The term “adrenal fatigue” is often used as an attempt to explain fatigue and chronic fatigue
“Chronic fatigue” is a phrase used to describe one symptom, not explain it, and is more accurate within this limited scope.
“Adrenal Fatigue” actually does not explain anything and is possibly the most misleading phrase in health.
Adrenal glands produce stress hormones to help regulate normal levels of daily activity that still count as stress, and higher levels of stress, what we think of as bad stress.
Here are some facts within a systemic and holistic paradigm of understanding.
1. Fatigue does not automatically mean adrenal fatigue or insufficiency.
Adrenal hormones stimulate activity using existing nutrients, somewhat like caffeine. Do you have caffeine insufficiency? Even if you have low hormone levels you need to know why.
2. Hormonal activity is a symptom, not cause.
Low hormones are not the root cause of low energy, more likely the other way around, lower energy for many reasons causes low hormonal activity.
3. Hormones are messengers and regulators, they do not produce energy.
Hormonal glands—adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, ovaries, testes--are small: larger organs produce energy from digestion: the gut, liver, etc.
Energy is mostly created by nutrition relative to toxic load.
Nutrients: minerals, vitamins, macros, sunlight, probiotics. Etc.
Toxins: metals, chemicals, electronic radiation, artificial light at night, mold.
The most important nutrient for you is the one you are most deficient in, your weakest link. The most important deficiency could be the one that more nutrients depend upon as a cofactor for assimilation, like magnesium, the most common deficiency because it has more than 10x the roles of any other nutrient in the body with 1000s of functions. Magnesium deficiency is a root cause helps explains many symptom, working along with all the other nutrients.
4. Brain Commands Hormones:
Adrenals are signaled by pituitary hormones signaled by hypothamalus gland,Regulatory problems are brain problems of overacting to stress or autonomic nervous system dysregulation: Being caught in fight or flight 24/7, feeling threatened, constantly in survival mode, Leading to overactive stress hormones, and then possibly to complete burnout and low hormone levels.
Causes of the brains’ overreaction can be multiple:
5. Body parts are not Causes
The body does not cause its own problems. Nothing is wrong with the design of the body in the vast majority of cases, it’s environment. Hormonal glands and processes like inflammation and autoimmune reactions are not root causes:
Root causes are from outside the body.
There are 6 possible Root Causes of Fatigue or any Health symptom
6. The most immediate problem is how the MIND makes decisions about health, like Nutrition:
The first step is Identifying the problem or focus: root causes versus symptoms.
These are paradigm problems: how you think about health, which is usually largely unconscious, and you can’t see that there is another way to look at it.
The medical paradigm sees treats the many symptoms in a fragmented manner from the outside.
The holistic environment and lifestyle (HEAL) paradigm identifies the few root causes in a systematic way so the body can heal itself from the inside.
These are just platitudes until they become habits of thought that good decisions with results.
A sign of the medical paradigm is the mindset of “taking this for that.” “What is your biohack for X?” often has this narrow frame.
Here is how adrenals are treated at 3 paradigm levels:
Medical Paradigm: replace hormones directly from the outside: take cortisol hormone medications
Hybrid: A Foot In Each Paradigm.
Feed adrenal hormones by eating cholesterol, which adrenal and sex hormones are made of as steroidal hormones, cholesterol is a sterol found in saturated animal fat.
This is holistic in the sense of feeding the body naturally to help make its own hormones.
This is medical by focusing on symptoms and making simple correlations and causes to “take this for that.”
Holistic Paradigm
The holistic paradigm does not focus on symptoms or hormones, but focuses on end results like having enough energy to enjoy life and enough energy for the body to heal its many symptoms. It focuses on root cause like all the nutrients needed to produce energy and reduction of toxic exposures that steal energy.
The holistic paradigm would include cholesterol rich foods for the many functions of cholesterol: as a part of all cell membranes, the brain, as neutralizer of toxins and free radicals, and steroidal hormones.
The holistic paradigm does not even just eat cholesterol rich foods “for” cholesterol but for its saturated fats, minerals and vitamins. Some of these fatty foods like raw dairy and eggs also support capabilities to detoxify and boost immunity as well. The broader the spectrum of benefits the more the body can heal itself with less supplementation and micromanagement.
The strategies of these paradigms are not always mutually exclusive. The holistic paradigm can include some strategies from the medical paradigm. But the reverse is not true: most people only think from the medical paradigm and cannot comprehend the holistic paradigm. Complementary or Integrative Medicine is usually a hyrid only because they don’t really understand holistic fully.
