Rejuvenation Results List
More Youthful:
High energy
Sleep well
Digest well
Pain free
Brain works: able to learn new things
Glowing Skin
Wrinkle resistant: able to slow or reverse
Moisturize skin from inside out as a reflection of health, not topical band aids.
Rosy complexion: Good circulation and mood
Smiley face, not permanent scowl.
Darken hair through mineralization
Regrow hair in bald areas
Thicker hair, not dry or greasy.
Body Shape
Not storing fat, using calories for energy
Fat is firmer, not watery, jiggly, saggy
Maintain muscle
Posture held to move efficiently, powerfully and smoothly.
Physical Activity
Can exercise injury free
Less is more: Know how to rest longer between workouts than you did in your 20s.
On rest days to relax: move to circulate, align, relax:
Spinal flexibility
Methods of circulation to the cranium for the brain and nervous system to relax
Lymph and face massage do it yourself.
Sexual Health:
Morning wood is one indicator of testosterone levels
Able to perform
High testosterone for masculinity as calm assertiveness, not estrogenic crabby old man
Capability to detox estrogenic chemicals
Conserving ejaculation
Not sexually addicted instead of enjoying physical and emotional health
Perceiving and receiving the quality of a woman’s heart instead of only seeing hotness even if she’s cold.
Regular cycle
Lack of premenstrual pain
Extending years of fertility
Capability to detox estrogenic chemicals
Stable moods: high hormones that are balanced, including a touch of testosterone,
Feminine, not high testosterone to become masculine, controlling and competitive.
Detox Capability
Toxic exposures are constant from the air and electronics, so even more nutrients are needed to detoxify than in the days of primal living with nature.
Detox is build into the diet for continuous gradual detoxification.
Move to circulate to detoxify: lymph, cerebrospinal fluid and blood.
Detoxification and nutrition are two sides of the same coin.
The brain is the most important organ because it’s how we make decisions about health.
Many people can’t read.
They admit to not even being a full sentence but just scan the sentence for key words.
People often can’t read the instructions of a health protocol they paid dearly for and don’t comprehend what a destructive waste of money and time that is.
Think like an engineer, not academic scientist:
- See how the whole picture works, this takes MUCH more energy that the fragmented science used to sell supplements and “take this for that” symptom.
- Quantify the details: this is operational knowledge customized to the individual for a complete solution.
- Evaluate feedback to improve as scientific experiment. Don’t just mechanically implement with the mind shut-off.
- Integrate body and mind to let your body anticipate how it would feel to eat something.
- Separate cravings that are dysfunctional from a real need.
- Feelings are not body sensations: sometimes feelers need to reflect on their beliefs and stop rationalizing through feelings not to do something or learn something new. It “feels right” to already be right, not admit one does not know.
Eat to energize, detoxify & immunize.
Move to circulate, align, & relax.
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Primal Rejuvenation
enough to make a difference
enough to implement
to individual needs