for a sex drive, which is one indicator of hormonal health. Hormones, in turn, are an indicator of general health, but I think there is too much focus on hormones, rather than the upstream nutrients that feed hormones, like cholesterol, with its many health benefits, most enjoyably, younger skin.
So two key principles of health intervention:
- The further upstream you go to basic nutrients the more downstream health benefits you get.
- Intervening upstream also allows the body to regulate its final hormonal outputs to the right levels, whereas direct manipulation of hormone levels can throw things off if you get it wrong.
It’s important to use energetic testing to see which supplements and foods will work for you and not make things worse. Many supplements have toxins or allergens or could imbalance things, or just not be utilizable without cofactor nutrients.
The most important thing is to test for and eliminate all nutritional deficiencies so that body can heal and regulate itself: minerals, vitamins, fats, protein, probiotics, and the right level of carbs, often lower. Carbs can disregulate hormones and fat burning for energy via affects on insulin and leptin—which some call the “master hormone,” not the adrenals that are driven by other hormones and the brain.
The best thing for hormones and health it is to eliminate all nutrient deficiencies and allergies. That is foundation for more intense work with detoxification and treating infections. Strengthen the body to do as much work on its own first and to tolerate aggressive treatments. Doing this thoroughly is almost universally missed in the “alternative” medicine field, which is still influenced by a medical model characterized by fragmentation and symptom focus.
We need to move from a “take this for that” mentality, this supplement for that symptom, to a holistic systems mind set of giving the body all the nutrients it needs to heal itself.
If you are not finding physical solutions, maybe it’s time to change thinking about what a health solution looks like.
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