7. Deep Stress: How the Mind responds to Stress
Reducing stress and over-stimulated stress hormones to rest and digest is a major concern of people with chronic health issues, especially if they have insomnia not cured by circadian rhythm living: getting morning sun and avoiding electronics and too much light at night.
Some of the reasons for autonomic nervous system dysregulation are emotional and involve stress in daily life.
We all have a negativity bias in that top priority is our threat scan for survival. The fastest way to get a response from someone is to insult them. We have to learn to not respond to negativity, even in our own minds and reactions, to people and environmental sensitivities. We can learn to not overreact and to focus on more positive people and things to do.
The medical approach is medications.
An in between approach that has worked to cure chronic is brain retraining and ANS balancing, there are many such programs. I consider such programs holistic but there are levels of holistic. These programs remove the immediate problem but don’t go to all the root causes or alternative way for humans to create a life. .
The higher level of holistic would be to full incorporate body, mind and spirit, or, as I like to say chemistry, physics and metaphysics. There is now a greater integration of physics and metaphysics or spirituality with quantum physics and the new physics. Everyone is talking about “energy” and “quantum” these days and I am not going to attempt to explain everything, but just make a few points.
It is possible to build off a scientific understanding of the brain to understand meditation and higher levels of healing and being that are an alternative to the survival state in which is more stress focused.
Sometimes there is no material solution to material problems, or at least a better non material solution.
The brain shift is from the animal centers, the reptilian survival brain and amygdala or limbic system, to all the parts of the brain working coherently.. energized through the measurable magnetic energy of the heart and transmitting through the pineal gland, as it is often explained.
There is also reference to the heart as the strongest magnetic field producer, and with reference to love, in connection to a wider field of energy.
There is also reference to the pineal gland which is seen as the communicator with the spiritual realm.
The wider field of “energy” or quantum field has been characterized as plasma that is negatively and positively charged but has not yet formed particles or atoms. This is more wave than particle material and comprises the vast majority of the universe. By connecting to this people can create through positive intention and simply receive healing. peace, and abundance in life.
These are some general themes in the explanation given for a non orthodox spirituality. This is an entire life path that requires much more explanation of concepts and methods, which is a whole other discussion I cannot even get started here on that.
The reason you are not getting the result you want is the way you make decisions. These are some options to explore further.
“Chronic fatigue” is a phrase used to describe one symptom, not explain it, and is more accurate within this limited scope.
“Adrenal Fatigue” actually does not explain anything and is possibly the most misleading phrase in health.
Adrenal glands produce stress hormones to help regulate normal levels of daily activity that still count as stress, and higher levels of stress, what we think of as bad stress.
Here are some facts within a systemic and holistic paradigm of understanding.
1. Fatigue does not automatically mean adrenal fatigue or insufficiency.
Adrenal hormones stimulate activity using existing nutrients, somewhat like caffeine. Do you have caffeine insufficiency? Even if you have low hormone levels you need to know why.
2. Hormonal activity is a symptom, not cause.
Low hormones are not the root cause of low energy, more likely the other way around, lower energy for many reasons causes low hormonal activity.
3. Hormones are messengers and regulators, they do not produce energy.
Hormonal glands—adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, ovaries, testes--are small: larger organs produce energy from digestion: the gut, liver, etc.
Energy is mostly created by nutrition relative to toxic load.
Nutrients: minerals, vitamins, macros, sunlight, probiotics. Etc.
Toxins: metals, chemicals, electronic radiation, artificial light at night, mold.
The most important nutrient for you is the one you are most deficient in, your weakest link. The most important deficiency could be the one that more nutrients depend upon as a cofactor for assimilation, like magnesium, the most common deficiency because it has more than 10x the roles of any other nutrient in the body with 1000s of functions. Magnesium deficiency is a root cause helps explains many symptom, working along with all the other nutrients.
4. Brain Commands Hormones:
Adrenals are signaled by pituitary hormones signaled by hypothamalus gland,Regulatory problems are brain problems of overacting to stress or autonomic nervous system dysregulation: Being caught in fight or flight 24/7, feeling threatened, constantly in survival mode, Leading to overactive stress hormones, and then possibly to complete burnout and low hormone levels.
Causes of the brains’ overreaction can be multiple:
- Trapped emotions, unconscious from childhood
- the mind and thoughts
- toxicity, especially mercury and mother metals that can be the cause sensitivities of all kinds like chemicals and EMF
5. Body parts are not Causes
The body does not cause its own problems. Nothing is wrong with the design of the body in the vast majority of cases, it’s environment. Hormonal glands and processes like inflammation and autoimmune reactions are not root causes:
Root causes are from outside the body.
There are 6 possible Root Causes of Fatigue or any Health symptom
- Nutritional deficiency
- Toxicity
- Infection
- Physical misalignments of bone and teeth.
