Emotions as Root Cause
The emotional-spiritual can be the most important root cause
it can it can guide you to physical health solutions.
it can it can guide you to physical health solutions.
Emotional stress can weaken the body worse than anything. Stress results also from our reactions to things.
Reactions are based on both the response of the conscious mind and unconscious emotions that drive automatic reactions of the brain. When the brain is continually on alert, afraid, and in reaction, it is called autonomic nervous system dysregulation. This is when the "fight or flight" response is turned on all the time with the mind and muscles being more active that resting, digesting and the immune system. Underneath this is often a "freeze" response of trapped emotions that are unconscious, often from childhood, that interpret the world as unsafe, the self and unlovable or incapable. It is a world of "insecure attachments" says psychologist Gabor Mate. Or it could be some trauma later in life, even just physical, like a car accident. One of the most successful strategies for difficult chronic conditions like chronic fatigue is to address the autonomic nervous system / balance the brain. This is especially appropriate when there are too many symptoms and you don't know where to start or nothing else has worked. I recommend several kinds of things explained in the other pages of this section: 1. The right kinds of active mediation. 2. Physical movement to release tension and stress: Align Spine and Mind and light yoga. 3. Emotional release techniques. I do the Emotion Code. 4. Energy Healings, starting with things that are free on-line. 5. Energized objects that improve the quality of your emotions and energy. |
Free Consultation Tell Me What You Need
Paul Hess, Ph.D.
[email protected] FACEBOOK
I work over Facebook video and phone from Michigan, USA
Paul Hess, Ph.D.
[email protected] FACEBOOK
I work over Facebook video and phone from Michigan, USA