What is Energetic Testing:
the Scientific Issues
Energetic testing is a way of identifying exact health solutions for individuals, which is something lab tests can’t do.
You can test specific solutions and you can ask general questions about causes, to get yes or no answers.
I like muscle testing that can be done by oneself or another person with the tester being the surrogate representing the other person long distance, for example.
Any muscle in my body tests stronger or weaker against slight resistance when exposed to or even thinking about a particular food or supplement: shoulder muscles, fingers, etc.
In person: the person holds the food in their hand and its energy field has an effect on them.
Does this strengthen you, Yes or No?
It’s also a bit like just thinking about a food gives you a good feeling or yucky feeling.
Or a mother’s instinct when helping someone else.
Testing helps listen to our instincts even when we don’t have any experience with that food.
It’s not well understood but some people explain it as communication between my nervous system and another person’s through a kind of resonance or quantum resonance--I know, everything is “quantum” these days and no one knows what they mean. We don’t really know fully how it works.
Once you realize the lmits of lab tests it can help you relax about dealing with some unknowns.
Limits of lab tests:
- Limited sample to one body tissue and point in time: like the blood even blood cells that don’t identify what is in the other tissues.
- Can’t prescribe a solution.
- Can be very expensive with time delays to get results.
Energetic testing advantages:
- Anticipates a total impact of the food/supplement/method being tested
- Can quantify how much and when you need this. Is the only way to fulfill what I call engineering requirements for customized quantification for individuals, more like the kind of precision we expect in manufacturing.
- Faster, cheaper, more comprehensive.
There is an underlying clash of paradigms here before a narrow, fragmented view of science and systematic or holistic view.
The narrow science view says if you can’t measure it you don’t know it.
Therefore, you have to narrow your scope of analysis to measure precisely.
Microscope analysis loses context and connections.
They take genetics out of the context of environment and epigenetic medication by toxins and repair by nutrients.
They rely too much on isolated supplements that may match the latest scientific research but not the test of time. With a supplement you know exactly what you are getting for your controlled experiment, but that does not mean the result will be better.
They go into their heads and become experts in technical details.
They look for a long explanation first before experimenting, as if we can explain and master everything.
They want a double blind experiment on their life before it happens.
Analysis paralysis occurs when you don’t have a well rounded approach in which labs can be helpful. I’m not going to get into when it’s good to use lab tests.
The holistic view favors whole food first, for example, generally but not exclusively, even though there are more unknowns with complex nutrients mixtures.
This is the way people lived experimentally and instinctively before science.
This is more results driven and experimental.
It is more about managing complexity and uncertainty when we know we can't know everything.
Things have to be interpreted in multiple contexts.
This way incorporates individuality of needs, not generalization to prove general theories. The former it more for clinical practice, the latter for scientific study.
When I fund something that works that is an opportunity to reverse engineer an explanation: something that detoxifies increase energy to suggest toxicity is a major cause.
Simple mindedness defers to narrow science reductionism.
Those folks tend to see everyone else as a flake because they can’t see the subtly, nuance, and complexity of the “flakes” thinking.
Some people in all paradigms are sloppy, and it’s really a matter for degree for all of us.
Energetic testing has to be done in a really sophisticated way to work.
A lot can go wrong with energetic testing and usually does, but it can work with enough care.
The main problem is that there is no effective solution being tested: a food or supplement that will work. That is a whole separate process of discovering through testing and experimentation of products. Since you only get yes or no answer, it’s not a crystal ball telling you what to do.
My favorite solutions are often largely unknown to nearly everyone.
It depends on how good your science is.
In evaluation and design of complete solutions you have to know the connections between things: how symptoms imply nutrient deficiencies, how toxicity and nutrient deficiencies are causes, etc. This is the foundation to figure out what to test.
If you are still thinking thyroid, adrenal, and inflammation are root causes you are lost—I’ve written about it extensively, not going to explain that here.
It depends entirely on your interpretive framework to know what to ask.
There is no “It didn’t work for me.”
Energetic testing is not a stand alone method, it has no value without substantive health knowledge. No, I can’t teach you energy testing, that’s like saying I can teach you everything I know.
There can be problems when the person’s nervous system is dysregulated and can’t communicate with the tests. I can’t get into that at all, but there are things that can be done.
Eat to energize, detoxify & immunize.
Move to circulate, align, & relax.
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Primal Rejuvenation
enough to make a difference
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to individual needs
Eat to energize, detoxify & immunize.
Move to circulate, align, & relax.
Primal Rejuvenation Health Coaching
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I work over video: Facebook, Zoom, Google, from Michigan, USA
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Primal Rejuvenation
enough to make a difference
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