- Emotions
- Stress responses, or an Imbalanced brain, autonomic nervous system dysregulation.
6. The most immediate problem is how the MIND makes decisions about health, like Nutrition:
The first step is Identifying the problem or focus: root causes versus symptoms.
These are paradigm problems: how you think about health, which is usually largely unconscious, and you can’t see that there is another way to look at it.
The medical paradigm sees treats the many symptoms in a fragmented manner from the outside.
The holistic environment and lifestyle (HEAL) paradigm identifies the few root causes in a systematic way so the body can heal itself from the inside.
These are just platitudes until they become habits of thought that good decisions with results.
A sign of the medical paradigm is the mindset of “taking this for that.” “What is your biohack for X?” often has this narrow frame.
Here is how adrenals are treated at 3 paradigm levels:
Medical Paradigm: replace hormones directly from the outside: take cortisol hormone medications
Hybrid: A Foot In Each Paradigm.
Feed adrenal hormones by eating cholesterol, which adrenal and sex hormones are made of as steroidal hormones, cholesterol is a sterol found in saturated animal fat.
This is holistic in the sense of feeding the body naturally to help make its own hormones.
This is medical by focusing on symptoms and making simple correlations and causes to “take this for that.”
Holistic Paradigm
The holistic paradigm does not focus on symptoms or hormones, but focuses on end results like having enough energy to enjoy life and enough energy for the body to heal its many symptoms. It focuses on root cause like all the nutrients needed to produce energy and reduction of toxic exposures that steal energy.
The holistic paradigm would include cholesterol rich foods for the many functions of cholesterol: as a part of all cell membranes, the brain, as neutralizer of toxins and free radicals, and steroidal hormones.
The holistic paradigm does not even just eat cholesterol rich foods “for” cholesterol but for its saturated fats, minerals and vitamins. Some of these fatty foods like raw dairy and eggs also support capabilities to detoxify and boost immunity as well. The broader the spectrum of benefits the more the body can heal itself with less supplementation and micromanagement.
The strategies of these paradigms are not always mutually exclusive. The holistic paradigm can include some strategies from the medical paradigm. But the reverse is not true: most people only think from the medical paradigm and cannot comprehend the holistic paradigm. Complementary or Integrative Medicine is usually a hyrid only because they don’t really understand holistic fully.
7. Deep Stress: How the Mind responds to Stress
Reducing stress and over-stimulated stress hormones to rest and digest is a major concern of people with chronic health issues, especially if they have insomnia not cured by circadian rhythm living: getting morning sun and avoiding electronics and too much light at night.
Some of the reasons for autonomic nervous system dysregulation are emotional and involve stress in daily life.
We all have a negativity bias in that top priority is our threat scan for survival. The fastest way to get a response from someone is to insult them. We have to learn to not respond to negativity, even in our own minds and reactions, to people and environmental sensitivities. We can learn to not overreact and to focus on more positive people and things to do.
The medical approach is medications.
An in between approach that has worked to cure chronic is brain retraining and ANS balancing, there are many such programs. I consider such programs holistic but there are levels of holistic. These programs remove the immediate problem but don’t go to all the root causes or alternative way for humans to create a life. .
The higher level of holistic would be to full incorporate body, mind and spirit, or, as I like to say chemistry, physics and metaphysics. There is now a greater integration of physics and metaphysics or spirituality with quantum physics and the new physics. Everyone is talking about “energy” and “quantum” these days and I am not going to attempt to explain everything, but just make a few points.
It is possible to build off a scientific understanding of the brain to understand meditation and higher levels of healing and being that are an alternative to the survival state in which is more stress focused.
Sometimes there is no material solution to material problems, or at least a better non material solution.
The brain shift is from the animal centers, the reptilian survival brain and amygdala or limbic system, to all the parts of the brain working coherently.. energized through the measurable magnetic energy of the heart and transmitting through the pineal gland, as it is often explained.
There is also reference to the heart as the strongest magnetic field producer, and with reference to love, in connection to a wider field of energy.
There is also reference to the pineal gland which is seen as the communicator with the spiritual realm.
The wider field of “energy” or quantum field has been characterized as plasma that is negatively and positively charged but has not yet formed particles or atoms. This is more wave than particle material and comprises the vast majority of the universe. By connecting to this people can create through positive intention and simply receive healing. peace, and abundance in life.
These are some general themes in the explanation given for a non orthodox spirituality. This is an entire life path that requires much more explanation of concepts and methods, which is a whole other discussion I cannot even get started here on that.
The reason you are not getting the result you want is the way you make decisions. These are some options to explore further.
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