Customized Root Cause Assessment of Two Kinds of Physical Disruptions:
Functions: not enough nutrients to fulfill purpose of sleep to repair and detoxify.
Mechanisms: lack sleep chemicals
physically uncomfortable, interrupted
SLEEP FUNCTION: Nutrition to fulfill Purposes of sleep.
Wake up “hungry” whether you feel it or not:
Not enough food
Nutritional deficiencies as weak links so body cannot utilize other nutrients, even if overeating in desperation to find a nutrient you cannot identify.
Physics of nutrition:
Solution: fully customized nutrition: diet, sunlight, etc.
Nutritional Deficiencies in sleep mechanism:
Toxic Interference from Environment
Toxic Body Burden disrupting body chemistry
Alignment of Bones and Muscle
Two angles of Intervention
Symptoms that could require both kinds of intervention:
Bedding Variables
Systemic Alignment issues happening all day creating stiffness and pain at night:
Need full body alignment from teeth and tongue to toes:
Functions: not enough nutrients to fulfill purpose of sleep to repair and detoxify.
Mechanisms: lack sleep chemicals
physically uncomfortable, interrupted
SLEEP FUNCTION: Nutrition to fulfill Purposes of sleep.
Wake up “hungry” whether you feel it or not:
Not enough food
Nutritional deficiencies as weak links so body cannot utilize other nutrients, even if overeating in desperation to find a nutrient you cannot identify.
Physics of nutrition:
- Magnetic field deficiency: need Magnetico mattress pad
- Sun deficiency, infrared deficiency:
Solution: fully customized nutrition: diet, sunlight, etc.
Nutritional Deficiencies in sleep mechanism:
- Lack sunlight during day to make melatonin at night (relates to mechanism, too.)
- Missing nutrients for brain, like amino acids, GABA, etc.
Toxic Interference from Environment
- Artificial light at night
- Electronic pollution: wired and wireless
- Noise, need better earplugs
- Air quality: Mold, toxins, humidity, affecting breathing
Toxic Body Burden disrupting body chemistry
- Metals, chemicals, mycotoxins, radiation
- Parasites/pathogens producing toxins and other disturbing affects
Alignment of Bones and Muscle
Two angles of Intervention
- Bed issues
- Chronic systemic alignment issues contributing to more pain and stiffness in bed.
Symptoms that could require both kinds of intervention:
- Breathing airway obstruction
- Shoulder, neck, hip, stiffness or pain
- Headaches
Bedding Variables
- Body position
- Soft or hard mattress
- Pillows and cushions
- Too hot or cold
- Bedding fabrics
- Dust mites in pillows
- Flat vs incline
Systemic Alignment issues happening all day creating stiffness and pain at night:
Need full body alignment from teeth and tongue to toes:
- How to sit, walk, hold your tongue, shoes.
- Do it yourself physical therapies to release tension etc.
Figure out your COMPLETE solution because a system is only as strong as its weakest link.
Primal Rejuvenation Health Coaching
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Primal Rejuvenation
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I work over video: Facebook, Zoom, Google, from Michigan, USA [email protected]
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Primal Rejuvenation
enough to make a difference
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