Atlas Chiropractic & DC Bone-Poking Reductionism
Reductionist Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Massage
Why you go back over and over wasting money without resolution
Learn how the whole system works.
Example: Atlas Chiropractic Bone-Poking
Why you go back over and over wasting money without resolution
Learn how the whole system works.
Example: Atlas Chiropractic Bone-Poking
The Atlas is the top neck bone just beneath the head called C1 for first cervical vertabra.
I remember going back over and over to get my atlas bone adjusted: it was relaxing.
It seemed amazing because they would show you how it made your leg length even-up through the ripple effect that went down the spine and evened the hips from one being higher than the other, which makes one leg appear to be longer.
This is an amazing example of how the body works as a system with one part related to the whole system.
Ironically, it was also reductionist thinking that one bone is the key to determining the positions of the other bones in one way causation.
What is missing is how the whole system really works:
All the Bones Work Together in Two Way Causation
- The positioning of the feet exert influence upward to align the hips that stack the spine that position the neck.
- Top down: the cranium effects the neck, starting with the width the upper palate that determines whether teeth are straight or crooked. .
Muscle Moves Bone
- The tongue shapes cranial growth and airway width that forms properly through breast feeding, not bottle feeding, with hard sucking that presses up between the teeth to exert horizontal pressure to widen the palate. Just do it right now and feel the relaxation if that area needs help. It’s undoing a little bit subluxation #1: the whole cranium that “pinches” your nervous system like back vertebrae cause pain. You don’t usually feel pain in then head but only take for granted constant stress on your brain you don’t perceive. It takes more than this simple demonstration for a complete solution, of course.
- Air way width can affect head posture: narrow airway can require forward head to keep it open, forcing the S curve posture from top down.
- Hip alignment that stacks the spine straight up rather than the usual S curve posture with forward hips and head with sunken chest. You must be able to release tension and move muscles properly in daily life.
- This shows that chiropractic bone poking is just symptomatic, medical paradigm thinking dependent on practitioners. They lack financial incentive to solve the problem and play to people’s laziness to depend on others. It’s not really about bad intentions, it’s more about how rare it is to really apply systems thinking.
All the Muscles Work Together;
- Physical therapy deals with muscles but usually with isolated muscle “exercises.”
- What is needed is daily function movements and postures of the whole system like walking, sitting, swallowing that integrate the whole of the body.
- And techniques to release muscle tension by working close to spine, in the hips and cranium so you can walk properly and balance muscle use that aligns posture.
When you address the whole system bones and muscle working together you can make progress and don’t need to go back over and over.
The problem is people have to stop and think and read.
Most people want “fix my X” “for” a problem narrowly defined.
You also need super nutrition to heal areas: foods and topicals.
Better lymph circulation in muscles and organs also helps to remove waste and deliver nutrients.
Spinal alignment improves cerebrospinal fluid circulation from hips to head and that creates relaxation you will not believe either bliss or falling asleep. It's deeper in a different way than massage and takes tension off muscles by balancing them.
Health begins in the mind with a paradigm change.
I teach a system for this. You have to learn the whole system. I can’t give away parts. I’m not here to instruct people for free. I have to work for a living. I still spend half my time educating people for free through writing. This is system will save you thousands of dollars with better results.
Eat to energize, detoxify & immunize.
Move to circulate, align, & relax.
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